Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

You can't just read one headline, blog post, or tweet and know what is going on. You have to investigate.

A glance is all you gave it, so your vision of it is all fuzzy and distorted.

Oh shit Mrs Pie is here ! How have you & hubby been , all is well i hope ?

Did that spot on your lawn ever come back in ?
I mention this in response to Panhead stating certain issues (lgbt lifestyle type shit etc) no one really cares about.

Well since you mentioned it what do you think is a more imporant issue , our economy , seeing as socialists want to demolish the existing model & install a socialist model .

Or our sex lives ?

Personally i coundnt care less who fucks who , im 64 & listen to bing crosby records for fun lol .
Im well aware of the differences , oh btw hi pada :)

However i dont think the united states government understands , or will ever be capable of understanding what democtatic socialism is , in america its proven once you give government control of anything they never give it back , and they demand more every day .

The way america is being operated right now is democratic socialism .
The way America is being operated right now is by oligarchy. A small number of people purchase politicians who vote in their interest instead of the American people. They have complete control of it. What Sanders proposes in the way of campaign finance reform, financial institution reform and economic policy specifically is what would shift control back to the poor and middle class
I answered that question in my 1st post to you & i answered it twice , #1 im not a republican , #2 using failed policies by whomever isnt an example of why something else is better ,its a strawman at best .

Now the question i asked was for you to point to any of bernie sanders accomplishments , you pasted in some fluff with social programs that " cost " , im asking for accomplishments that generate revenue & in large amounts .

you haven't answered one of my questions. i don't care what party you vote for. posting bernie's accomplishments is what you asked for and i gave them to you. bernie's campaign has no ties to wall st or big biz, nor does he take contributions from them. he's ran down the leading democratic candidate, who is the best qualified candidate, who also was miles ahead when this started. he also has raised more money than hillary last month with no corp or wall st money. wtf do you want?

i posted the link about trump fucking his daughter

why is it all about money with you?
Well since you mentioned it what do you think is a more imporant issue , our economy , seeing as socialists want to demolish the existing model & install a socialist model .

Or our sex lives ?

Personally i coundnt care less who fucks who , im 64 & listen to bing crosby records for fun lol .
I got a better question....one for everyone....offer some solutions to the problems facing this country
Then why did 170 economists endorse his plan?

It's simply another issue he's miles ahead of everyone else in the running on

Ive read much of that economist report & they leave out alot of very imporant issues , #1 being our GNP getting smaller each year while our population grows , that isnt a 1 trick pony talking point either its the real deal .

Im no fucking donald trump here but most of you know we have employees working for us , currently 31 people , which is small taters i know but it is job creation that helps fund local economies , when the national GNP is getting smaller each year its impossible to base a socialist system around a steadliy shrinking jobs base , thats business 101 type shit right there & its never factored into any of their reforms .
you haven't answered one of my questions. i don't care what party you vote for. posting bernie's accomplishments is what you asked for and i gave them to you. bernie's campaign has no ties to wall st or big biz, nor does he take contributions from them. he's ran down the leading democratic candidate, who is the best qualified candidate, who also was miles ahead when this started. he also has raised more money than hillary last month with no corp or wall st money. wtf do you want?

i posted the link about trump fucking his daughter

why is it all about money with you?

You do realize im talking to 5 of you at once , right ?

The trump link is stupidity & nowhere does he say he wants to fuck one of his kids , that stupidity is out of the way , now back to reality land , you didnt answer my question , infact you dodged it twice now , pasting in a bunch of social reform jibberish that cost tax payers isnt an accomplishment for america , i want to see job growth , income generation , state GNP values , its all about $ with me because who do you think is going to fund your socialist utopia , people laying around rollitup all day ? no , its gonna be men like me who own businesses & by men who work 70 hrs a week .

You just pointed out the main disconnect most neo liberals are currently experiencing , and refuse to understand , without vast wealth there is no tax dollars , without vast tax dollars there is no services , weather you pro or con on the issue is irrelevant , creation of wealth is paramount to paying for the social programs & can not be avoided .
Ive read much of that economist report & they leave out alot of very imporant issues , #1 being our GNP getting smaller each year while our population grows , that isnt a 1 trick pony talking point either its the real deal .

Im no fucking donald trump here but most of you know we have employees working for us , currently 31 people , which is small taters i know but it is job creation that helps fund local economies , when the national GNP is getting smaller each year its impossible to base a socialist system around a steadliy shrinking jobs base , thats business 101 type shit right there & its never factored into any of their reforms .
The problem in the economy is based around demand, nobody disagrees with that. In order to stimulate demand, you have to raise wages. When people have more money, they spend it, that stimulates growth in the economy. Currently, there are not enough people throughout society with enough disposable wealth to generate that growth in the economy. Sanders plan shifts the ability for poor and middle class people to stimulate that growth by increasing wages and investing in training and education.

Every other candidate has no intention of reforming the financial institutions so they can't threaten the global economy again or increasing the political power of the poor and middle class or providing universal health care and education to every American.. Trump's policies are borderline fascism with huge increases to the federal government in spending, Cruz is a religious fundamentalist who want's to rollback abortion legislation and eliminate the department of education, Rubio is an establishment clone that can't think past a prepared statement, none of the other republicans are relevant in the contest. Clinton is the definition of an establishment politician, she get's a large percentage of her campaign contributions from big donors, follows whatever public polls say in order to form her positions and has a questionable voting record during her time in the Senate. Real reform comes with a candidate like Sanders, same old shit comes with any of the rest, some are notably worse than others, but all of them will continue the status quo and no real change will take place with any of them as president.
job creation is created by demand for goods and services not politicians or companies

Thats only partially correct , you left out the main job creation issue which is disposable income of the population , coroporations that retain employees are responsible for generating the disposable income of employees , the more employees earn the more they spend , the more they spend the larger the demand , the larger the demand , the more job growth .
You do realize im talking to 5 of you at once , right ?

The trump link is stupidity & nowhere does he say he wants to fuck one of his kids , that stupidity is out of the way , now back to reality land , you didnt answer my question , infact you dodged it twice now , pasting in a bunch of social reform jibberish that cost tax payers isnt an accomplishment for america , i want to see job growth , income generation , state GNP values , its all about $ with me because who do you think is going to fund your socialist utopia , people laying around rollitup all day ? no , its gonna be men like me who own businesses & by men who work 70 hrs a week .

You just pointed out the main disconnect most neo liberals are currently experiencing , and refuse to understand , without vast wealth there is no tax dollars , without vast tax dollars there is no services , weather you pro or con on the issue is irrelevant , creation of wealth is paramount to paying for the social programs & can not be avoided .

wtf does dating his daughter mean to you? dinner and a fuckin movie?

it's not all $ with me. you have 30 some employees. i had just under 100 big fucking deal. all you post about is your money. again, big fucking deal. there's people on this forum with more. does that make them better than everyone else? more deserving of homes, food, health care than everyone else?

vast corporate wealth you mean? how much are they taxed while they hide profits off shore?

where are you going to get that vast wealth when the job creators, the consumers and their demand for goods and services that ran this economy have been destroyed economically

where's this vast wealth coming from when all the good jobs have moved offshore. who the fuck are gong to be buying all their goods?

top down economics don't work, haven't worked. time to change the paradigm before we're a fucking 3rd world country
Thats only partially correct , you left out the main job creation issue which is disposable income of the population , coroporations that retain employees are responsible for generating the disposable income of employees , the more employees earn the more they spend , the more they spend the larger the demand , the larger the demand , the more job growth .

Yep, so when said corporations downsize and outsource jobs, it hurts the economy.

The huge yawning gap in wages is exactly what's hurting the economy. So why vote for those who promise to make it WORSE?
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Oh man, panhead..you are like uncleBens Michigan cousin. If GE or Boeing or Bank of America can't survive without corporate welfare they should go belly up.. I could run a business making black n white TV's and hire thousands of employees if the government n taxpayer will subsidize me.
Thats only partially correct , you left out the main job creation issue which is disposable income of the population , coroporations that retain employees are responsible for generating the disposable income of employees , the more employees earn the more they spend , the more they spend the larger the demand , the larger the demand , the more job growth .

no shit. where's that happening? wages are going down in america

carrier just announced 1400 jobs going to mexico. how much disposable income are they gonna create now?
The problem in the economy is based around demand, nobody disagrees with that. In order to stimulate demand, you have to raise wages. When people have more money, they spend it, that stimulates growth in the economy. Currently, there are not enough people throughout society with enough disposable wealth to generate that growth in the economy. Sanders plan shifts the ability for poor and middle class people to stimulate that growth by increasing wages and investing in training and education.

Every other candidate has no intention of reforming the financial institutions so they can't threaten the global economy again or increasing the political power of the poor and middle class or providing universal health care and education to every American.. Trump's policies are borderline fascism with huge increases to the federal government in spending, Cruz is a religious fundamentalist who want's to rollback abortion legislation and eliminate the department of education, Rubio is an establishment clone that can't think past a prepared statement, none of the other republicans are relevant in the contest. Clinton is the definition of an establishment politician, she get's a large percentage of her campaign contributions from big donors, follows whatever public polls say in order to form her positions and has a questionable voting record during her time in the Senate. Real reform comes with a candidate like Sanders, same old shit comes with any of the rest, some are notably worse than others, but all of them will continue the status quo and no real change will take place with any of them as president.

Ive watched every last speech for every candidate & all the debates on both sides so im reasonably informed as to bernkes plans , which i find highly flawed , its like putting a band aid on a wound to the bone .

The key to correcting the lack of disposable income in america is #1 stopping the billions in trade deficits , a honda costs $15k in the usa so they sell like crack , a fucking buick costs $100k in china & is a status symbol , it dont cost $70k to ship a buick to china , its trade imbalance & its done on every american product around the globe , raising wages isnt going to make us made goods more affordable overseas it'll have the oposite effect .

#2 WTF is the usa doing giving forigen aid , were flat broke yet we give away billions of dollars , thats the dumbest shit ever , you certianly wouldnt go to your bank , borrow 10grand , then GIVE it to your neighbor ! who the fuck in their right mind does shit like that ! nobody but the usa .

#3 Kill off & defund atleast 25% of federal government , the waste that goes on there is criminal .

Oh & back to an earlier point you made , i believe in giving credit where its due , bernie sanders isnt light yrs ahead on campaign finance reform , thats a donald trump talking point bernie latched onto , and bernies personal campain is 100% financed by special interest groups , no super pacs like Jeb & Hillary but corporate none the less .

I gotta walk my dogs , i'll see all you cats monday after court .
Ive watched every last speech for every candidate & all the debates on both sides so im reasonably informed as to bernkes plans , which i find highly flawed , its like putting a band aid on a wound to the bone .

The key to correcting the lack of disposable income in america is #1 stopping the billions in trade deficits , a honda costs $15k in the usa so they sell like crack , a fucking buick costs $100k in china & is a status symbol , it dont cost $70k to ship a buick to china , its trade imbalance & its done on every american product around the globe , raising wages isnt going to make us made goods more affordable overseas it'll have the oposite effect .

#2 WTF is the usa doing giving forigen aid , were flat broke yet we give away billions of dollars , thats the dumbest shit ever , you certianly wouldnt go to your bank , borrow 10grand , then GIVE it to your neighbor ! who the fuck in their right mind does shit like that ! nobody but the usa .

#3 Kill off & defund atleast 25% of federal government , the waste that goes on there is criminal .

Oh & back to an earlier point you made , i believe in giving credit where its due , bernie sanders isnt light yrs ahead on campaign finance reform , thats a donald trump talking point bernie latched onto , and bernies personal campain is 100% financed by special interest groups , no super pacs like Jeb & Hillary but corporate none the less .

I gotta walk my dogs , i'll see all you cats monday after court .

which candidate are you backing that'll do all that?

good luck on monday man
I think the bigger question should be " how can you not " equate a candidates " personal finincial accomplishments " with their ability to operate the 2nd largest economy in the world , using the example of broke is better why dont we elect Ned the wino for president ? he's made bad finincial choices all his life & has zero ability to make money .

Have you ever saw a broke dick create a single job ? i havent , and bernies own absymal employement record shows he will never create a single job .
Yay we have a different voice to proclaim the wonder and glorious brilliance of all things right wing. Bring it on dude.

As far as your surprisingly poorly thought out idea that all presidents should come from the well heeled business class, can you point out to me a two term president that had been a successful businessman? There was Hoover -- very successful at business, not two terms and not very successful either. Then Truman, who was two term president but a failure at business. Truman is seen as having been a pretty good president. I guess George Bush the first was a successful businessman -- oh wait, he lost to Clinton didn't he? He kind of wrecked the economy didn't he? Seems that your idea that a president should be a wealthy businessman doesn't have a single success story over the past 100 years.

The reason you are wrong is not that rich people are dumb or inept, though some are, its because political leadership takes different skills than business leadership. You must know that, after all, its clear that you proclaim your skill at running a business but I've never heard anything about your mastery of politics. When you aren't getting your ass kicked by a cop that is. Come to think of it, why do you always get your ass kicked by cops? Does low social intelligence, something barely needed in business, have something to do with it? 'Cause I sure see Trump as having a low social intelligence. Then again, narcissists rarely are good at empathy and understanding. Like you, however, they scream bloody murder when somebody steps on their toes.

Edit: some text was removed based upon advice in another post. Apologies if anybody was offended.
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Yay we have a different voice to proclaim the wonder and glorious brilliance of all things right wing. Bring it on dude.

As far as your surprisingly poorly thought out idea that all presidents should come from the well heeled business class, can you point out to me a two term president that had been a successful businessman? There was Hoover -- very successful at business, not two terms and not very successful either. Then Truman, who was two term president but a failure at business. Truman is seen as having been a pretty good president. I guess George Bush the first was a successful businessman -- oh wait, he lost to Clinton didn't he? He kind of wrecked the economy didn't he? Seems that your idea that a president should be a wealthy businessman doesn't have a single success story over the past 100 years.

The reason you are wrong is not that rich people are dumb or inept, though some are, its because political leadership takes different skills than business leadership. You must know that, after all, its clear that you proclaim your skill at running a business but I've never heard anything about your mastery of politics. When you aren't getting your ass kicked by a cop that is. Come to think of it, why do you always get your ass kicked by cops? Does low social intelligence, something barely needed in business, have something to do with it? 'Cause I sure see Trump as having a low social intelligence. Then again, narcissists rarely are the good at empathy and understanding. Like you, however, they scream bloody murder when somebody steps on their toes.

So, let me go through some reasons why I think you suck Trump cock:
Bigoted beliefs regarding Islam
Bigoted beliefs regarding Islam
Bigoted beliefs regarding Islam

Am I anywhere near the mark?

I agreed with everything you wrote- right up to the last paragraph.

He just got back from Syria, where he helped rescue his wife's family.

He's due in court Monday to answer for the fallout from RISKING HIS LIFE FOR MUSLIMS.

@panhead might not be a lefty, but he's no fool and absolutely not the stereotypical right winger.