Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Right to work means right to bust unions, right to shove pay cuts up employees asses, right to replace employees with continuous "temporary workers", right of employers to complain about lack of qualified workers when those workers move on to other areas or careers because of pay cuts and lay offs, right to fuck up the economy and blame workers. The current batch of Republican governors are a canker sore on US democracy.

it also gives them the right to dismiss employees for ANY reason.

i.e. employee-at-will.
I don't understand the economic protectionism for billionaires, anyone who thinks our current system is going to be good for them is a fool. It all goes back to the Chicago University School of Economics, in this country. They've decided that we must struggle, fight and die to stay innovative, and that theory is demonstrably flawed and results in starvation and poverty forever. The establishment agenda exists to serve the billionaires. The billionaires are getting social (socialism! argh!) assistance that individual humans do not, and that is exactly backward. Humans should have more rights than companies, not the other way around.

Look at Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, they are doing fine, better than most.
Walmart at new employee orientations has been known to show how employees can sign up for brodge card food assistance. This is bullshit if you ask me. These mcjobs and this whole new "service" economy......this country is fukt. And dont give me that learn a skill go to school shit....people working these bullsbit wage non union sevice jobs have went to school. Alot of them anyways. Thats all thats out there. People.like the Koch Brothers want to see working poor die off. Believe that. Survival of the most savvy with numbers money and power. This is how it really is. In my world. Reality.

mcd too..its from their HR department on how to budget your money..two full time jobs and SNAP are the suggested norms.

by suggesting SNAP they are shifting the tax burden back on to the very people who rely upon it.

they soooooooo,soooooooo tricky..
All anyone wants in this country is a home , a reliable vehicle, food in the fridge and a decent job with benefits and a retirement plan. And to be left alone doing it. Everyone in my world...thats all. Thats apparently too much now a days. Why and how has this country got to where its at? Fuk you step on you to get mine everyone for themselves mentality? What regular folks want and need i dont think is too much to ask for. I dont give a shit about politicians to be honest. Religion either. None of that shit has done me anything. What happened to this nation?
Politicians crippled our nation to keep us dependent and subservient. That way they can grab more power.

Republicans and Democrats are doing it together.
I don't understand the economic protectionism for billionaires, anyone who thinks our current system is going to be good for them is a fool. It all goes back to the Chicago University School of Economics, in this country. They've decided that we must struggle, fight and die to stay innovative, and that theory is demonstrably flawed and results in starvation and poverty forever. The establishment agenda exists to serve the billionaires. The billionaires are getting social (socialism! argh!) assistance that individual humans do not, and that is exactly backward. Humans should have more rights than companies, not the other way around.

Look at Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, they are doing fine, better than most.

I read an article yesterday that Iceland is very strict on their banking laws and do not hesitate to send bankers to jail.
Corporations bought politicians and then suckered religion into going along with it.

welllllll not exactly..they were already in on it..what is a non-profit church? nothing more than corporate welfare in the name of religion.

that's why 501(c)(3)'s are coveted and take a very long time to get once you file for it.

they are one of the biggest scammers in the nation..that's why they do not belong having a political voice it's the trade off for paying no taxes..they're for abortion, right?..human rights in the form of marriage equality, right?:lol: AND they pay NO taxes..another entity that screams louder..has its own lobby.
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Why did workers have to demand these basics from corporations in the 1900's with organizing? And just what happened to organized workers anyways? Do any of you see a correlation between the decline of organized labor and shit jobs that you have to get on assistance to keep food in your families belly? Why are people working u til they are 70+ years old? Beacause they have to? Why if one in your family getd ralley sick you can lose it all including your home to pay for the medical treatment? Why are bullshit 401k's the new retirment plan? What the fuck happened to this country?

on an actuarial basis, you are better off taking your money at 62..many reasons why..google it.

unfortunately Bernie will be long gone hopefully reformed and more FREE money for me..im going to ask specifically for the dollars @Uncle Ben paid in:lol:
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Why did workers have to demand these basics from corporations in the 1900's with organizing? And just what happened to organized workers anyways? Do any of you see a correlation between the decline of organized labor and shit jobs that you have to get on assistance to keep food in your families belly? Why are people working u til they are 70+ years old? Beacause they have to? Why if one in your family getd ralley sick you can lose it all including your home to pay for the medical treatment? Why are bullshit 401k's the new retirment plan? What the fuck happened to this country?

part of the reason 401ks became the new retirement had to do with reform as so many pensions in the past were not there when employees went to take them stolen by their employers.
Especially for whistle blowing, even though it's 'illegal'.

it's all illegal shit..I did consulting for a company in Texas..had a contract the whole ball of wax..he broke the contract therefore I was entitled to damages outlined in contract as well as unrmployment from the state of Florida so that fucker tried to trash me with the state..and I said to them you realize employers are liars right? and they said yeah..got my unemployment..:lol:
that's because conservatives are the dumbest fucks in history. they keep fighting for a system that they don't participate in nor benefit from. have any conservative policies ever worked? anywhere?

This is red meat for the left wing, but it badly underestimates our enemy- who, just to be clear, is not the Republican party itself, nor the 'gubmint', nor even the Democratic party; the enemy is the cadre of wealthy in this country who feel as if they can buy anything, political control included.

They bought the Republican party AND the established Democratic party (Mrs Clinton's campaign contribution list provides plenty of names and numbers for the curious). Now both parties do what their owners tell them.

So the Right keeps jumping off the cliff and the paid for 'left' holds them back as the voice of reason, meanwhile the entire landscape continually shifts rightward.

Mr Sanders' campaign represents true centrism, it just looks socialist based on what's been offered as political ideology for the last 40 years. He isn't going to nationalize industry, there's no pogrom against materialism, he's just advocating for the rights of the employee and citizen as an essential, solid building block of a strong nation.

Cuz $7.75 isn't a paycheck, it's economic indentured servitude and that's not acceptable in a modern society that purports to care about human rights.
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This is red meat for the left wing, but it bad underestimates our enemy- who, just to be clear, is not the Republican party itself, nor the 'gubmint', nor even the Democratic party; the enemy is the care of wealthy in this country who feel as if they can buy anything, political control included.

They bought the Republican party AND the established Democratic party (Mrs Clinton's campaign contribution list provides names and numbers for the curious). Now both parties do what their owners tell them.

So the Right keeps jumping off the cliff and the paid for 'left' holds them back as the voice of reason, meanwhile the entire landscape continually shifts rightward.

Mr Sanders' campaign represents true centrism, it just looks socialist based on what's been offered as political ideology for the last 40 years. He isn't going to nationalize industry, there's no pogrom against materialism, he's just advocating for the rights of the employee and citizen as an essential, solid building block of a strong nation.

Cuz $7.75 isn't a paycheck, it's economic indentured servitude and that's not acceptable in a modern society that purports to care about human rights.
Well said Stikk....well said.
it also gives them the right to dismiss employees for ANY reason.

i.e. employee-at-will.

In a way, you have endorsed a kind of slavery...or forced relationship.

By alluding to the idea that an employer cannot extricate himself from an employee, by ending the relationship, you have endorsed the idea that an employee has superior rights to the employer as far as deciding IF or when to end their relationship.

Do you also endorse the idea that an employee can never LEAVE or would the right to end a work relationship ONLY be honored if it is the employee?
Lets start with the fact that I stopped cleaning pools nearly 2 years ago.... Oh wait, you are a fucking troll... Want respect? Show me a little...

I am not holding my breath.
You are so misinformed, I worry about the homes you inspect. Fixed it.

Why should I respect somebody that just regurgitates right wing propaganda? Your post regarding Reagan for example where you claim he cut taxes and the economy took off. Reagan didn't cut taxes and he increased spending, so, duh the economy expanded. It was the beginning the accrual of national debt that you so bemoan. Reagan's unfunded spending increases were only eclipsed by Bush jr who not only cut taxes but increased spending.
You are so misinformed, I worry about the homes you inspect. Fixed it.

Why should I respect somebody that just regurgitates right wing propaganda? Your post regarding Reagan for example where you claim he cut taxes and the economy took off. Reagan didn't cut taxes and he increased spending, so, duh the economy expanded. It was the beginning the accrual of national debt that you so bemoan. Reagan's unfunded spending increases were only eclipsed by Bush jr who not only cut taxes but increased spending.
Here's your average Sanders opponent;

Exact same criticisms (more incoherent nationalistic ramblings, but you get the idea..)

"They just want FREE stuff!!!!!!!!!"


No Alex, we want the money we provide in taxes to go towards programs that are proven to actually help the American people, like national health care, education, science and medicine, etc. Instead of no-bid contracts for defense contractors, corporate welfare and the prison industrial complex.

Holy shit, what a radical fucking proposal!