Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

1. Reagan was a serial tax raiser. As governor of California, Reagan “signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state up till then.” Meanwhile, state spending nearly doubled. As president, Reagan “raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office,” including four times in just two years. As former GOP Senator Alan Simpson, who called Reagan “a dear friend,” told NPR, “Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times in his administration — I was there.” “Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes,” said historian Douglas Brinkley, who edited Reagan’s memoir. Reagan the anti-tax zealot is “false mythology,” Brinkley said.

2. Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.” Reagan enacted a major tax cut his first year in office and government revenue dropped off precipitously. Despite the conservative myth that tax cuts somehow increase revenue, the government went deeper into debt and Reagan had to raise taxes just a year after he enacted his tax cut. Despite ten more tax hikes on everything from gasoline to corporate income, Reagan was never able to get the deficit under control.

good idea taking econ 101 from raygun

He cut taxes on the rich and raised them on everyone else. It set off recession then and depression now.

I'd say it's time to try something drastically different.

The republican party isn't stupid and it isn't dissonant and it has not lost its way. Its logic is to continue to be the mouthpiece of big money and it is continuing to work... at the expense of the incomes of the 'other' 99%. Viewed this way, their actions make prefect sense. It's only when their actions are seen in a broader context that they seem so at odds with the proper functioning of a modern society.
All anyone wants in this country is a home , a reliable vehicle, food in the fridge and a decent job with benefits and a retirement plan. And to be left alone doing it. Everyone in my world...thats all. Thats apparently too much now a days. Why and how has this country got to where its at? Fuk you step on you to get mine everyone for themselves mentality? What regular folks want and need i dont think is too much to ask for. I dont give a shit about politicians to be honest. Religion either. None of that shit has done me anything. What happened to this nation?

Corporations bought politicians and then suckered religion into going along with it.
Why did workers have to demand these basics from corporations in the 1900's with organizing? And just what happened to organized workers anyways? Do any of you see a correlation between the decline of organized labor and shit jobs that you have to get on assistance to keep food in your families belly? Why are people working u til they are 70+ years old? Beacause they have to? Why if one in your family getd ralley sick you can lose it all including your home to pay for the medical treatment? Why are bullshit 401k's the new retirment plan? What the fuck happened to this country?
Why did workers have to demand these basics from corporations in the 1900's with organizing? And just what happened to organized workers anyways? Do any of you see a correlation between the decline of organized labor and shit jobs that you have to get on assistance to keep food in your families belly? Why are people working u til they are 70+ years old? Beacause they have to? Why if one in your family getd ralley sick you can lose it all including your home to pay for the medical treatment? Why are bullshit 401k's the new retirment plan? What the fuck happened to this country?

They won, and then their kids stopped fighting. Their grandkids forgot what the fight was for.
Does anyone beleive people at the top like the Koch Brothers and thier ilk sees us with a "herd mentality"? Because if they do (iam convinced) that in and of itself demands immediate action to change it. I truly dont think the top will ever be satisfied with just what they got rite now. They done wore out mexico and china....now they are moving into southeast asian countries like Vietnam to exploit near slave labor. Soon Africa will be next. Something has to change man. Has anyone seen the conditions of Reynosa Mexico? Wow. All the manufacturers are there. Its un fukin real what has happened in the last 20 years.
I rolled a doob the size of my pinky of Blue Petrol and been puffing on it here and there for hours. Iam baked outta my mind. I cant move. Iam laying down. Good night folks. Tap out for me.
idiot, you don't even remember that post. you said a lot more than "us do great!" I responded to everything you said. Yet you just remember one word. Dunce.

Lets start with the fact that I stopped cleaning pools nearly 2 years ago.... Oh wait, you are a fucking troll... Want respect? Show me a little...

I am not holding my breath.
Sure, Bernie does great in states that are 90-95% white. Let's see how well he does in the south. I love how Democrats have super delegates to decide your vote doesn't count, and then decide the party's nominee for you. In the end, the party's establishment will choose who moves on.

and so far it's Bernie..:lol:

and by the by..DWS almost lost her job at the DNC as I have on good authority the board asked for her resignation behind closed doors during her Shillary hissy..'we the people' have now infiltrated more than you'll ever know while you were sleeping..think Trojan horse..teehee:fire:
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Another reason for the lack of quality jobs is that the government cannot institute a policy to buy American or they risk a trade war with other nations in the global economy that are also living beyond their means. The trade war probably is coming anyway because unemployed people of nations will demand that their government do something to protect their jobs and all government can do to keep jobs at home is to allow protectionism.

That happened in the 1930's and it made a bad recession into a long world depression. That now seems to be our future and along with the deflation depression or hyperinflationary depression that is bound to come, it will allow the rise of populist demigods who will convince people that they know who is to blame and that they have all the answers. In other words, we are now repeating the same mistakes of the 30's that led to the nationalist socialistic movements and the start of World War II. It will not be different this time except the stakes for the world will be much higher.

The same mistakes in housing in the US are being made all over again. I do not think this is a good time to invest in residential real estate unless you plan to actually live in the house. The recent climb in values will probably be short lived as this country goes back into the next phase of this depression. Foreign investment speculators who think we are in recovery are once again buying real estate and driving up prices. The percent of Americans owning their own home is actually still falling and have fallen to 1990's home ownership levels. Family income in the United States and hours worked is still falling. The recovery is mostly phony and what recovery there seems to be is really built on the Federal Reserve creating more money and more government borrowing. The recovery is going to speculators in the top one percent. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

If I have a sure message to people who are listening, it is this - Learn to live on an income that is less than half of what you were living on in your good times. Within the decade your income will be far less and/or it will buy far less goods and services. Also prepare for big government trying to manage and run every aspect of people's lives. Certain people are going to think the only way to handle this is through forced government control and then rationing. Do not be surprised if there is civil breakdown and even Balkanization's when the people get fed up. It has already started in some nations. It is going to get much worse than most anyone imagines.

dayumn are you brainwashed..big government..waaaaaaah:cry:..rules...waaaaaaaah:cry:
Hell I support her now and I'm already happily married. I'm just curious how a woman with a husband in the home would need welfare. It's possible, I'm just curious. I also want her to understand that welfare does contribute to the deficit
This is what I meant, constantly running a deficit drives up our debt and driving up our debt makes us vulnerable.

The interest on our debt will eventually cripple us. We need to pay it down. We need a surplus to be able to do that tho.
Another reason for the lack of quality jobs is that the government cannot institute a policy to buy American or they risk a trade war with other nations in the global economy that are also living beyond their means. The trade war probably is coming anyway because unemployed people of nations will demand that their government do something to protect their jobs and all government can do to keep jobs at home is to allow protectionism.

That happened in the 1930's and it made a bad recession into a long world depression. That now seems to be our future and along with the deflation depression or hyperinflationary depression that is bound to come, it will allow the rise of populist demigods who will convince people that they know who is to blame and that they have all the answers. In other words, we are now repeating the same mistakes of the 30's that led to the nationalist socialistic movements and the start of World War II. It will not be different this time except the stakes for the world will be much higher.

The same mistakes in housing in the US are being made all over again. I do not think this is a good time to invest in residential real estate unless you plan to actually live in the house. The recent climb in values will probably be short lived as this country goes back into the next phase of this depression. Foreign investment speculators who think we are in recovery are once again buying real estate and driving up prices. The percent of Americans owning their own home is actually still falling and have fallen to 1990's home ownership levels. Family income in the United States and hours worked is still falling. The recovery is mostly phony and what recovery there seems to be is really built on the Federal Reserve creating more money and more government borrowing. The recovery is going to speculators in the top one percent. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

If I have a sure message to people who are listening, it is this - Learn to live on an income that is less than half of what you were living on in your good times. Within the decade your income will be far less and/or it will buy far less goods and services. Also prepare for big government trying to manage and run every aspect of people's lives. Certain people are going to think the only way to handle this is through forced government control and then rationing. Do not be surprised if there is civil breakdown and even Balkanization's when the people get fed up. It has already started in some nations. It is going to get much worse than most anyone imagines.

how is it you're such an expert on America, Canadian?
That is propagandist nonsense. The economic prosperity of this country is being bled off by the government and wasted for votes... I am not in the mood for this debate tonight, I am gonna go back to working on my company.

P.S. If you are still receiving minimum wage after 6 months then it is time to get off the damn internet and find a new job.


I thought you were leaving?