Best overall breeder... Thoughts ?

Chimera is one of the most respected cannabis genetic experts in the field. Not sure what you're talking about. He is every bit as highly regarded in this realm as Sam, Tom Hill, DJ, or Shanti.
Sam is a joke he brought Skunk #1 to Amsterdam end of story. What has he truly done? Well other than working for GW pharmaceutical's and helping them patent about every extraction method for cannabinoids USA patents so that when the fed reschedules marijuana they have a monopoly on medical marijuana. Do you have the slightest clue what Sativex costs?? Sam didn't do nothing for anyone Skunk #1 would have came out regardless and if he had his way Nevil would not have sold it pure. Thank you Nevil you're a great man!! Sam can get fucked.:bigjoint:

And what has Chimera truely done to be one of the most respected? And genetic expert?? I'm not a Chimera hater I kind of like him as a breeder but I can't think of a single reason to ride his nuts.
the best breeder is s/he who makes fire. i ran jtr for 6 years. few seeds here. few there. imo you take any chucker here. grow out their gear. you'll find fatness. you can breed with fatness. you dont need to go to f10 to make a true breed if your male is a stud whos traits you know pass (or dont pass). i think any f1 chucker with good credentials is as respctable as "insert self serving assholes name here" breeder.

if i buy that same f1 "chuck" from you years later & find something amazing is that not a good breeder? consistency. husbandry (keeping the same parents for years). making high germ seeds. stable. on & on. the canna seed game is wide open. shit look at gg#4. hermi. you got the cut? seems like every breeder does.

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Vigor is or isn't bred into a strain. Liking variation is one thing and that's totally opinion based. My point was that that kind of variation is random hybridization, strains by definition have stability and uniformity. That's why land races and true bred strains end up looking like this.

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The variation isn't as large as you make it seem though...
I grow multiple whole packs, minimum 30 plants of the same strain.

Have you grown any Bodhi Appalachia/Lotus crosses?
They seem pretty damn uniform to me, even the F2's I made were VERY similar.

I just don't have the same experiences you're having.
There is no need to buy more than 2 pack of an IBL, every female will be the same lame plant.
The variation isn't as large as you make it seem though...
I grow multiple whole packs, minimum 30 plants of the same strain.

Have you grown any Bodhi Appalachia/Lotus crosses?
They seem pretty damn uniform to me, even the F2's I made were VERY similar.

I just don't have the same experiences you're having.
There is no need to buy more than 2 pack of an IBL, every female will be the same lame plant.
Every one of those listed has at least one stable strain lol, you plant the beans and they all look like they're supposed to. Bodhi is funny because he'll stabilize with two phenos intentionally. Swerve has some good genetics despite his shit business practices. Ken has GDP. These guys are actually making strains. Some of them just happen to also release the beans produced along the way that are unnecessary or unused for breeding. A lot of these guys sell their stable shit at a higher price tag than their f1s. Which make sense to me.

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Posted page two.

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if a chucker recognizes a male has talent. is that not a good breeder? i think bman's appy male is awesome. all those x's are good. plus b-man breed for dutch passion i thought. its not like he's some new jack let me create a website & validate myself type. b-man's been validated in grow rooms all over.
It's not just Bodhi though, Do I need to name them all?
It's also not just 1 strain that I'm seeing similar structures + healthy variation(smells/flavors mostly).

My point is that what your claiming hasn't been my experience with "pollen chucks"
You really have no clue about what makes a real breeder; especially if you think Swerve makes stable strains...
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It's not just Bodhi though, Do I need to name them all?
It's also not just 1 strain that I'm seeing similar structures + healthy variation(smells/flavors mostly).

My point is that what your claiming hasn't been my experience with "pollen chucks"
You really have no clue about what makes a real breeder; especially if you think Swerve makes stable strains...
I said swerve has fire genetics and that he has at least one stable strain(la Affie and his sfv). You, I think, are having trouble with the definition of pollen chucking, which is a term I do t think I ever used or brought up. The only statement I've made is that there is a difference between a true strain and f1s and that both are important. Bodhi was just a good example because he intentionally breeds specific variations into his strains. At least read through the posts before you start making claims about stuff that has not even been said.

Furthermore, what you are explaining is intentional inbred variation. Intentionally bred in for different and specific traits. You don't have to eliminate all of the variation in breeding, like the bodhi example.

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Personally i think some of the best breeders are ones that know one knows about ,, from under ground seed collective etc ones that work a strain and come up with some fire 5 years in the making todays seed companies are all about money pounding out the seeds etc as well as breeders that have a male and cross it with anything and everything in hopes that one might be a big hit ,,
Its really hard to pin point who would be the best breeder today i mean for many breeders they hone there skills or styles to what ever sells be it Feminized seeds etc
I would say the best breeders will be the ones that own big corporations and labs in the years to come who will indeed modify genes and DNA and bring out the best of the best scientifically speaking you know them billion dollar corporate giants that will throw 10 million in a lab to bring out the best of the best
and eventually make it impossible for breeders to even compete being trademark infringement and a law suit

PlushBerry was all over the place f1

(Purple kush x gsog) f1 not all over the place(tester cross)

Had a very nice plushberry female, had a nice looking purple kush x gsog male....thats it.

Made the seeds (honeybee) put them seeds in soil,found that nice plant..I hit that plant with a male from the same f1 stock......put some of them in soil,found another male,hit him back to the f1 honeybee...
this makes it a bx,no?
this makes it a bx,no?
yes. thats a bx. bx brings out the best in seeds imo. in the case of honeybee look at that male being used to make well more males. that aint no afghani bx. some boring ol bullshit bx, lol. purp kush x gsog sound like some good good. & i honestly love plushberry. thats another i got from a friend going into cups this weekend. when that hit the scene i got lied to 100x. never got shit from the clone fairy but a purp plush hermi banger @ week 4. some guys are worse than breeders. lets talk about all the hacks that flip cuts they never grew. my boy though true pro.
Most clone only strains are better left alone and the bx would only be helpful to make it in seed form or make a male of it. Instead of breeding with gorilla glue and running the risk of watering it down, you should look at the lineage and try to recreate it. When doing a cross some flavors neutralize other flavors, some compliment and enhance and add complexity.
yes. thats a bx. bx brings out the best in seeds imo. in the case of honeybee look at that male being used to make well more males. that aint no afghani bx. some boring ol bullshit bx, lol. purp kush x gsog sound like some good good. & i honestly love plushberry. thats another i got from a friend going into cups this weekend. when that hit the scene i got lied to 100x. never got shit from the clone fairy but a purp plush hermi banger @ week 4. some guys are worse than breeders. lets talk about all the hacks that flip cuts they never grew. my boy though true pro.
Sam the watered down skunkman was a confidential informant that cut deals with the DEA. Sam also watered down and killed road kill skunk. Hey David Watson, why did you rat??? Fuck GW Pharma.
Sam is a joke he brought Skunk #1 to Amsterdam end of story. What has he truly done? Well other than working for GW pharmaceutical's and helping them patent about every extraction method for cannabinoids USA patents so that when the fed reschedules marijuana they have a monopoly on medical marijuana. Do you have the slightest clue what Sativex costs?? Sam didn't do nothing for anyone Skunk #1 would have came out regardless and if he had his way Nevil would not have sold it pure. Thank you Nevil you're a great man!! Sam can get fucked.:bigjoint:

And what has Chimera truely done to be one of the most respected? And genetic expert?? I'm not a Chimera hater I kind of like him as a breeder but I can't think of a single reason to ride his nuts.
Sam the watered down skunkman was a confidential informant that cut deals with the DEA. Sam also watered down and killed road kill skunk. Hey David Watson, why did you rat??? Fuck GW Pharma.
Guy actually claims to have the original road kill Skunk just refuses to sell it. I think it's all bullshit though unless he is waiting on a patent like Robert Clarke his butt buddy has been dreaming about since the 80's. I don't trust either one of them personally the two least respectable breeders imo.
I'm just rambling in with my .95 cents, don't mind me for repeating some points that have surely already been made, or for just rambling.....
I suppose in order to address the O.P's inquiry of 'best breeder out there' one would need to define 'breeder' and in this case specifically, 'cannabis breeder.' I suspect that most breeders of legal agricultural commodities may look in on the world of cannabis breeding and scratch their heads in confusion at what it is we're doing over here. We don't really appear to have much of an oriented goal as far as an agricultural community is concerned other than creating as much 'fire' as possible. But 'fire' isn't really a descriptive term I suspect many breeders of legal commodities apply to their breeding process or the traits they are attempting to refine or stabilize.

I see breeding as the selection, refining and stabilization of desired traits among the offspring. Putting pollen from 'fire' cut A. to 'fire' cut B. and creating a smeared mish-mosh blaze of heavy resin production, heavy terpene profiles and heavy flowers isn't really what I would consider breeding, that would fall into the category of what I'd consider 'pollen chucking.' Especially with how many 'fire' cuts there are out there. If this were the case we'd literally be defining breeders by their geographical location and the amount of 'fire' cuts they have access to, which in many cases is what I believe is defining many of the breeders out there right now. Just because someone lives in California or Oregon and has a buddy with a 10,000 square foot warehouse to open pollinate in that doesn't make anyone a breeder Imo, it makes them an opportunist.

I consider breeding the refining and stabilization of certain traits to the point of no more than 5 and typically less pheno's per pack of 10 seeds with perhaps as many as 7-10 sub-categories of classifications of pheno's per strain. What I mean by this is that if you were looking for a particular pheno from such and such seed stock, if it was 'bred' with intention, you should be able to find that pheno in no more than 2-4 packs. (There appears to perhaps not even be any standardization in our agricultural community that defines what breeding is). I would also consider someone a breeder if they were attempting to eliminate certain traits from the gene pool all together despite attempting to refine certain traits. Perhaps you want mold resistance, or shorter plants but aren't concerned with refining any traits but rather eliminating certain ones.

Also, having massive selections to choose from doesn't make a breeder. That makes a very successful pollen chucker, Imo. But if you ask me, "every successful breeder started out as a pollen chucker, there's no way around it." -Jd Short
I'm just rambling in with my .95 cents, don't mind me for repeating some points that have surely already been made, or for just rambling.....
I suppose in order to address the O.P's inquiry of 'best breeder out there' one would need to define 'breeder' and in this case specifically, 'cannabis breeder.' I suspect that most breeders of legal agricultural commodities may look in on the world of cannabis breeding and scratch their heads in confusion at what it is we're doing over here. We don't really appear to have much of an oriented goal as far as an agricultural community is concerned other than creating as much 'fire' as possible. But 'fire' isn't really a descriptive term I suspect many breeders of legal commodities apply to their breeding process or the traits they are attempting to refine or stabilize.

I see breeding as the selection, refining and stabilization of desired traits among the offspring. Putting pollen from 'fire' cut A. to 'fire' cut B. and creating a smeared mish-mosh blaze of heavy resin production, heavy terpene profiles and heavy flowers isn't really what I would consider breeding, that would fall into the category of what I'd consider 'pollen chucking.' Especially with how many 'fire' cuts there are out there. If this were the case we'd literally be defining breeders by their geographical location and the amount of 'fire' cuts they have access to, which in many cases is what I believe is defining many of the breeders out there right now. Just because someone lives in California or Oregon and has a buddy with a 10,000 square foot warehouse to open pollinate in that doesn't make anyone a breeder Imo, it makes them an opportunist.

I consider breeding the refining and stabilization of certain traits to the point of no more than 5 and typically less pheno's per pack of 10 seeds with perhaps as many as 7-10 sub-categories of classifications of pheno's per strain. What I mean by this is that if you were looking for a particular pheno from such and such seed stock, if it was 'bred' with intention, you should be able to find that pheno in no more than 2-4 packs. (There appears to perhaps not even be any standardization in our agricultural community that defines what breeding is). I would also consider someone a breeder if they were attempting to eliminate certain traits from the gene pool all together despite attempting to refine certain traits. Perhaps you want mold resistance, or shorter plants but aren't concerned with refining any traits but rather eliminating certain ones.

Also, having massive selections to choose from doesn't make a breeder. That makes a very successful pollen chucker, Imo. But if you ask me, "every successful breeder started out as a pollen chucker, there's no way around it." -Jd Short
Boom.......thats it.
Yep, defensive. I just have a hard time taking you seriously. If this was the only thread I had seen you post like this on it'd be one thing. But this is like your daily regimen lol. You should just maybe state your opinions as opinions. And don't post anecdotal evidence on genetics when most of genetics is tried and tested scientifically. Plus tons of research and experimentation by various scientific groups and governments on plant genetics.

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LOL! This is the same guy that makes his family eat Ramen Noodles because he blows his wad on beans he cant afford. Not the brightest bulb.