don't fall for the yearly doctor checkup bullshit!

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Faxing the documents creates the necessary paper trail for them to protect you in a Section 8. If you truly don't think they care, perhaps you should look at finding a doctor that does. We reviewed every update.

Dr. Bob
you and I both know you don't actually spend the time you need to with a patient and how could you for $100
per MMMP it's not required, call the 1800 number.

there is no 1800 number for the mmmp. please stop spreading wrong information.,4601,7-154-72600_72603_51869-358178--,00.html

Medical Marihuana Program Contact Information
The Michigan Medical Marihuana Program is administered by the Bureau of Professional Licensing within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

Mailing Address:

Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Michigan Medical Marihuana Program
PO Box 30083
Lansing, MI 48909

Telephone Number: 517-284-6400

Email Address: [email protected]
you and I both know you don't actually spend the time you need to with a patient and how could you for $100

Well as I said, you can go anywhere you want. My patients were pretty pleased with my service and follow up is all I'll say. We do not charge for follow ups. Never have.

As a side note, looks like we have a resolution to our issue. Stand by for updates on our website.

Dr. Bob
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Just one or two loud ones. Also has nothing to do with the years of service we provided to the community. Our patients have been very supportive and we may have excellent news for them shortly.

Dr. Bob
Are you saying pain management and medical marijuana are incompatible? Or that patients with pain meds shouldn't have medical marijuana? Or are you saying medical marijuana patients shouldn't have pain medicine? Or are you just saying a pain clinic should't write for medical marijuana?

You think we were just a certification clinic? Or a regular medical practice doing certifications? Or are you just clueless in general?

Dr. Bob
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Are any of those other Cert Docs/Centers slinging prescription narcotics as a pain clinic out of the same waiting room?
any dr. I got a cert or renewell from does not write narcotics, they only do mm certs and renewell's and they dont share the info with your primary care dr. unless you sign a release, and they dont make you sign a release!

My mm renewell dr. charged me 150.00 and it comes with a free in person follow up, in person not a skype follow up, they actualy take my blood pressure, and do a hands on follow up,

some one said dr. bob charged 280, and he corrected them and said he charges 180 with a free follow up, but his follow up is a quick skype, no blood pressure, no listening to your lungs! No real questions! It is a fake follow up to make the pt feel better and the dr. to make more $$$$!

Like I said in one of my deleted posts, my pain clinic dr. dont care if you are an mm pt as long as you have an up to date card he will write you rx's, he also talks to me and asks how both work together for me, we actualy talk about the prescriptions and mm use!

Why do I need a follow up from my renewell dr. when I have a pain clinic and a primary care dr. that is ok with me using mm also?

Correction Phaq. We don't skype and haven't in years. I really wish folks would stop speculating about things they don't know, and you have never set foot in my office. I've never even met you in person. You frankly don't have a clue how we do things. Why you feel the need to chime in with this sort of thing is beyond me.

Is your purpose just to make sure my fight with the AG is as hard as possible?

Dr. Bob
I'm going to chime in here. The follow up visits are a very good idea to protect your card.

The law is very specific- The doctor is REQUIRED to have a reasonable expectation that they can provide follow up on your certification. This is to check the efficacy and monitor and clearly makes sense if cannabis is to be viewed as a medication. There is NO LEGAL REQUIREMENT that the patient follows through and does it, but it is strongly recommended.

From a legal aspect as a doctor I simply have to recommend and be available for follow up. From a patient aspect, your chances of a successful section 8 defense are better if you can show you did some sort of follow up with the doctor that certified you. It isn't a fatal flaw in your defense if you do not, but it clearly looks better and improves your odds if you do.

Our approach to this issues is that we recommend follow up of some kind. We do not charge for it, and we strongly encourage it- not because there is danger with cannabis, but because we are able to better show the bonafide relationship if it ever comes to a section 8.

Hundreds of our patients do follow up every month. We have a system that allows them to check in with us on line and we see them for free and write a note in the office. It is a service we provide free of charge to protect our patients and we strong advise them to take advantage of it.

Hope that helps.

Dr. Bob

You wrote that not me! I would take that to mean you do on line check ups!

exuse me for reading your words wrong!
What's next? Was I the second gunman on the grassy knoll?

Dr. Bob

That second gunman is likely the DEA waiting to clean up your Schedule II mess federally after the State's AG misses :bigjoint:

Any federal involvement with that raid on your pain clinic up north last year :confused:
You wrote that not me! I would take that to mean you do on line check ups!

exuse me for reading your words wrong!

On line and skype are different. We do free face to face visits, we also allow patients to do free follow up on line if that works better for them. The point is, patient and doctor touch base.

Again, we don't do skypes, period. Stop 'speculating' what we do and don't do. If you aren't familiar, don't guess.

Dr. Bob
That second gunman is likely the DEA waiting to clean up your Schedule II mess federally after the State's AG misses :bigjoint:

Any federal involvement with that raid on your pain clinic up north last year :confused:

Well, good news. The matter is resolved. I took a hit, but we resolved it today.

The DEA, FBI whatever was never involved, there were no criminal charges, and it is over.

But it is done and we'll be back up and running soon.

There will be a full announcement on our website blog in a few days.

Dr. Bob
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Congratulations, on reconciling your business scenario with the state, Dr. Bob.

Hope this means you can get back to helping certify medical cannabis patients soon. All politics aside, the patients that I've personally known whom have seen you as a patient have only had good things to say about their experience.
there is no 1800 number for the mmmp. please stop spreading wrong information.,4601,7-154-72600_72603_51869-358178--,00.html

Medical Marihuana Program Contact Information
The Michigan Medical Marihuana Program is administered by the Bureau of Professional Licensing within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

Mailing Address:

Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Michigan Medical Marihuana Program
PO Box 30083
Lansing, MI 48909

Telephone Number: 517-284-6400

Email Address: [email protected]
517 whatever the hell don't make a difference buddy
Cannabis patients are fine and the certs were just upheld in court on 2-4-16 confirming the suspension has no bearing on the previously issued cards. Pain management patients are being directed to their primaries.

Dr. Bob
Since this thread is no longer discussing the need for patient follow up, I'll leave. New topics need to be in new threads. I feel the subject of this one has been addressed.

Dr. Bob
Maybe I don't always see the big picture but anyone involved with medical cannabis in Michigan knows that just because someone is targeted by authorities, doesn't mean they are guilty.

I have no dog in this scrap, Bob is not my doctor. But I do know from experience that Dr. Bob has many satisfied medical cannabis patients in Northern Michigan. I have friends and family up there that have gone to him for mmj certification. I know nothing about the details of his other pain clinic business. I'm sure the story will further unfold for me to make a fully informed opinion. Until then I'm not going to change my opinion of him.

Hey GregS, I go to Saginaw for my certification and renewal upon your recommendation and I can say I'm very happy with Dr. Meyer. Thank you for the referral.
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