64 oz cups?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone... I was wondering if any of you had tried to grow in soil using a deep not so wide cup.... Im not sure if you foreigners are familiar with american sodas... but we can get them here in 64oz cups... they measure about 12 inches high and are about 3 inches wide... see the problem is that i have allot of clones... but i dont want to set up my dr120 just yet... i want to use my allready built cabinet with a 400 hps.. the deal is that i cannot fit that many plants... so i wanted to do a semi SOG grow (basicaly just cut off what gets in the way)...

Do you think that this would be enough to house the roots?

thanks in advanced for you suggestions.




Well-Known Member
For a little while they'll be fine...just poke some holes in the bottom for drainage and your good to go.
oh yeah drainage of course... I was just thinking if it would be enough for full grow... I dont want to geth them too big ya know... i grew in DWC before and it didnt seem that the roots got much much bigger than that cup... but then there is dirt in there too.. sooo.. i was just wonderin if anyone had tried it before in a deep narrow bucket..

thx for the reply man.


Well-Known Member
For a complete grow throught o harvest i'd say they'd be no good. Your plants roots will just become root bound, try finding a pot that at least 12"x12".


Well-Known Member
For a complete grow throught o harvest i'd say they'd be no good. Your plants roots will just become root bound, try finding a pot that at least 12"x12".

Damn it man.. your givingme bad vibes...lol.. i was just wishing i guess... its just i didnt want to put up my dr120 as i might be moving soon... damn it :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah im gonna have to try... i dont want to kill any of them right now... i guess i could just stick them outdooors and see if they can finish... i just dont think they will grow that much and i didnt want a small plant.... damn decisions decisions....I figure i can allways transplant later if i see a problem... By they way... what are simptoms of root bound?

Cant seem to get a straight answere... most people i have asked they just say it stunts the growth... what ya think?


Well-Known Member
might want to try less plants. only having a few plants means that you can have more room for soil. more soil=more root space=healthier plants and larger yield. supercrop your plants and LST them for the most tops. you can make one plant take allot of space using a 5 gallon bucket. so I guess that if you are gonna flower at 2" and only have a plant a foot tall then maybe the 64oz cup will work. good luck, kind of interested to see how it goes for you.


Well-Known Member
well they are clones... and they are much bigger than 2 inches.... heres a pic... you can also check them out on my sig....


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone... I was wondering if any of you had tried to grow in soil using a deep not so wide cup.... Im not sure if you foreigners are familiar with american sodas... but we can get them here in 64oz cups... they measure about 12 inches high and are about 3 inches wide... see the problem is that i have allot of clones... but i dont want to set up my dr120 just yet... i want to use my allready built cabinet with a 400 hps.. the deal is that i cannot fit that many plants... so i wanted to do a semi SOG grow (basicaly just cut off what gets in the way)...

Do you think that this would be enough to house the roots?

thanks in advanced for you suggestions.

It could be done if you want to set up a run to waste drip irrigation system, The reason hydro grower can put more plants in less space is because they are supplying water and nutes regularly the plants don't need a large root system, the pots I am using are 6" sq, 7" deep, not much more capacity than that cup, they get watered two times a day. VV


Well-Known Member
I love that people are like, no you cant, or yes you can with ridiculous ideas.

They have had a couple rounds of contests like this. Soil in 16oz cups acually, and the champs were more then able to grow 24 inch plants to harvest in their little cups.

Only limitations to the plant is you, you can selectively alleviate every growth limitation factor if you know what your doing. Your plants will need additional nutrients to take the place of the nutrients provided by soil in the late going, your plants will also beg for oxygen, consider supplementing 02 in the form of oxygenated watering water or h202.

It can be done, and it dosnt have to be crazy, but for small plants grown close together hydro is the way to go specifically because of the oxygen issue.


Well-Known Member
I see thanks allot... do you happen to have alink to these contests?.. I figure if they can grow in such small cups...then these 64oz should work great...

thanks for the response bro..


Well-Known Member
Yes, and if you changed out of soil as a medium you would have a ready hydro grow, similar to what Hole had posted a year or so ago. The simplest is still flood and drain. VV


Well-Known Member
I agree with VV, I personally use flood and drain. with 6" cubes I can grow a plant that yields 1/4 lbs cured. for smaller spaces and to save money, you can go to a hardware store and buy masonary trays (used to mix cement). get some flood and drain pieces from a hydro store or off line and you are good to go. you will need a pump to flood the tray (i use 395 GPH), one to cycle the water in the resivor (165 GPH workes for me) and an air pump with bubble stones to keep the water rich in oxygen.


Well-Known Member
I love that people are like, no you cant, or yes you can with ridiculous ideas.

They have had a couple rounds of contests like this. Soil in 16oz cups acually, and the champs were more then able to grow 24 inch plants to harvest in their little cups.

Only limitations to the plant is you, you can selectively alleviate every growth limitation factor if you know what your doing. Your plants will need additional nutrients to take the place of the nutrients provided by soil in the late going, your plants will also beg for oxygen, consider supplementing 02 in the form of oxygenated watering water or h202.

It can be done, and it dosnt have to be crazy, but for small plants grown close together hydro is the way to go specifically because of the oxygen issue.
I don't think anyone said that it can't be done with that little amount of soil, only that it was not advised. I believe that both homegrownboy and myself wished luck and was curious to see the outcome. anyways, experimenting is great and I have done my fair share of my own ideas; some work and some don't. still use the good ideas and not the good ones, but when someone askes for advice I will give it. not saying that what is say is gods word, or that I am a master grower, cuz I still learn all the time. only throwing out there what I have found to work for myself.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya... i was thinking about doing hydro again.... I just had a bad experience when dioing DWC.... i got root rot due to me water being soo hot... damn it being a noob.... soil seems very easy to me... i have all the tester and all that shit and i was able to figure out hydro... I just didnt want to be spending any more money on this until i get at least what i put in smoking... ya know....

after this years oudoor i should be fine...the wife is allready smiling again lol... i wa thinking ebb and flow... but i feel like we can get bigger crops using the hempy bucket system... not sure what i will do yet... PLus i love daily care for them so the automatic of hydro doesnt really apeal to me.. BUt thanks anyway ....

I was more interested if anyone had ever tried growing in a narrow but deep cup like i want to use....

thanks again all


Well-Known Member
keep us posted with pics. I am curious if you can have a decient yield with a 64oz. only one way to know for sure, and thats to try for your self. only do a few at first incase it dosn't work and if it does then do a gang of em. more power to ya


Well-Known Member
keep us posted with pics. I am curious if you can have a decient yield with a 64oz. only one way to know for sure, and thats to try for your self. only do a few at first incase it dosn't work and if it does then do a gang of em. more power to ya

Thanks man... i just collected my first cup.... i need 7 more... damn thats allot of soda... hehehe... anyway... i have to do this cause of square footage issues.... ill be cloning them anyway so i wont loose anything.... my 6 good ones are outdoors anyway....you know you cant beat the sun..hehehe... this i guess will be the 64oz experiment..

good luck..:peace:


New Member
It can be done with great results. Ive seen grows in 16oz cups giving up .5oz under cfls. Go over to ICMAG.COM and search for DR.BUDGREENGENES. He uses cfls and yields are crazy for micro grows under cfls in soil. No root bound or any of that non sense mentioned by others in your forum.