I've heard Huckabee boarder line endorse Trump on a few occasionsSAY IT AINT SO HUCKY!!!! The Huxter, the Huxtable, the Huxwho? Is also out of the race...
Hopefully he does not go back to producing boring shows for Fox News...
SAY IT AINT SO HUCKY!!!! The Huxter, the Huxtable, the Huxwho? Is also out of the race...
Hopefully he does not go back to producing boring shows for Fox News...
What about Gilmore? I wonder if he is going to back out
Bush, porkchop And kasich are the only sane onesNext losers to face reality
Vermin Supreme remains in the race.....there is still hope for America!!
we get it, none of the white power candidates you love so much have a shot, so the rest left are all vermin to you.
just shut the fuck up already.
WE? Your entourage of sock puppets and sycophants is hardly a brain trust, sir.
Also, you're working the troll too hard...take a deep breath... smile......then let it flow more naturally, Poopy Pants.
Bush, porkchop And kasich are the only sane ones
Porkchop is a dick though
I'm thinking after Rubio wins NH and Trump-Cruz battle for 2nd.. The rest go away..maybe Carson sticks it out but the bottom feeders quit.
Should name this thread losers lounge.
Nobody thinks you are trolling. That would require an IQ above 80. You are trying to troll, but can't, because you suck at it