Well-Known Member
Are you sure he thinks like that? I see him posting all the time in the gavita thread. Totally helping the op out. Cool to watch actually!!!!
see for yourself. dude is a complete fucking racist.
And I didn't say get rid of mosques, I said stop building them.
People nowadays take for granted how many people fought, bled, and died for western civilization, a result of jewish-christian society, and it's downright stupid to think islam fits in.
(note: the reference to "judeo christian society and western civilization" is right out of white supremacy 101^^^)
It's an accepted fact, across the political spectrum in Europe, that multiculturalism failed.
^^^here is more white supremacy talk.
I'm not against the kids from parents from muslim countries in our schools, I'm against anyone telling them anything about islam.
reeducating the children, hitler-style.
Well, actually, I have no problem saying I'm entirely against islam. Any form of it. I'm against religion by itself, but islam is the worst by far and should not be tolerated but outlawed. They are the fascists of this century.
i guess satiuvied doesn't see the irony behind banning a religion and then callim them fascist. LOL