Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Are you sure he thinks like that? I see him posting all the time in the gavita thread. Totally helping the op out. Cool to watch actually!!!!

see for yourself. dude is a complete fucking racist.

And I didn't say get rid of mosques, I said stop building them.

People nowadays take for granted how many people fought, bled, and died for western civilization, a result of jewish-christian society, and it's downright stupid to think islam fits in.

(note: the reference to "judeo christian society and western civilization" is right out of white supremacy 101^^^)

It's an accepted fact, across the political spectrum in Europe, that multiculturalism failed.

^^^here is more white supremacy talk.

I'm not against the kids from parents from muslim countries in our schools, I'm against anyone telling them anything about islam.

reeducating the children, hitler-style.

Well, actually, I have no problem saying I'm entirely against islam. Any form of it. I'm against religion by itself, but islam is the worst by far and should not be tolerated but outlawed. They are the fascists of this century.

i guess satiuvied doesn't see the irony behind banning a religion and then callim them fascist. LOL
see for yourself. dude is a complete fucking racist.

(note: the reference to "judeo christian society and western civilization" is right out of white supremacy 101^^^)

^^^here is more white supremacy talk.

reeducating the children, hitler-style.

i guess satiuvied doesn't see the irony behind banning a religion and then callim them fascist. LOL
Well in all reality people are aloud to have their own views on life, even if some don't agree on them. He seems like friendly guy that enjoys helping people, and thats a great quality to have. Don't you think?
well ,sativied thinks that muslims should be banned from building mosques, or even doing upkeep on existing ones. and that muslim children should be forcible "reeducated". and then he calls me an extremist after spouting off his hitler-esque rhetoric.

so i like to keep up with the guy and see how he's doing from time to time. he pretty much stopped posting altogether after i drew all these bigoted little details out of him.
Awww those poor little muslim children... So we had the strawman, the appeal to emotion, and your wishful-thinking pathetic attempt to repair your broken ego (after I held a mirror in front of your face and you melted down...).

Reeducating is exactly what we do now, teach refugees about the liberties they get, but that they also apply to others regardless of whatever they think Islam dicates. Can't have them going around assaulting and raping women and gay men on a daily basis you know...

You like to keep up with me and I posted less because of you? Ha.... Is that what you told yourself all this time... keep doing that bucky. While you clean your neighbor's pool at a fraction of what I make transparent little punk.

You are factually an extremist and way too simplistic for me to waste any time on refuting your attempts to convince yourself of your wishfulthinking. Have you ever considered the obvious fact people don't reply to you because you're not nearly as special as you think you are... Cry me a river with your stupid black and white nonsense. Trump! :lol:
Well in all reality people are aloud to have their own views on life, even if some don't agree on them. He seems like friendly guy that enjoys helping people, and thats a great quality to have. Don't you think?

he wouldn't be so friendly if he thought you were muslim. that type of racism is an ugly trait to have, wouldn't you agree?
extremist dividing douchebags like yourself

again, which one of us wants to ban a religion, reeducate children, and makes thinly veiled appeals to white supremacist principles?

here is that white supremacy ideology about "judeo christian principles and western civilization" straight from the nation's foremost white supremacy organization, just to cement that nail in the coffin:


We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this site.

First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values.

Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it.

Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.
Hi Ben,
I remember you from other sites. What is your soil mix? Still using a 600 hps?

Howdy! My soil mix is 50/50 organics/inorganics. I'm making a huge batch right now to plant mangos. Don't do indoor growing, only outdoor and not recently. Too many other priorities and interests compared to 15 years ago.
Howdy! My soil mix is 50/50 organics/inorganics. I'm making a huge batch right now to plant mangos. Don't do indoor growing, only outdoor and not recently. Too many other priorities and interests compared to 15 years ago.

Yeh, I remember now you said you were gonna stop growing indoors.
I was hoping that you guys could help me figure out how to top my plants. It seems that I have an alternating leaf pattern. I have attached some pictures. Plus, I have a leaf coming out of the top of the other leaf. I have 7 plants like this, all are clones from the same mom.

Can I top these? If so where do I cut? Or do I have a bigger problem with this leaf pattern?

IMG_20160323_114144.jpg IMG_20160323_114222.jpg IMG_20160323_114240.jpg
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