Jihad, Inc. Not a Religion

What a pile of mind-robbing nonsense. I was hoping the article about Pakistan Sandwiches had some recipes...:lol:
I love that piece at the end about Beards :lol:
It is interesting to note they echo a lot of the same things kooky Christians say, too. Coincidence?
I would like @Uncle Buck to have this complementary copy of Jihad International. He can compare the production values to the skinhead press.

Articles include:

how to choke the the life out of women
how to approach young boys for sex
how to clean the foreskin with goat blood
and other fun party talk

Dude you really hate Islam. You would be wise not to judge all by the actions of some....that is if you were looking to be wise.
In a very real sense, Islam is not quite yet a Religion but, still a War Cult as the Church was before the Reformation. It was the un-reformed Church of Rome that brought to the world, Jews Murdered God, need a Pope or you got no way to talk to God, Burn heretics at the stake, Crusade to take back the Holy Land, and otherwise impositioned and Inquisitioned everyone by force or threat.

1,000,000 marching in Paris today. And at least, there is this call for Reform of Islam to include Plurality.

As the name of the worldview according to which one's religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth, and thus the acknowledgement that at least some truths and true values exist in other religions.

So, I hope you can see my point here. You are not in a Religion, by modern standard unless you accept and allow by law, pluralism.

So, my view is that the Papacy was not a Religion, only a war cult from to the time of Constantine until King Henry VIII formed his War Cult against Rome for the heart of Europe.

And though the Reformation was at it's infancy under Henry, and he hated them and had no hate for Catholics, still that collision of War Cults allowed some breathing room for Protestants that actually bought into the Universal Brotherhood message, in plain view but ignore in the Bible of Rome.

Thus Islam can be Reformed to accept Plurality of Church and state as well as other Faiths. And there will be Blood. Heads will roll. Maybe this is exactly what we are seeing unfold.

Thanks @Hookabelly for pointing me to research this,
Dude you really hate Islam. You would be wise not to judge all by the actions of some....that is if you were looking to be wise.

Didn't I just say it is not Islam. What the fuck is wrong with you apologists. Remove head from nether parts.

Jihad Inc, not a Religion is the thread. WAKE UP!!
What a pile of mind-robbing nonsense. I was hoping the article about Pakistan Sandwiches had some recipes...:lol:
I love that piece at the end about Beards :lol:
It is interesting to note they echo a lot of the same things kooky Christians say, too. Coincidence?

I don't think it is a coincidence. And if you want to read the same kookie shit, read some of the letters home to France during the Crusades.

Fact are somewhat harmless, but Belief is a killer.
Dude you really hate Islam. You would be wise not to judge all by the actions of some....that is if you were looking to be wise.

Well, I can say I certainly find no value in your advice. You have your head in the warm, slick dark, seems to me.
Jihad is an Islamic term referring to a religious duty of Muslims. Your hatred shows guy

No that is just Bullshit. You bow and scrape and miss the point. Jihad has been violent since the beginning. And it still is.

The only one saying this Islam is you and your leftist types. No one is against Islam but it needs reform. It need a Plural view.

Now wake up?
It would be wiser to see things for what they are instead of limiting yourself to boxes and labels.

In a very real sense, Islam is not quite yet a Religion but, still a War Cult...
Over a thousand year ago the wiser folks in europe, jewish and christians, already saw it for what it was too. It seems many don't realize the US is a spin-off of north-west european jewish-christian society. Islam does not fit in. Never has, never will. I'm not against the kids from parents from muslim countries in our schools, I'm against anyone telling them anything about islam.

Freedom of religion was to choose your own flavor of christianity, not to allow a backward religion like islam to degrade western society.

No one is against Islam but it needs reform.
Well, actually, I have no problem saying I'm entirely against islam. Any form of it. I'm against religion by itself, but islam is the worst by far and should not be tolerated but outlawed. They are the fascists of this century.

Does that make me a racists in the US? :roll:

It's like the US is 10-15 years behind in this matter, interesting for a change... the limited choice (blue or red) only makes the polarization more extreme. I don't have to vote a racist party that's against abortion and gay marriage to vote against islam.

The real irony of it all is that the far left think and talk like they do thanks to Hitler...
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I couldn't agree more!
I have Muslim born homey's that would happily slaughter jihadists to protect they Christian friends
Jihad has been violent since the beginning. And it still is.


On July 18, 1984 James Oliver Huberty, who told his wife he hated “children, Mexicans and the United States” opened fire inside the McDonald’s Restaurant in San Ysidro, CA using a Browning P-35 Hi-Power 9mm pistol, Winchester 1200 pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, and an Israeli Military Industries 9mm Carbine (Uzi) – all legally acquired. He killed 21 and injured 19 before he was shot dead by police.

On Aug. 10, 1999 White supremacist Buford O. Furrow, Jr., fired 70 rounds with an Uzi-type submachine-gun inside the lobby of the Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills, CA wounding three children, a teenage counselor and an office worker. He then carjacked a woman’s Toyota at gunpoint, dumped it behind a motel and murdered US Postal Worker Joseph Santos with a Glock 9mm handgun.

On July 27, 2008 Former U.S. Army private, Jim David Atkinsson, who hated Democrats, liberals, African Americans and homosexuals, using a Remington Model 48 12-gauge shotgun, murdered two people and injured seven others inside the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN.

The day after Obama’s inauguration, white supremacist Keith Luke went on a killing spree in Brockton, Massachusetts. His goal was to kill as many Jews, blacks and Hispanics as possible. When questioned by investigators, the deranged gunman who had stockpiled hundreds of rounds of ammunition, proclaimed that he was fighting the extinction of the white race.

A little over a month later, Dannie Baker, a former Republican campaign volunteer shot five Chilean immigrants in Florida. Those who knew him said he was obsessed with the fear that illegal immigrants were taking over the country.

In April of 2009, Richard Popalowski, a white supremacist in Pittsburgh, shot and killed three police officers following a domestic disturbance call. He apparently thought that Obama was part of a government conspiracy to seize all guns, and he feared the government would take his guns away.

Later the same month, a Fort Walton Beach Florida man who thought the Obama administration was conspiring against him, shot and murdered two sheriff’s deputies.

On May 31, 2009 Dr. George Tiller was murdered in his own church by a right-wing “pro- life” gun man who decided to express his belief in the sanctity of human life by executing a medical doctor.

Eleven days later a right-wing white supremacist and Holocaust denier walked into the National Holocaust Museum and killed an African-American security guard. Two weeks later, three Neo-Nazis were arrested for bombing a diversity office in Scottsdale, Arizona.

On April 20, 2010 a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement was arrested after a failed attempt to take over a Tennessee county courthouse.

Exactly one month later, in West Memphis Arkansas, Sovereign citizens Jerry and Joe Kane murdered two police officers before they themselves were shot and killed in the ensuing shoot out with police.

On July 18, 2010 Byron Williams, an angry unemployed man, was arrested by police after they discovered a car full of weapons and ammunition that he had planned to use to kill progressives. He was on his way to the non-profit Tides Foundation Center, a favorite target of vitriol from Glenn Beck’s radio show.

On Jan. 8, 2011 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner killed six people, including a judge and a nine-year old child, and wounded 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), using a 9mm Glock 19 pistol during a public meeting in a supermarket parking lot near Tuscon, AZ.

On Aug. 5, 2012 Wade Michael Page, a 40-year old white supremacist and U.S. Army veteran murdered six people and wounded four others inside a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI with a Springfield XD(M) semi-automatic pistol.
sure does!

really noticing a pattern with you lately.
:lol: You do huh... was it the black James Bond or the putting Russians in a reservation... I always figured you we're a little brighter than the rest of the idiots pretending to have a debate in a politics forum...

We've been having the muslim-debate on all platforms and all levels for decades already and I can only shake my head and frown when I read your posts. You're stuck in the last century. You wouldn't even be taken seriously here with the cliche programmed behavior as it is all to similar to religious extremists.

Ah well, I know you have your own interpretation of racism. It's people like you who make the problem only bigger, the classic polarization you're showing so clearly right now makes a real discussion and solution impossible.
Let me add, that "racist" isn't skewed as much on this side of the pond as it is in your head and still an actual insult and not just something you accuse opponents in a debate of when it suits you. -rep.
Thus Islam can be Reformed to accept Plurality of Church and state as well as other Faiths. And there will be Blood. Heads will roll. Maybe this is exactly what we are seeing unfold.

Thanks @Hookabelly for pointing me to research this,

I don't think it is a coincidence. And if you want to read the same kookie shit, read some of the letters home to France during the Crusades.

Fact are somewhat harmless, but Belief is a killer.

Thanks for keeping at least an open mind to research, (you found Muslims that spoke of living peacefully with non-Muslims)

But then why start this inflammatory thread? You're citing some fringe publication which is like an anti-Christian posting a thread laughing at The Watchtower. (Jehovah Witness publication)
Now you're taking two steps backwards.

I *think* the point you are making is that by pluralistic you mean that any religious group should follow the laws of the land they live in right? On face value I would agree with that statement I guess. For example, Christians who disagree with abortion or capital punishment must still live in a country where it's legal. Any bombing or killing of ppl associated with those groups would be against Christian beliefs.

Am I correct?

I read that some of the larger Muslim communities in other countries are not subject to that country's laws but police themselves. Is this exemption as cut and dried as it sounds? If yes, then THAT I would have a problem with (with ANY group). If you can't abide by the laws of the country you live in then don't live there.

Which reminds me of the case in my state where a Sikh boy was allowed to bring his dagger to school (middle school I think) b/c his beliefs dictated that all Sikh men must wear it, even though the school had expelled kids for far less according to the school's zero tolerance violence policy.