WALMART first it closes the Local mom and pops by coming - Now leaves those towns high and dry!

There has to be some measure of control otherwise it's exploitation, which is pretty much what WalMart is doing. Unless you're all for exploiting other people...

I'm afraid I'm a little confused by your words. Could you please clarify?

You said you weren't for forcing Walmart to do anything....are you for asking them to pay their workers a given wage or for forcing them to pay workers a given wage?
I'm afraid I'm a little confused by your words. Could you please clarify?

You said you weren't for forcing Walmart to do anything....are you for asking them to pay their workers a given wage or for forcing them to pay workers a given wage?

I think they morally should pay their workers a fair wage, just as I think any company should. As I said, otherwise it's exploitation and it seems like you're all okay with exploiting people.
I think they morally should pay their workers a fair wage, just as I think any company should. As I said, otherwise it's exploitation and it seems like you're all okay with exploiting people.

Why does it seem like I'm "all okay with exploiting people" ? I'm a little puzzled by that.

I think Walmart shouldn't exist as a protected government entity, but even if that weren't the case, people should pay others whatever the parties agreed to.
I don't have any empathy for those businesses that went under, they price gouged for a long time n had a nice run.. Ever go into an ace hardware? Home depot- menards- Lowes are half their price.

Even handy Andy went belly up, it happens to everyone..they run their course and get replaced.

Lol you do realize none of those were mom n pops, all are corporate chains, right?
If you dont like walmart then feel free to boycott the establishment and not shop or work there.

Just dont try to make me pay more by demanding higher wages for their workers.
So, they set workers hours based on demand? Isnt that typical?
Bare minimum wage? Isnt that totally legal? And BTW, where does Walmart employ workers at minimum wage? I find this one sort of hard to believe.
Union Bust? So you are in favor of unions, higher wages and thus higher product prices? You demand to pay more? Do you shop at Walmart or do you just want the people who shop there to pay more?
What about the way this government busted up Standard Oil? Was it fair of this government to break them up because they used monopolistic practices to keep competition out? Microsoft was sued for monopolistic practices and eventually lost the suit. Should we have let them completely dominate the PC market because, you know, government interventions are evil?
Amazon nor E-Bay "steals" anyone.

In order for something to be stolen, it must first be owned by somebody else. Nobody owns a consumer in a truly free market.

Though his butchering of the English language was quite apparent, you knew what he meant.

The idea that businesses can "steal" customers from one another is fairly common sense. I suppose toddlers may have a hard time grasping the concept and those with extremely low IQs, but I suspect you know this, and are just giving the "butcher" a hard time.
If you truly want to make a positive change, pay China the 3 trillion we owe them and start putting a fat tariff on all the cheap Chinese imports.. It will force more domestic production.
Walmart sucks, the products are mostly cheap Chinese crap that doesn't last.
Sure, there may be value or savings on some of their products but it's not worth it in the grand scale.

My neighbors kid works at one, they were forced to give a small raise, he got a whopping .25/hr and two weeks later they slashed his 20/hr week down to 10/hrs.

Poor kid couldn't afford to live and had to move back home.

Walmart is a horrible company.
What about the way this government busted up Standard Oil? Was it fair of this government to break them up because they used monopolistic practices to keep competition out? Microsoft was sued for monopolistic practices and eventually lost the suit. Should we have let them completely dominate the PC market because, you know, government interventions are evil?

A monopoly in business can occur two ways I am familiar with. The first and most frequent is enabled by government.

The second is by providing such superior service that consumers acting of their own volition bring their dollars to a given business.

Standard Oil in large part brought lots of value and far cheaper prices to consumers, but did shitty things when enabled by government

The reason Microsoft or any other company comes close to dominating a market is BECAUSE of government, not in spite of it.

If your weren't so afraid of getting your ass handed to you, I could explain how it works.
You know what I mean, shopping online is the shit.. Especially the click n purchase @ amazon..its so fast n easy n cheaper.

Yes, shopping online is often the way to go. I'm happy to have that option as a consumer.

It's part of a free market model too, where people leave feedback, which combined with the features of a competitive market offers a "regulated market" not by government edict, but driven by customer satisfaction instead.
Though his butchering of the English language was quite apparent, you knew what he meant.

The idea that businesses can "steal" customers from one another is fairly common sense. I suppose toddlers may have a hard time grasping the concept and those with extremely low IQs, but I suspect you know this, and are just giving the "butcher" a hard time.

The imprecision of language is often exploited by tyrants like myself.

I merely wanted to point out that in a free market customers aren't "stolen" they are kept thru customer satisfaction, a business model foreign to a coercive government or their cronies.
A small business "running another" out of business is an example of better business practice and free market working.

A GIANT conglomerate empire swooping in and devastating local small business is an example of corporate greed, monopolistic business practices and non-competitive advantages at work.

Two VERY different beasts entirely.

While many people harken for more "regulation" they don't understand that regulation is the cause of much of that in the first place.

I am intrigued by your use of the term "free market" . Have you been reading or did you toss it out there and know that I would come to it like a shark to blood in the water?
If you truly want to make a positive change, pay China the 3 trillion we owe them and start putting a fat tariff on all the cheap Chinese imports.. It will force more domestic production.

The United States government owes the money. If you feel obligated to repay it, you have been duped.

How about I borrow money and give your name as assurance the debt will be that a good idea? Obviously not.

So why is it a good idea when a bunch of people that have appointed themselves your leaders do it?
How about we slash the defense budget by 75% and fix the tax code and pay debts owed.

It's never been a "defense budget" in the first place. It's a money extraction game.

It seems rather contradictory to use threats of force against the people purported to being the defended when seeking funding for "defense" protection.

You see once the "defender" uses a threat of force for his expenses he ceases to be a defender and has assumed a role of thug.

So logically any defense expenditures should be borne by people making a mutual and voluntary choice, wouldn't you say?