WALMART first it closes the Local mom and pops by coming - Now leaves those towns high and dry!

i look at the annual water quality reports, but only because i'm a grower. if not for growing, i'd have never ever looked at one of those reports.

i am on a well so it behooves me to check . but now my folks had theres tested and it was almost toallly PURE ! the fucking town they live in is so rich they use a WHOLE town reverse osmosis sytem and have to add back minelrals at town request ... effing crazy..
Except that a corporation doesnt keep money for a sheer purpose. The profits go into either growing the company and creating more jobs or the profits are distributed to the investors. The company is not an individual.
not true . INC's ARE people ...loo k it up
thats why if i sue walmart for a shopping cart incident i am not sueing sam walton . even though he can gut the company and keep the profits.... what are they worth now?? oh we dont even know cuz they own a few offshore banks with closed books .
your soul must be real thin to not see the injustice here ...
stockpileing is the heart of greed
So more cities can lose stores and be inconvenienced? Sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Walmart tried smaller stores and they didnt work. It is not a charity, it provides lower prices and better selection. Corporate need is to make a profit or go out of business. So essentially the stores were going to go out of business anyway, it was just a matter of time. Mom & Pop can go back and open up the shop again.

They make plenty of profit and the world knows it, you always play the fool to get people riled up but I think you might have a brain in there somewhere skip.
What is any different than a small business running another small business out?

If I could pull it off ethically, I'd run off all my competition. Im not here to wipe someone else's ass and share half the pie. I'll take the TP and the whole pie and leave you crusty assed and hungry.

Business isn't a everyone gets to play city league. Its competitive as can be, and we run the scoreboard up every chance we get because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

It is that thinking that gets the world into all the bullshit we are into now. People who think like that are plagues to humanity. Competition is good but heartless greed leaves the lands barren and the rivers polluted.
They got me, but a year and a half later a home depot opened up about 5 minutes from my aunts I doubt that Ace is still even in business. I hope they went belly up.

I prefer to give my business to local stores but, I agree that it is not always financially feasible. But my local Ace gets a lot of my business.

Went to Walmart Saturday to get a small heat lamp bulb for the dog house. They only had 250w bulbs for $6.49 each. Swung by Ace and found a 2 pack of 125w bulbs for $5.49. And picked up a nice CRTK pocket knife for $17 on 50% clearance.
If I could pull it off ethically, I'd run off all my competition. Im not here to wipe someone else's ass and share half the pie. I'll take the TP and the whole pie and leave you crusty assed and hungry.

yet here you are, keeping two sets of books in order to evade taxes, and still bitter as hell that your business is so flimsy.

sucks to be you.
I don't give a shit if a product costs me 6.99 at the local store and 2.99 at walmart, they can lick my ass clean after I take one of those chili poops before I ever consider going to them first.
While I would contest the adjective "nice" being used for just about any CRTK knife, I feel confident it's inappropriate for one of their $34 offerings. But, I'm a collector of custom made tactical folders, so I'm a bit of a knife snob.

Walmart sucks, for no reason other than the useless idiots they employ.
They are bad. Remind me of a collection of trolls.

I get more useful information from the reviews on Amazon, which is probably why I have Prime deliveries every day. Unfortunately, I'm outside the new one hour Amazon Prime delivery coverage for Raleigh.

With relatively few exceptions, Best Buy and the Apple Store aren't much better. Not much point going in to the brick and mortar locations when you know more about the products than the cashiers walking around in salesman disguises. In their defense, the hapless idiots milling about seem to appreciate the clean-cut, empty headed twits reading them the specs right off the signage and screens they're already eyeballing.
I don't mind a company that makes a profit as long as I don't have to pay for the welfare checks of their employees.If they throw in the added bonus of paying the factory workers a suitable wage that would be a winner in my book too.