Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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GMM- when you say atheist, in your view is there anything aside from the physical / biological in the way of some other energy - call it what you will.

I'm just curious because many say atheist but also have a thought about karma or ESP etc
There are many things that man doesn't understand, and i'd be arrogant and ignorant if I pretended to, what I can safely say, is that there isn't a religion that I identify with.
I like to think of the lichen that live on rock in the artic, struggling to survive each and every day, and for what?
If I were a lichen i'd wanna kill myself, the idea of a life on a rock and living for hundreds of yrs, simply for the WILL TO LIVE.
The power to keep on keeping on is amazing to me, and humans are no exception.
I believe in factual things like science and evolution. Those are easily understandable to me.
Religion is simply not.
The problem with humans is our brains developed enough to where some of us have manifested quite the story...
But under no circumstance do I claim to KNOW...
Which is why i'm faithless.


GMM- when you say atheist, in your view is there anything aside from the physical / biological in the way of some other energy - call it what you will.

I'm just curious because many say atheist but also have a thought about karma or ESP etc
you ever read this book?
I FIRMLY believe everyone on the planet should read this.
DAMN good book.
And good writing style too.
I'm a writer so that shit means something to me.
I feel I know ya enoughth (21).jpg t o say that your personality would probably enjoy the book.
I don't have a religious affiliation at all, however I believe there is a consciousness outside of what we perceive as physical. So not sure if I'd call myself an atheist, agnostic, spiritual, or what. Just curious! Thanks!
I was "born" and indoctrinated as a Christian.
Knowledge led me "astray".
Or the devil, one of the two.
Anyways, i'm closing shop my friend.
Have a good weekend everyone
This view is very interesting, and you are compassionate. Ime, these people share a strange mix of traits; under-educated, ignorant, confident and arrogant. They seek an easy path to form a pseudo self-esteem; our small secret club of enlightened members who put in very little effort know more than all the mainstream educated sheep with their thousands of hours of rigorous study. Even though it's the latter camp's math and theories that have given the world all of it's accomplishments and values that the former camp uses daily. WTF? I view this phenomena as laziness more than mental illness (although now you've got me thinking that laziness IS a form of mental illness). You are absolutely right that using our tools of logic, reason and evidence is usually useless. As Sam Harris states,“If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” I don't participate in an oppositional stance against these folks as much as I used to, especially when learned others are already fighting the good fight. Although their (pseudo) self esteem seems tied to their erroneous beliefs, I'd argue that it's really their self esteem they are protecting rather than their actual beliefs, which are obviously useless. It's not us they are attempting to fool, but themselves. I don't mind these people having these ideas, it's the arrogant, blustery certainty with little to no mettle behind it that bothers me. If they kept it to themselves I'd have no problem, but when they attempt to spread that shit in public forums, it bothers me. Mainly because it is possible to spread that diseased thinking to laymen who don't know any better.

Public ridicule seems to be a great tool for preventing the spread of really bad ideas, to the benefit of everyone. For example, there are people who believe Elvis is still alive, but one rarely hears this belief stated publicly. Why? Because one pays an immediate price for such a declaration. Imagine this belief stated at a job interview, or a first date, or at a party. The person stating this tripe would be openly laughed at, with no real concern of hurting the person's feelings or disrupting their mental state. While this would probably have little chance of effecting the erroneous belief, it keeps it deep in the shadows, away from infecting others. It is fascinating that there is a strong correlation between incompetence and arrogant certainty. It is widely known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. Check it out -

Dunning-Kruger, super interesting. These patterns emerge frequently. Although not always, poor use of grammar is usually the first sign of a poorly constructed argument.
im finding it fukin hilarious tbh and I also believe his arguments should be challenged rather than his person attacked because he holds contrary views, I wanna see a picture of the edge
I don't claim to know what's beyond, what has already been mapped. But, it is likely a vast and cold distance between this atomic center to the next, if there is one.
How does water not spill out of lakes? That is one thing that is a little confusing.

And what about those long range lazer test that showed no curvature?
There is an element of "anything is possible" logic to these flatlanders that I think is very relevant to understanding their psyche. It has become a sort of mental plague in modern times to believe that when the odds are against something, that something is gonna win. Propagated mostly by TV where people are constantly bombarded with "the doctors told me I had 3 months to live. That was 20 years ago..." and miracle based plot-endings where the underdog wins against all odds, i.e. someone becomes famous even though "everyone told me I was never going to make it" etc. This condition should have a name.

oh, well sure, water stays in the lakes because gravity pulls everything towards the center of the earth like a magnet. I don't know about the lazers.
How does water not spill out of lakes? That is one thing that is a little confusing.

And what about those long range lazer test that showed no curvature?
man u need to link that pier reviewed science so we can all see that lasers say the world is flat im hoping im wrong tbh this idea of the edge has me helping my high
I don't claim to know what's beyond, what has already been mapped. But, it is likely a vast and cold distance between this atomic center to the next, if there is one.
Had to reupload video with different audio
Must feel good to talk amongst those who share your view. Not sure how fun it is to come back here and battle. Not sure why you do.
Why dafuq does the moon not rotate like everything else does in the universe?

Gravity is a cool concept and shit. But I still except our moon to rotate just a little bit. But no that fuck never moves.


Am I trolling or just full tarded?
Why dafuq does the moon not rotate like everything else does in the universe?

Gravity is a cool concept and shit. But I still except our moon to rotate just a little bit. But no that fuck never moves.


Am I trolling or just full tarded?
it does spin on its axis man but just 1 revolution per orbit of the earth, lots of interesting anomalies re the moon, its got uneven gravity, its craters are shallow, its rock dates older than the earth...seismic data is a bit weird. it has a circular orbit, it appears exactly the same size as the sun to an observer on earth, then there are pulsars one has an interval of just over a millisecond and lies from earth perspective at one radian from saggitarius A ie the galactic centre, like it was put there
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