Club 600

My swedish friend was the first person I ever seen toast the tobacco first. He used some tin foil rolled around a ciggarette. Heated it up and blew out the cig. Did that until you couldn't see smoke or whatever coming out. What does that do anyways? I couldn't really understand his explanation.

EDIT: Nevermind you answered my question before I asked it. lol
Some people over toast and it tastes real bad. Like burnt tobacco. Haha.
When the smoke coming out of the cigaret no longer stings the eyes it should be nicotine free or atleast its at a low level. Ill see if i can find some better information from somewhere
Dude, that seriously drives me fucking insane. I don't even care anymore... just like 'go ahead, drink your piss and dirt and bubbles and whatever the fuck else is in that water... go ahead'. I've moved to now bringing in a sippy cup filled with water and set it on the edge of the bath. It cuts down the bath water intake by roughly 60%.

And sure, I guess I'm on. Hannah is still thinking about taking a nap... and yeah it's 7:15 and I'm putting my baby down for a nap. Shit goes all to hell when moms gone for the week. Haha... we ate pizza for breakfast too. :P
Having made it to great grand father status I have learned many things first and foremost
is don't even try to apply logic, kids are the most illogical and frustrating little wonders on
the planet God bless them and give us the patients to survive them.

Yup. Trying to put the littlest one down. He is fast asleep until he spends 5 minutes in his cot then all hell breaks loose lol.
BIIIIIIIIG Congrats Whodat. It's been a while now. I hope it was worth the wait x 1,000,000. :)

Any plans as of yet, or just ideas floating around? Number, strains, etc?

Oh I'm just a full time farm hand J. I won't be able to share too many details but I'll have tid bits here and there. All around good opportunity for me I'm really excited.

Been having fun being around my new nephews :-) let my brother handle the bad and ugly lol but vacation is about over I've been gone since Xmas! Couple more weeks I reckon.