Club 600


Well-Known Member

^Dude took LSD at a donal trump rally and wrote about it. Its being compared to gonzo journalism hah

Just a small part of what he wrote:
"“The peak started intensify about 5 minutes (or was it 5 seconds) into his speech. We were sitting on the left side (ground level) about 150 feet away from Mr trump. Got a terrific view of his exquisite hairpiece in person that seemed to have a mind of its own as it was breathing and taking on different forms throughout the whole speech. The visuals were up to par with around 200 ug in my experience, some rare strong street acid, just my luck in this situation. My mind begins to wander as I stop forwarding my conscious attention to his rhetoric and start observing people in the crowd. Started to think about how weird the human race is."

^The entire article is literally some of the best literature i've read in my life. Straight up Hunter S Thompson

"“Protesters in the crowd kept yelling things and were getting dragged out by security. Lol one guy yells ‘TRUMP DID 9/11! open your eyes to the truth’ This is when I realized the opposition is just as idiotic as the supporters. As a country we are digging our own graves. I start to look at myself and fell into a deep state of personal introspection. What was the motive for me taking this action anyway? Why was I here at a trump rally on 2 hits of LSD? Was I searching for some hidden truth by way of chemicals? Or was I here for good fun? I was just as irrational as the others I looked down upon."

Seriously freaking incredible.
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