Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
So I randomly landed a job interview while waiting in line at the checkout in Target last night.

Social skills on point.

Still not sure what the job is exactly...(no, it's not at Target lol)

Guess I'll find out in about an hour an a half. Lmao!


Well-Known Member
nah, handy behind the back...folk in line didnt suspect a thing.
One time my lady and I were at the beach. She was wearing a short skirt and i was wearin basketball shorts. Somehow I managed to pull her skirt up a tiny bit in the back without affecting the front, and pulled the front of my shorts just down around my cock and managed to stick it in her butt standing up. I hugged her around the waist while we walked slowly for about a mile while still inserted. I HOPE that onlookers just thought we were walking while I was hugging her from behind...haha


Well-Known Member
One time my lady and I were at the beach. She was wearing a short skirt and i was wearin basketball shorts. Somehow I managed to pull her skirt up a tiny bit in the back without affecting the front, and pulled the front of my shorts just down around my cock and managed to stick it in her butt standing up. I hugged her around the waist while we walked slowly for about a mile while still inserted. I HOPE that onlookers just thought we were walking while I was hugging her from behind...haha


Well-Known Member
Lmao this bitch I met the other night and talked to about the "job opportunity" is absolutely fucked in the head.

Fucking Amway M.L.M. scammer people lmfao.

How to scam a scammer...hmmm....