The shake hands and make up thread.

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The more I get to know you the more I realize what a strange frame of mind you have. The first time was when I asked if you had kids in reference to my child being threatened by a member. It was obvious to any rational person that I was asking to find out if you could sympathize with the feelings that I might have felt about that threat. Your reaction was to act as if I was going to threaten your child if you answered yes.

Now you are doing it again. My post said that it would not stop because of actions being taken by a member that you are defending. That is present tense. I have seen her pick fights with several new people this week because of actions she is taking. If she continues to do this, there will be more of the same, her ignore list will grow. There will be two types of people here pro-yesssica and anti-yessica. She will tolerate no in between. I have seen the PMs.

I did not threaten you, I merely stated my opinion on the future.

For you to take my post the way you did shows that you are a closed-minded coward. Please report that.
What is she hurting me? Hurting you? What are you scared of? She trusts me pretty well and she hasnt told me of any ruthless or mischievous behaviour shes planning to do to anyone. All she tells me is that people keep harrasing her.....and yup. I can see that.
Are we gonna start name calling again?
Ok I'll start.

Alienwidow, you're a cunt face jerky who keeps strange sleep hours and I miss our early morning chats where I'm starting the day and you're drunkenly finishing yours.

Especially that last one where I was at the gym and you were sooooo wasted.

You're fun! I hope you have a life filled with love and happiness.

id rather not see the members dropping off by the discust they are reading, id rather not see newbs get latched onto and have them believe this site operates as a mental disabilities forum. They need a new place to play. js
Cummon, really? You think that watching four people take cheap shots at a member is better than a member talking about her life? Pleeeease.
the shitnami started when fuckwit came back 15 days hasnt been happening for a year. Only started when she threatened war with me. I retaliated, I owned...and then she became the victim being harrassed on the forum...what a joke..thats why I call you blind bro. BLIND if you didnt see it unfold
Sure it started back up again because yall kiddos fired back up the hate sesh. Duhhh, anyone not in your group can see that.
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