The Official Rap/Hip Hop Thread

These songs go out to all you fake punks your time is getting short your wannabe tough guys are about to get boot fucked in the mouth while your loved ones watch...your fucking done when I see you soon. BOOK IT PUNK.

BIGGIE the best all time pac was a lil punk bitch just like some bums i see here.

These songs go out to all you fake punks your time is getting short your wannabe tough guys are about to get boot fucked in the mouth while your loved ones watch...your fucking done when I see you soon. BOOK IT PUNK.

BIGGIE the best all time pac was a lil punk bitch just like some bums i see here.
Bro, why you so adversarial?
You guys need to check out Big L. The best lyricist I have ever heard in my life. His rhymes and style is insane. Apart from him, I'd basically say that any rapper from the East Side beats all those pretenders from the West. In style, rhythem, rhymes, lyrics and meaning.


Wu Tang Clan is the very embodiment of hip hop. Amazing wordplay and metaphors.

"No question I was speed, for cracks and weed, the combintion made my eyes bleed".