Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Maybe I've grown cynical, but when I hear people brag on their income I flatly call bullshit. Why? People making jack rarely throw that shit in someone's face

When I read this online, it's always someone replying to an arguement, and they bring up the $$$.

Also, I factor in the intelligence of the person presenting themselves as wealthy, and it's clear they're full of shit, not cash.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Maybe I've grown cynical, but when I hear people brag on their income I flatly call bullshit. Why? People making jack rarely throw that shit in someone's face

When I read this online, it's always someone replying to an arguement, and they bring up the $$$.

Also, I factor in the intelligence of the person presenting themselves as wealthy, and it's clear they're full of shit, not cash.
Sorry about your luck. Maybe you can go back to school and work on the resume a little more. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Well that's good!

Maybe they will help you post so you don't appear to be so uneducated.

Hi Rolli,

Just so you know, My kids are wayyyy to busy for that shit. They would wonder what the fuck I was doing here to be honest. They" would" understand the growing weed part of your forum, but here in the politics section they wouldn't last one minute with your partner poopy pants setting the tone. They just simply wouldn't have time to waste on this kind of entertainment. TRUMP!

So anyway I hope you are pacing your self for the next few months, because who the hell knows what is going to happen in politics over the next year. Good luck with your choice. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Hi Rolli,

Just so you know, My kids are wayyyy to busy for that shit. They would wonder what the fuck I was doing here to be honest. They" would" understand the growing weed part of your forum, but here in the politics section they wouldn't last one minute with your partner poopy pants setting the tone. They just simply wouldn't have time to waste on this kind of entertainment. TRUMP!

So anyway I hope you are pacing your self for the next few months, because who the hell knows what is going to happen in politics over the next year. Good luck with your choice. TRUMP!
What would your educated children say about you calling someone poopy pants?

I think they would put you in a home.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The lack of a diploma is the reason you're missing the point.
And your point makes you look like you would shit on the less fortunate because of a piece of paper. I guess you are above all the underprivileged people that don't achieve what you have over a piece of paper. Typical for a liberal democrat to shit on there own to try and prove a point. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
And your point makes you look like you would shit on the less fortunate because of a piece of paper. I guess you are above all the underprivileged people that don't achieve what you have over a piece of paper. Typical for a liberal democrat to shit on there own to try and prove a point. TRUMP!
Are you getting upset ? a person who drops out of high school is not necessarily coming from a place of underprivileged.
Did you also know that I'm a registered Republican.
My vote reflects just how much I care about those less fortunate than me, so my vote has to go to the Dems. This Republican party has gone bat shit crazy.


Well-Known Member
Did you also know that I'm a registered Republican. My vote reflects just how much I care about those less fortunate than me, so my vote has to go to the Dems. This Republican party has gone bat shit crazy.
Holy doughnuts batman, does ANYONE believe this bullshit for even a second? If you're a registered Republican, it shows EXACTLY why the party has gone bat shit crazy...either that or you lost a bet.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck did the Clintons get so wealthy. They weren't wealthy before Bill entered the white house . I just don't trust those people and Bernie is just old man crazy.


Well-Known Member
Holy doughnuts batman, does ANYONE believe this bullshit for even a second? If you're a registered Republican, it shows EXACTLY why the party has gone bat shit crazy...either that or you lost a bet.
I have been Repuke since my days in the military...over time I became more informed, but still enjoy voting in the Repuke primary.
The party went crazy when Cheney took over...went bat shit crazy when Obama won


Well-Known Member
I have been Repuke since my days in the military...over time I became more informed, but still enjoy voting in the Repuke primary.
The party went crazy when Cheney took over...went bat shit crazy when Obama won
I left because they went progressive. Became an Independent and voted for Perot. Watched the pubs lose their figurative Conservative soul (with a few exceptions) ever since. The Tea Party scratched the surface of the lengths we need to go to, but they are way too constrained in their demands for me to join their fucking club.


Well-Known Member
I left because they went progressive. Became an Independent and voted for Perot. Watched the pubs lose their figurative Conservative soul (with a few exceptions) ever since. The Tea Party scratched the surface of the lengths we need to go to, but they are way too constrained in their demands for me to join their fucking club.
The Tea Party is/was one of the problems of the party. I guess you actually enjoyed the likes of Michele Bachmann. Pray the gay away

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Are you getting upset ? a person who drops out of high school is not necessarily coming from a place of underprivileged.
Did you also know that I'm a registered Republican.
My vote reflects just how much I care about those less fortunate than me, so my vote has to go to the Dems. This Republican party has gone bat shit crazy.
I am not up set. I just think its weird that you would shit on someone that isn't as great as you, according to your paper diploma. TRUMP!
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