Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
You think it takes balls to send 18 year old strangers off to get mamed or killed? You liked the Bush era?

No and no.

What kinda balls does the guy running have ? I like a guy that stands his ground, not puts as much as he can from his issues.

My troops wont get maimed because I wont allow the shit strategy that`s happening during the last few conflicts.


Well-Known Member
We shouldn't have a single troop in the Mideast.. I'd close 99% of our bases world wide if I could.

And your reaction time will suffer so when you had to, you couldn`t. Our projection of might keeps canals and choke points safe for passage. But I understand you and we are not that far apart.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
The testosterone level is through the roof there Rambo lighten up

We hired a negotiator, after so many years of war the nation was fed up with war and went out and got that negotiator is simply what I'm saying, his whole demeaner exudes calmness you're not changing a person like that into a Rambo all of a sudden no matter what. Diplomacy is his ideology becuase of who he professor.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The testosterone level is through the roof there Rambo lighten up

We hired a negotiator, after so many years of war the nation was fed up with war and went out and got that negotiator is simply what I'm saying, his whole demeaner exudes calmness you're not changing a person like that into a Rambo all of a sudden no matter what. Diplomacy is his ideology becuase of who he professor.

I think you are confused he is a" community organizer " not a negotiator. He ended up organizing america like it was Chicago. I am surprised he didn't rename the country to the" greater chicago republic".

Law professor ? I wouldn't hire that idiot for jack shit. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
I think you are confused he is a" community organizer " not a negotiator. He ended up organizing america like it was Chicago. I am surprised he didn't rename the country to the" greater chicago republic".

Law professor ? I wouldn't hire that idiot for jack shit. TRUMP!
Not even as a tutor, so that you could obtain that G.E.D. ?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Not even as a tutor, so that you could obtain that G.E.D. ?
What in the fuck would I need a GED for? I am retired and have 6 employee's at the moment paying the bills. I just talked to my son doing 1099's and most of my employee's made over 100k last year. So to me you don't seem very smart pumping that piece of paper like it was gods gift for a good job. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
You guys are arguing with idiots again.

Fortunately Trump is a flash in the pan and he's reaping millions in marketing


Well-Known Member
What in the fuck would I need a GED for? I am retired and have 6 employee's at the moment paying the bills. I just talked to my son doing 1099's and most of my employee's made over 100k last year. So to me you don't seem very smart pumping that piece of paper like it was gods gift for a good job. TRUMP!
and to think how further you could have gone


Well-Known Member
See thats the problem and always has been and to be honest USA's down fall from vietnam to North Korea to recent Iraq they have always under estimated there enemy ..
But when it comes to Russia ,, There scared deep down inside from the nuke armory to there Typhoon class subs that can park off the coast of usa or Akula class you guys got to realize one sub is capable of destroying 1/3 of the world thats one sub holy fuck Eh in A NUCLEAR EVENT
So yes USA is always cautious when it comes to RUSSIA if you consider them a unworthy you already lost the war lol
i mean if you really think about it the bigger gun always wins and it appears Russia has always had it right View attachment 3584672

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Without a diploma I would not have been able to get into the USAF, nor get a degree.
Honestly would you want your child to be a high-school drop out ? Stop with the silly talk fisherman
You are the silly one. My children are well educated so whats your fucking point?
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