Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?


Active Member
Yah I am gonna run her for atleaat 2 weeks before I touch. Not easy I must say I am always itching to do something in my"Lab"
So a little update for today.
I woke up and all the girls are still alive.
They all seem to be a lil perkier today. For the last ide say week or so they have been gettin nothing but ro water cal mag and uc roots.
I must say one thing I did find very very strange is that I calibrated my ppm yesterday before the start and i was at 250.
Well I get home check my ph and ppm on a daily basis and my ppm is at 150. Checked and my ppm meter is reading correctly.
Those this sound odd to you guys?
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Active Member
I am just ecstatic let me tell you if what I am seeing is a sign of things to come I am gonna be one happy camper.
Just getting home and I check my Lab and DAMN. My girls are just in hyper growth. All seem perky just doing their thing. I have taken a pic in normal light so you all can see how healthy they look. The root assist will be ready in just an hour or so at that point I will add 2oz per gallon and do that every 3 days.



Well-Known Member
Hey, just read your thread. If I were you, I would not add anything else to the system. You had a decent case of root rot. The UC roots, which is a sterilizer killed all the pythium. Then your roots recovered, starting growing and absorbing nutes again. That is why they look so good. In your thread I see people talking about teas, and I see you ordered skunk labs which includes rez clear, which is basically the same thing as uc roots. I'm curious about your 'root assist' what is that exactly, a tea? it is not a good idea to run teas in a rdwc system. If you have uc roots in the system, it will kill the tea. It's either one or the other, and teas and rdwc systems do not mix well. Also, did I read correctly that you put a heating blanket under your buckets? If those are in fact heating blankets, they should be removed. You want your water temps at mid 60's, and to be honest, you really need a chiller with a rdwc system. I know people will say you don't, but with an actual rdwc system, you really should have one. Keep an eye on craigslist for one. You are very close to being on total autopilot.
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Active Member
Hey bud
No way would i put heating blankets under my buckets I am trying to grow weed not mushrooms lol ...
And the uc roots has been out of my system for over a week now. I was using it to help my roots get rid of anything I "might" of had. I was using soul synthetics nutes that have organics in them. My original problem was not pethium or any infestation that I could see or smell. the nutes was thick and they were sticking to the roots and I was trying to avoid a problem that was eventually going to happen.
I stopped using my nutes and ran my system with R.O. water cal mag and the uc roots.
Cleaned the system I am now using skunk labs nutes and their root assist tea.
I am not using rez clear or uc roots at all. That would defeat the purpose of the tea.
As for the water temps my temps average from 58 to 66 degrees steadily.
And what you read was i am using water heater blanket to insulate my control and my other 4 buckets in my system........... NO HEAT..... Just insulation.
I did a ton of research on skunk labs and thier products. They design nutes for RDWC so I feel confident I am heading in the right direction


Well-Known Member
Hey bud
No way would i put heating blankets under my buckets I am trying to grow weed not mushrooms lol ...
And the uc roots has been out of my system for over a week now. I was using it to help my roots get rid of anything I "might" of had. I was using soul synthetics nutes that have organics in them. My original problem was not pethium or any infestation that I could see or smell. the nutes was thick and they were sticking to the roots and I was trying to avoid a problem that was eventually going to happen.
I stopped using my nutes and ran my system with R.O. water cal mag and the uc roots.
Cleaned the system I am now using skunk labs nutes and their root assist tea.
I am not using rez clear or uc roots at all. That would defeat the purpose of the tea.
As for the water temps my temps average from 58 to 66 degrees steadily.
And what you read was i am using water heater blanket to insulate my control and my other 4 buckets in my system........... NO HEAT..... Just insulation.
I did a ton of research on skunk labs and thier products. They design nutes for RDWC so I feel confident I am heading in the right direction
I was speed reading your thread lol, so thanks for the clarity. Sounds like you did a great job on clearing up any pathogen issues and have now switched to a proven formula. I went through a similar situation, and cleared everything up with dm zone and h2o2, then switched out to hydroguard. Sounds like the same path, just different products. I'd be interested to see how that sl tea blend works out. I've enjoyed the results of hydroguard, it's clear and doesn't take much, but am always interested in trying new products myself. I was going to run the base line of cultured solutions, including uc roots, but am now interested to see how this goes. My most recent grow was gh micro and bloom + cal mag (ro) and hydroguard. Change out once a week and zero issues, and came out great, but ready for something new. Good luck, can't wait to see what happens.


Active Member
Hey blackforest,good to see you checking in here. I'm running my own home made uc roots. I start my new girls soon, I'll run sterilzed then switch to hydrioguard. How much do you add of hydroguard and how often?

Cruz, can u get a picture if the roots every day or two. Also did u get any pics of roots just before u added the tea?

Girls looks real happy, you have done really well to turn things well done.


Active Member
Thank you. Last grow i wasn't pro active when i saw symptoms of anything. Mostly because I wasnt sure if what and how to do things.
Trying to do things right this time.
I didn't take any pics of before but i will try to take pics every couple of days. Just so hard to hold the plant and take a pic afraid of dropping the plant.... but i will try to take pics starting today.
They are drinking about a gallon every other day. And my ppm is dropping fast.
So they are feeding. The gallon is between all 4 plants
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Well-Known Member
Hey blackforest,good to see you checking in here. I'm running my own home made uc roots. I start my new girls soon, I'll run sterilzed then switch to hydrioguard. How much do you add of hydroguard and how often?

Cruz, can u get a picture if the roots every day or two. Also did u get any pics of roots just before u added the tea?

Girls looks real happy, you have done really well to turn things well done.
I add 2.5ml per gal every week during water change outs


Well-Known Member
i'd watch the amount of hydroguard ( i used to much ) tried it on root rot did not work made plant freak out
WP_000120.jpg switched to the skunklab tea said lets try it made it all the way thew flower now i use it all the time no more root rot
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Well-Known Member
i'd watch the amount of hydroguard ( i used to much ) tried it on root rot did not work made plant freak out
View attachment 3580531 switched to the skunklab tea said lets try it made it all the way thew flower now i use it all the time no more root rot
If you have a current case of root rot, you need to kill it all with something like H2 O2 or bleach then add the Hydroguard Or whatever with a water change out. That seems to work the best.


Well-Known Member
UC Roots is a 0.028% solution of hypchlorous acid. Created via a solution of sodium hypochlorite. There’s been a fair amount of documentation in the hydroponics world about the uses and benefits of sodium hypochlorite. A great write up can be found here: Disinfecting your Hydroponic Solution with Hypochlorite

To make your own 0.028% hypochlorous acid solution from a 12.5% sodium hypchlorite solution by weight (15% by volume), add 7mL per gallon.

12.5% sodium hypochlorite: 7mL/gal (1.86mL/L)


Active Member
Ok update I started the Skunk lab nutes on monday and the root assist on wed.
I must say I am impressed so far. I believe my girls are coming close to being fully recovered. I know they are hungry and eating.
Monday ppm 250
Tuesday ppm 150
Wednesday ppm 105
Thursday ppm 79
Friday ppm 56
Some serious growth has been happening and they are drinking a gallon every other day between the 4 so about a quart each.
Since the root assist I have seen a ton of new root growth. I have included a pic.
The roots look yellow because of the lighting but theu are nice and white except for the very top. all the white roots are new roots.
Happy for your all help couldnt of done it with out you all help.



Active Member
UC Roots is a 0.028% solution of hypchlorous acid. Created via a solution of sodium hypochlorite. There’s been a fair amount of documentation in the hydroponics world about the uses and benefits of sodium hypochlorite. A great write up can be found here: Disinfecting your Hydroponic Solution with Hypochlorite

To make your own 0.028% hypochlorous acid solution from a 12.5% sodium hypchlorite solution by weight (15% by volume), add 7mL per gallon.

12.5% sodium hypochlorite: 7mL/gal (1.86mL/L)
Ive been using Calcium Hydrochlorite to make my own, isnt that the same as using sodium hypchlorite as when they both reach water they become hydochlorous acid solution?


Active Member
Ok update I started the Skunk lab nutes on monday and the root assist on wed.
I must say I am impressed so far. I believe my girls are coming close to being fully recovered. I know they are hungry and eating.
Monday ppm 250
Tuesday ppm 150
Wednesday ppm 105
Thursday ppm 79
Friday ppm 56
Some serious growth has been happening and they are drinking a gallon every other day between the 4 so about a quart each.
Since the root assist I have seen a ton of new root growth. I have included a pic.
The roots look yellow because of the lighting but theu are nice and white except for the very top. all the white roots are new roots.
Happy for your all help couldnt of done it with out you all help.
Wow, a really great transformation.

The brown on the top of the roots looks like a bio film, i believe this is the bennifical bacteria in action.

Remember to keep using the root assist along with the feed program as laid out by skunklabs. You can however look into the DWC section and there is a guide how to make your own benifical bacteria tea. This is a MUCH cheaper option to buying the skunk labs product.

At the moment skunk labs deserves the credit, they have catered a product that's easy to use and well present to their consumer. This is something many hydro companies don't succeed in doing, plus they are modestly priced. Skunk Labs 5/5


Well-Known Member
Ive been using Calcium Hydrochlorite to make my own, isnt that the same as using sodium hypchlorite as when they both reach water they become hydochlorous acid solution?
Yes, you are correct. Sodium Hypochlorite is just a little easier to come by is all if you are using a dry powder.


Active Member
I agree with your comment on skunk labs 5/5 absolutely.
I must say for only a week of use my girls are responding extremely well. New rapid root growth. Leaves are healthy and no signs of deficiencies.
What I like are the res change charts. The numbers seem to be right for my grow. My girls havent been happier.
I am going to keep with their schedule and try to follow to the T.
So your saying when you top off you are adding nutes?
I was topping off with just R.O water and cal mag and ph'ing


Active Member
Keep a record of the PPM and PH, then when your topping off you can determine whats needed. The key is not to go crazy, 'less is more in DWC' always keep a record and adjust slowly. Especially when adding ph etc, always in diluted form.

Treat the system like a controlled warzone, dont let nothing enter unless your sure what its capabilities and what it contains.