I didn't assume your fluent languages where anything.
You have no idea what I know and what I don't know and it's irrelevant what languages are spoken in Spain.
It doesn't change the fact you are using a french derived word that is obviously not culturally prevalent!
And now here she goes, can't back her shit up objectivley so has tro start with the Ad Hominem, the sign of a weak mind!
I don't need bigger pots to grow monster plants, I have the skills needed.
The rest of my harvest is in the tent flowering, the reason why I only show 1 plant (2 if you look back and pay attention, there's 1 cola putting 3L bottles out) and not a conopy is because I'm growing plants round vertical bare bulbs, I don't have a canopy.
I have 29 plants in 3 tents over 2 floors of my house, scared of fuck all me, I've done my stint in Armley Cat A before now.
And you obviously don't have a clue about our cannabis laws, we can have 8 plants as big as you like and not even go to court.
We can get caught with 16-20 monsters and only get a fine with cummunity service.
You think I'm picking on you!?
Lol, typical fucking entitled feminist comment.
I'm not picking on you, I'm calling out your bullshit and you have no response without getting stupid.
My Mrs would call you out just as much as me, she hates superficial hollow women that play the victim and pretend.
Give the fairer sex a bad name they do, playing on that 'gentle woman' ideology.
Women battled for equal rights, not preferential rights, or the right to be held on a pedestal by men for fear of them being labelled a bigot.
You can stand up for your actions just like anybody else.