Well-Known Member
rda is gonna dog walk McGregor .... I got dos anjos by submission
rda is gonna dog walk McGregor .... I got dos anjos by submission
I thought for sure rda was on roids but he must not with all the new testing going on.For sure. Dos Anjos is goin to destroy mcgaygor and I cant wait to see all of mcgaygors nut hugging bandwagon fans crying like little punks after he gets whooped.
McGregor has heavier hands then pettis but Showtime has heavier and flashier kicksSuprised mcgregor wants to jump right into dos anjos, atleast take a couple warm up fights, but if your depending on a 1 hit ko I guess it don't matter, what's mcgregor gonna do when dos anjos walks through his left hand like he did with Pettis, sure mcgregor hits harder but anjos can take a shot pretty good
Machida has better footwork and is harder to hit
This is a good video that shows how technical Dominic Cruz is
Is this you in the video?For sure. Dos Anjos is goin to destroy mcgaygor and I cant wait to see all of mcgaygors nut hugging bandwagon fans crying like little punks after he gets whooped.