My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
I completly agree powhite~!!

So greenie you get a chance to try those papers?
Not yet, smoked up most of the 8th I had over the last two days. Me and my gal smoke like there is no tomorrow. I'll try them out when I re-up in a few days. They smell real good!



Well-Known Member
I got those at the cannibus cup last year.. never tried em... I got like 80 diffrent types of new papers there.. they where giving shit like that away left and right.


Well-Known Member
Ive been twice, but probably wont go back for the cup.. Its fun but I like amsterdam when it is not so crowded with all the cup stuff.


Well-Known Member
Im planning on being there for april 20th... but Im going to try and wait and see if there is going to be a good playing there around that time. Ill center my trip around that if I can find one... saw redman there, kotten mouth kings... (not a huge fan of theirs though) and some other good bands! last year willie played on the 20th, Im really hoping that he will do that again!


Well-Known Member
I'm really out of the loop... gettin' old. :-( There was nothing like Cannabis Cup, no out in the open weed smokin' places, no events like Hempfest, when I was younger. Now that these places exist, I'm so bogged down with earning a living I can't afford to go. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm really out of the loop... gettin' old. :-( There was nothing like Cannabis Cup, no out in the open weed smokin' places, no events like Hempfest, when I was younger. Now that these places exist, I'm so bogged down with earning a living I can't afford to go. :rolleyes:
shame of it is, I could never have afforded to do anything like that when I was younger and could actually tolirate the abuse I give my over there... But I still have a hard time putting the cash together to make the trip, but I plan year round for each trip... plus single no kids my money is all mine!!! muah ha ha


Well-Known Member
Ahhh! I don't feel too bad then. lol The only bummer about going to those places is not being able to bring home pockets full of bud. lol I can remember when getting on a plane with smoke was no big deal at all.


Well-Known Member
I hadnt seen it.. but to be honest I would have just ignored it!! THere is so much bull shit hating going on here and other sites right now.. People want hate, I take away there fuel by str8 ignoring them!! I just want to grow dank!!!! Making freinds along the way is a huge plus! but all this other bs is about to chase me right offline! stick with the books... I think I get better help here but...... Sorry for the lil mini rant.. Ive been reading some threads here and at another site that have me a lil frustrated!
Im gonna chill and pack a bowl, cause I really need to get over it!! lol
and herein is the reason i mostly lurk a few choice threads.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
oooo hot house sporting the ELITE... your a bigdog at riu now...congrade'
just busting your ball's good kid...


Well-Known Member
nah IM going to wait until have the setup done. I want to run a lot of temp test and that sort of thing before I actualy start.. soooo I dont wanna have a seedling force me to start if I find I want more time to perfect the room.