My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
That's settled then, the blow-up bed it is. Now... just have to figure out the venting problem and we'll be all set.

It's not too bad in here with only two plants, however, 6 will be a problem. I hate to have to limit myself to the less stinky varieties. ;-) I really want to grow some Soma A+ if I can get my hands on some seeds/clones. I have a couple of grower friends that I'm going to see if they might have some.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
hey bfq, did ya get to see my weights? I dont remember...
To save me going back and catching up can I be lazy and ask, what were your weights?
I saw the pics when you chopped them but not your dried weight or comparison to wet ie % weight-loss.
Just updated mine, I will hopefully be harvesting next week.


Well-Known Member
Yo houthouse, my "shit" came in today. Thanks for that bro, much appreciated! Those papers, are those meant to wrap your herb up in or do you roll them in a regular paper, then roll those around that. I'm assuming it's the first.



Well-Known Member
Yo houthouse, my "shit" came in today. Thanks for that bro, much appreciated! Those papers, are those meant to wrap your herb up in or do you roll them in a regular paper, then roll those around that. I'm assuming it's the first.

Good man! Im looking forward to seeing ya get your shit back!!


Well-Known Member
here ya go Bmad!

Ok the weights are in!!!

I weighed all this up on my tripple beam, just to much for my lil digi!

ok plant one, I refered to as abused

9 days curing -- 122.0 grams

plant two I called spice

8 days curing -- 130.5

and plant three, I called cheese (because of smell not genetics)

19 hours curing --194.5 grams

total from first grow of 3 plants 447.0 grams!

Ok so I know the weights will shrink a bit but I am super surprised at the weights even with that in mind! The cheese is smelling incredible and got me and 3 heavy smoking freinds VERY high while we where weighing it up. and long lasting! Even tasted great when the other plants had a grassy taste first hours into cure. one proud rookie! Cant wait to this again!

kiss-assI kiss the ass of riu and the tlb for getting me here!! I play a good robot!



Well-Known Member
still curing btw! What are the ideal temps and humidity in the room for cure... I would check the faq but I think the are still down..


Well-Known Member
still curing btw! What are the ideal temps and humidity in the room for cure... I would check the faq but I think the are still down..
Let them dry SLOW! Ideal environment would be between 65 and 75 degrees F*. Humidity some where in between 45 and 55 percent. Dry to fast, you get stuck with the hay taste. Temps get to low and humidity usually rises, then you have to worry about mold.


I would let nature do it's thing - don't use anything to help dry them faster. Just get your temps and humidity levels stable and you will be fine.



Well-Known Member
Man, you see what this asshole said on blue cheeseys log?

doctorD said:
Why is it that people on here are full of shit? You know as well as I that your plants look like shit. You made tons of mistakes that I hope you will learn from, But to have post after post saying they look great is just fucking wrong. Who are these people. Have you never seen a marijuana mag? do they look anything like the plants you see in the mag? no they sure dont. I dont mean to rip on you for your skills. We all start someplace. You will only bet better with each grow. But to all the posters that think you are an awsome grower, come on really? He has tons to fix B4 they "look great".
Grow on dude and if you want to see what plants should look like click the link in my sig.
What an arrogant ass!


Well-Known Member
Yea, looks good to me considering all the shit it went through. Fuck that guy! I hope his next grow gets herpes.



Well-Known Member
You work'in today HH ??
Im still oncall but only had one so far... at fucking 7 am!!! Hopefully it will be slow, we have fla weather comming though as I speak!!

Man, you see what this asshole said on blue cheeseys log?

What an arrogant ass!

I hadnt seen it.. but to be honest I would have just ignored it!! THere is so much bull shit hating going on here and other sites right now.. People want hate, I take away there fuel by str8 ignoring them!! I just want to grow dank!!!! Making freinds along the way is a huge plus! but all this other bs is about to chase me right offline! stick with the books... I think I get better help here but...... Sorry for the lil mini rant.. Ive been reading some threads here and at another site that have me a lil frustrated!
Im gonna chill and pack a bowl, cause I really need to get over it!! lol


Well-Known Member
True I usually do that to, but that shit shouldn't be tolerated here. If I was an admin, I'd ban that guy faster then he can say COCK SUCKER. I pretty much said what I said cos he took a shot at ALL of us. Oh well, guess we can all move on.



Well-Known Member
There are people on forums who make it their life goal to make other people miserable. They majored in button pushing I think. Fastest way to suck the wind out of their sails is to ignore them completely.


Well-Known Member
True I usually do that to, but that shit shouldn't be tolerated here. If I was an admin, I'd ban that guy faster then he can say COCK SUCKER. I pretty much said what I said cos he took a shot at ALL of us. Oh well, guess we can all move on.

Yea I neg repped him for it.. but not gonna give him any fuel for a comeback. after that jason thread I got a bad taste for all that.