Hawaii Growers

It's almost 4 here. thought you guys are 3 hrs back . should make you around 1 am ? I have this thing and normally wake up around 2-3. . old wheel watch days and generally when growing outdoors for guard duty. oh plus I passed out at 8 this evening. lol

We're only 2 hours behind from fall to spring. 3 hours behind from spring to fall. We don't have daylight savings time.

How long do you stay up when you get up? When I eventually do fall asleep I'm out for the rest of the night.... WWIII wouldn't wake me up, ha ha. I got you guard duty part for outdoor growing, but what are "wheel watch days"?

I'm off to bed. TTYL later brah and have a good rest of your morning/night :)
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It's almost 4 here. thought you guys are 3 hrs back . should make you around 1 am ? I have this thing and normally wake up around 2-3. . old wheel watch days and generally when growing outdoors for guard duty. oh plus I passed out at 8 this evening. lol
You sound like me with those 2-3AM mornings daily. Wake ups that is
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We're only 2 hours behind from fall to spring. 3 hours behind from spring to fall. We don't have daylight savings time.

How long do you stay up when you get up? When I eventually do fall asleep I'm out for the rest of the night.... WWIII wouldn't wake me up, ha ha. I got you guard duty part for outdoor growing, but what are "wheel watch days"?

I'm off to bed. TTYL later brah and have a good rest of your morning/night :)

Oh ok. yea CA is like the only state that has daylight savings . lol I usually only stay awake for an hour or two or until I run out of things to post or read or the Australians or Asian quits talking to me.. I worked on a fishing boat half of my career. someone was always awake, driving or not. My wheel watch time was from 2-4. for about 10 years.
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Asleep at 9 or 930 awake btwn 2-330 daily and Im used to working 12 hr shifts where it goes from night to day or vice versa 1/2 way in (14 days)
Look for heavy leaning sativa strains for the most part If you want something that should do really well on the island. Ace seeds and Cannabiogen have lots of sativa strains that will be able to handle the humidity and rain. South East Asian strains like Thai strains will handle well , but they take a long time to finish flowering so maybe look into a cross. I know Ace's website gives info on mold resistance for their strains. There's other breeders with sativa strains that should do well there too. If you find something you think you'd like you can check in here to get some feedback.
Thanks bro I'll look into it. The whole episode is going to be an adventure. Unfortunately cannabis education is about as low as it gets on the 'cannibal islands' as they were once known, its very illegal and so I'll be doing some guerrilla growing. Where I'm going to be based on the island has no electricity or running water, real basic living, so everything will be generator and solar panel which will bring its own challenges as regards to drying discreetly. Ill post some pics if anyone is interested and give some updates on growing a couple plants in challenging conditions. Hopefully ill introduce some new strains to the island which will mix up the gene pull. What they have there is of poor quality as its almost impossible for the locals to dry it as they have very limited use of electricity, if at all. Thanks again buddy.
Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas.
I couldn't believe this 1 gen clone. Set out Nov 9 and chopped on Dec 24. That's 46 days!

And I found the purple pheno again after much experimentation. She smells just like the powdered grape kool-aid. I hope she tastes as sweet! I was lucky to get a couple of cuttings to root after she started to flower!
Thanks bro I'll look into it. The whole episode is going to be an adventure. Unfortunately cannabis education is about as low as it gets on the 'cannibal islands' as they were once known, its very illegal and so I'll be doing some guerrilla growing. Where I'm going to be based on the island has no electricity or running water, real basic living, so everything will be generator and solar panel which will bring its own challenges as regards to drying discreetly. Ill post some pics if anyone is interested and give some updates on growing a couple plants in challenging conditions. Hopefully ill introduce some new strains to the island which will mix up the gene pull. What they have there is of poor quality as its almost impossible for the locals to dry it as they have very limited use of electricity, if at all. Thanks again buddy.
I'd be interested in seeing some updates
Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas.
I couldn't believe this 1 gen clone. Set out Nov 9 and chopped on Dec 24. That's 46 days!
View attachment 3573133

And I found the purple pheno again after much experimentation. She smells just like the powdered grape kool-aid. I hope she tastes as sweet! I was lucky to get a couple of cuttings to root after she started to flower!
View attachment 3573130
Looking good baddah :)
Happy New Year Boyz!

Hey @rikdabrick - my daughter just got offered a killer position on Maui. Looks like she is headed back!

Happy new year Mo'!

I must have missed the memo that your daughter left. I've been wondering when you guys were going to come over and visit her for the winter, ha ha. Anyway, that's cool. I hope she's stoked. And now you've got a good excuse to come visit too :)
Happy new year Rik!

She got e-coli after swimming in a Hana river. Came home to visit and spiked a 107 fever. She was in the hospital for four days on IV antibiotics.

Decided to move back home. Now she is moving back to Maui in the spring! Her car still has Hawaii plates!
Happy new year Rik!

She got e-coli after swimming in a Hana river. Came home to visit and spiked a 107 fever. She was in the hospital for four days on IV antibiotics.

Decided to move back home. Now she is moving back to Maui in the spring! Her car still has Hawaii plates!
Well, you don't hear that everyday. That's pretty crazy. Well I'm glad she's recovered and on her way back, that's very cool. And maybe she can hold out with the Hawaii plates until she gets back here; it'll save her a couple trips to the DMV :)
The new DMV is really nice though. Way better than here.
Especially if you mean the Kihei DMV; there's never anybody there. The Kahului one isn't bad at all either. The Upcountry one can get pretty packed out though. So when are you coming back to help your daughter move in?
Especially if you mean the Kihei DMV; there's never anybody there. The Kahului one isn't bad at all either. The Upcountry one can get pretty packed out though. So when are you coming back to help your daughter move in?
Hey rik does hawaii recognize other state recs? Like cali? Lols. Wanna make sure I have no problems at the airports and stuff.
Hey rik does hawaii recognize other state recs? Like cali? Lols. Wanna make sure I have no problems at the airports and stuff.
Hawaii didn't recognize out of state cards, but that might have changed on Jan. 2nd, I'll have to check it out.

Last time I flew I had some oil and a couple hits of L in my carry on and TSA guys brought a dog down the line of people to sniff all the bags. I was pretty sure it was a bomb dog and I was right, but it was still tough on the blood pressure, ha ha.
I have the garden all stagerd right now so there's pretty much something ready at least every other week. How about you?
Thats the model I am after, when things are running. Back to work in a week or so, so that means I can get this tent up and running pretty soon.