This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

Its not a zero sum game, I side with the government when they act accordingly.. Like in this instance, I detest poachers and shit kickers who think they can shoot whatever animals they feel like. The arson was bad, its what happens when morons start fires with no regard to anything or anyone. The poaching is worse but both scream narcissism and the federal loans scream hypocrisy.
You seem to be screaming also... Did you read this? You seem to have concocted your own story.
Hahaha Excellent UncleBuck! So true!!! Even though we may at times find it Necessary to Stand our Ground but it does Not ever give us the Right to attack first Offend first! We must defend and protect. Restore Order and Peace. Justice and Liberty.

Not Rioting! Which Only causes death and destruction!

Democracy is the Rule of the Mob. And the spirit of the Mob is death!

Let's be as our Founding Fathers and stand our ground Strong against All Enemies Foreign and Donestic, but let's us Defend instead of Offend.

That's what Legislation is for! Fighting with the True Sword! THE WORD!!!
Hahaha Excellent UncleBuck! So true!!! Even though we may at times find it Necessary to Stand our Ground but it does Not ever give us the Right to attack first Offend first! We must defend and protect. Restore Order and Peace. Justice and Liberty.

Not Rioting! Which Only causes death and destruction!

Democracy is the Rule of the Mob. And the spirit of the Mob is death!

Let's be as our Founding Fathers and stand our ground Strong against All Enemies Foreign and Donestic, but let's us Defend instead of Offend.

That's what Legislation is for! Fighting with the True Sword! THE WORD!!!
I hope that you realize that you replied to Uncle Ben, not Uncle Buck. They have very different opinions, with Uncle Ben's falling on the side of foolishness and fuckery
I hope that you realize that you replied to Uncle Ben, not Uncle Buck. They have very different opinions, with Uncle Ben's falling on the side of foolishness and fuckery
Hahaha I thought so!!! Well I don't know if I'd say that...! But yeah I noticed I was like wait didn't he have a Different picture. Haha thanks! I still stand by what I said.
That's a Fed building. Which means my tax dollars built it and keep it up. Them bitches think they can squat ON MY PROPERTY WITHOUT PAYING RENT? To show off their shiny new guns they got for Christmas?

AWW HELL NAW. Bitches gotta pay rent just like I would have too if I moved into one of these old abandoned post offices or other EMPTY federal buildings around the country.


The squatters need to get a job AND PAY FOR THEIR OWN LAND! Like me and every other honest decent productive United States land owning citizen does. No free rides on my land.

Peace and love to rent payers and peoples who buy their own land.
probably with a burnt out building.

Because white protesters are known for burning things?

That's a Fed building. Which means my tax dollars built it and keep it up. Them bitches think they can squat ON MY PROPERTY WITHOUT PAYING RENT? To show off their shiny new guns they got for Christmas?

AWW HELL NAW. Bitches gotta pay rent just like I would have too if I moved into one of these old abandoned post offices or other EMPTY federal buildings around the country.


The squatters need to get a job AND PAY FOR THEIR OWN LAND! Like me and every other honest decent productive United States land owning citizen does. No free rides on my land.

Peace and love to rent payers and peoples who buy their own land.

If you can drive to it without having to ask for directions, you can collect your rent.
Because white protesters are known for burning things?

Lol youre either 18 years old, joking, or have no real understanding of history.. They've burned flags, crosses, qurans etc. I rarely say this but the joint down and pick up a book.. You won't learn anything watching fox news or reading the national review..
Lol youre either 18 years old, joking, or have no real understanding of history.. They've burned flags, crosses, qurans etc. I rarely say this but the joint down and pick up a book.. You won't learn anything watching fox news or reading the national review..

Yup, I'm 18 and smoke dope all day and feel I'm owed a portion of my neighbors income because I dont have a job because I'm a shitty artist.
Because white protesters are known for burning things?

If you can drive to it without having to ask for directions, you can collect your rent.
So you admit. They are just bums who think they can just squat on other people's property and to get any kind of rent you're gonna have to chase them down for it? Murica. <smh>
Lol youre either 18 years old, joking, or have no real understanding of history.. They've burned flags, crosses, qurans etc. I rarely say this but the joint down and pick up a book.. You won't learn anything watching fox news or reading the national review..
What book do you suggest? What networks should he be watching or what news sites should he be scanning. So you read the David French article? If this was the BLM forcing out ganja farmers, most here would be screaming from the mountaintops. This is government pushing an agenda at the expense of citizens.

The judge in this case, having seen ALL the evidence said that 5 years would be inconceivable considering that evidence. HE gave them 3 mos an 1 year sentences and the Hammonds planned to serve them without any protest. AND THEN NOBODY WOULD HAVE EVEN HEARD ABOUT THIS STORY!!! That was not good enough for the embarrassed BLM who then forced the 5 year minimum..Punitive jackasses that they are.

Maybe you should pick up a book..start with "The Road to Serfdom".

Edit: ...which I actually read before I was 18.
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then forced the 5 year minimum..Punitive jackasses that they are.

So I can trust you were on the front line over drug sentencing reform right? Remember when 2 rocks was a 20 year minimum sentence? Let me guess you weren't marching for those brothers were you?

I suggest you turn the tube off and get off that crap you find on the net.. What is good for the goose has to be good for the gander.. A minimum sentence is a minimum sentence.. The crime was that he was only given a year the first time. You act as though they did NOTHING wrong..

Whatever.. politics on a weed site is like playing chess with checkers.. I'll leave y'all fellas to it..

Have a good day!
So I can trust you were on the front line over drug sentencing reform right? Remember when 2 rocks was a 20 year minimum sentence? Let me guess you weren't marching for those brothers were you?

I suggest you turn the tube off and get off that crap you find on the net.. What is good for the goose has to be good for the gander.. A minimum sentence is a minimum sentence.. The crime was that he was only given a year the first time. You act as though they did NOTHING wrong..

Whatever.. politics on a weed site is like playing chess with checkers.. I'll leave y'all fellas to it..

Have a good day!
I am almost positive that I have more dragging than you got hanging in all areas so your puny swipes mean very little.

So, when the current subject is not going your way you feel the need to make the argument about something else? Like THIS case, all cases are argued on their own merits. The Judge and the prosecutor were both satisfied with the original outcome.

"You act as if they (the government) did NOTHING wrong". I see you didn't read the article I provided.
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i think you actually meant that RIU-cancer, Uncle Buck falling on the side of fraud and asshattery.

Bottom line is when someone mistakes Ben and Buck, Ben is insulted and Buck is elevated.
Uncle Buck is a fighter for the side of right.
Uncle Ben is a Obama hater from cow shit Texas, who likes bailing out banks
That's just disingenuous - you know there was more to AIM and Wounded Knee. Moreover it was on tribal not Federal land so your argument doesn't really fly here now does it.

See here's the stupid thing with your first statement. They committed arson. They were charged of committing arson by a jury of their peers. On top of that, they were charged with committing arson and destroying Federal property. Was no one harmed? You're correct, no one was. Could they have harmed someone? Yes, they very well could have. They could have actually killed fire fighters n the area, or other people in the area (according to testimony one of their friends almost died because of a fire they started in 2001). Especially when they started fires during a burn ban when there were already forest fires going on. Please explain to me how this is responsible and harmless; you also show a complete lack of understanding on just how bad forest fires can get and what sort of destructon they cause. It's painfully obvious that this is so, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting there going, "It isn't such a big deal that they started a forest fire during a burn ban! No one was hurt, so what's the big deal?"

You really, really, really need to learn why Teddy Roosevelt set aside all this land as natural reserves. On top of that the Hammonds and Bundys are pretty much the biggest welfare queens out there. The BLM already subsidizes their cattle grazing permits by 93%, that 93% coming from tax payer money. What they want is either the Fed to just straight up give them the land, or subsidize them at 100%.

What armed students taking over government property in the 1970s? I know a few of the people that took over buildings and they weren't armed (family friends). Edited to add: Not saying that there probably wasn't, I'm just curious as to where the armed takeovers happened.

Your obedience to arbitrary authority is somewhat disconcerting.

I suggest you read what really happened and stop being so blood thirsty in your zeal to enforce "the rules".
What book do you suggest? What networks should he be watching or what news sites should he be scanning. So you read the David French article? If this was the BLM forcing out ganja farmers, most here would be screaming from the mountaintops. This is government pushing an agenda at the expense of citizens.

The judge in this case, having seen ALL the evidence said that 5 years would be inconceivable considering that evidence. HE gave them 3 mos an 1 year sentences and the Hammonds planned to serve them without any protest. AND THEN NOBODY WOULD HAVE EVEN HEARD ABOUT THIS STORY!!! That was not good enough for the embarrassed BLM who then forced the 5 year minimum..Punitive jackasses that they are.

Maybe you should pick up a book..start with "The Road to Serfdom".

Edit: ...which I actually read before I was 18.
Hahaha amen! That's some good stuff there! Very true! THANK GOD FOR OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS!!!

So I can trust you were on the front line over drug sentencing reform right? Remember when 2 rocks was a 20 year minimum sentence? Let me guess you weren't marching for those brothers were you?

I suggest you turn the tube off and get off that crap you find on the net.. What is good for the goose has to be good for the gander.. A minimum sentence is a minimum sentence.. The crime was that he was only given a year the first time. You act as though they did NOTHING wrong..

Whatever.. politics on a weed site is like playing chess with checkers.. I'll leave y'all fellas to it..

Have a good day!
ha! Is it!? Well why even be here to begin with!? The people I know who "blaze" usually No more about and Love this Nation than the very government employees running half of this shit in the ground! Not all but a Lot.
i think you actually meant that RIU-cancer, Uncle Buck falling on the side of fraud and asshattery.

Bottom line is when someone mistakes Ben and Buck, Ben is insulted and Buck is elevated.
hahaha! Love that!!!!
I an am almost positive that I have more dragging than you got hanging in all areas so your puny swipes mean very little.

So, when the current subject is not going your way you feel the need to make the argument about something else? Like THIS case, all cases are argued on their own merits. The Judge and the prosecutor were both satisfied with the original outcome.

"You act as if they (the government) did NOTHING wrong". I see you didn't read the article I provided.
Ah the Judicial Branch! The last bation of freedom.! Though the Judiciary does NOT write law! Like BraveDave says they determine Specific cases! Just because the Supreme Court rules something does NOT mean it is the End all Be all. That's why we have A Multitude of Legislators so the Laws can go through Rigerous debate and discussion! Not to be decided by the whims of some man on his moody day on the bench!!!

So I can trust you were on the front line over drug sentencing reform right? Remember when 2 rocks was a 20 year minimum sentence? Let me guess you weren't marching for those brothers were you?

I suggest you turn the tube off and get off that crap you find on the net.. What is good for the goose has to be good for the gander.. A minimum sentence is a minimum sentence.. The crime was that he was only given a year the first time. You act as though they did NOTHING wrong..

Whatever.. politics on a weed site is like playing chess with checkers.. I'll leave y'all fellas to it..

Have a good day!


You are missing the point. You are advocating equal oppression. ANY kind of sentence for a person that hasn't harmed another person should be questioned. Not one "brother" should ever have gone to jail for engaging in consensual trade and no ranchers should go to jail for trying to make a living.

Two wrongs do not make a right.