This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

A sober account:

Lotta bullshit being spewed here by those who consistently don't know shit.

Where was an article like this when the police shot tear gas and rubber bullets at protestors that turned it into a riot?

This isn't a sober account either lol. It's from the National Review and William F. Buckley started it. If you know anything about politics you know that Buckley was a racist and huge opponent of the Civil Rights Act.
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have they published what type of fire suppression these guys had on hand? was it a garden hose and a prayer that the fire didn't get out of hand?
That`s understandable, but backburning without permission gets out of control is not, it`s planned and criminal.
I don't know.

I burn when I need to. Its part of living on a farm. Sometimes you got to burn stuff.

I also do it smart. I tend to do it on calm days after a rain and have a couple rechargeable water extinguishers.

I don't think they are criminal. I really don't think that's the case. The blm there has a long history of harassing and flooding people off their land.

I think this is a long fued between the Hammond's and blm. That is the reason for the prosecution. And the reason for going back to jail is not arson itself. It is arson attached to the terrorist part of it.

Its ridiculous. I happen to know for a fact this type of thing happens quite frequently and people are not charged.

I suspect if it were not for the fued and wrong doing on blm part the Hammond's wouldn't been charged.

On top of that there was a burn ban going on because of the risk of current fires spreading. To me it's nuts lol.
Burn ban was only for one fire and that one was to back burn to save property.

I wouldn't stand and watch my place burn either. Ban or no ban.
Where was an article like this when the police shot tear gas and rubber bullets at protestors that turned it into a riot?

This isn't a sober account either lol. It's from the National Review and William F. Buckley started it. If you know anything about politics you know that Buckley was a racist and huge opponent of the Civil Rights Act.
Here is their own report. They don't state it was on purpose. Why would they. It does admit to causing millions in damage to surrounding farms.

Read page 2.
It is PDF.

It states that in 1984 and 85 the lakes were at record levels.
I hate the politics section. The men are fighting for what they believe. And if they die doing so, well that is their choice. obviously the feds are not to concerned. Nobody has died yet..
Lol apparently Ammon Bundy in 2010 took out a $570,000 loan from the Small Business Administration.
He said he isn't anti-government, he believes the government is there to protect us and when they don't he is here to fix it.

Hell you got to admit he drove off the FEDs, who else has the balls to do that?
do enlighten me why you support the terrorists that deny your right to grow cannabis ( amongst other things)
do enlighten me why you support the terrorists that deny your right to grow cannabis ( amongst other things)

Its not a zero sum game, I side with the government when they act accordingly.. Like in this instance, I detest poachers and shit kickers who think they can shoot whatever animals they feel like. The arson was bad, its what happens when morons start fires with no regard to anything or anyone. The poaching is worse but both scream narcissism and the federal loans scream hypocrisy.