First off the president doesn't have the power to legalize or outlaw cannabis. Regardless of if its voted on. It has to go through the congress and senate. First. It will never get ro a legalized vote as long as Mitch McConnell is head of the senate committee.
and obama saved the economy, at least michigan's auto industry.
Wrong. The Controlled Substance Act (aka Drug War) clearly places the onus on the US Attorney General to maintain or remove marijuana as a controlled substance. The US AG is a presidential politically appointed bureaucrat.
"What's obvious to one many not be obvious to another." Conflict of interest
The US Attorney's Union and Lobbies supported Obama and are supporting Clinton. No matter what they say, we know what they'll do: nothing/obstruct. Who in their right mind would support the leadership of yet another Lawyer in Chief? Are we not tired of hearing "I did nothing wrong and if I did it's the fault of someone else" (common legal defense).
Fuck the lawyers and find a leader, leadership is the job of the President of the United States and this country is in dire need of one ...
your arguments against sanders sound exactly like the conservative people in canada complaining about trudeau. "it will cost us trillions!" blah blah blah.
and yet trudeau and sanders will legalize cannabis. its strange you still wont vote for them. i guess cannabis is not that important to you and you'd rather have another jackboot on your neck.
"I will take marijuana out of the Federal Controlled Substance Act. I'm tired of seeing lives destroyed." - @BernieSanders
and obama saved the economy, at least michigan's auto industry.
better than "mitt destroyer of worlds, bankrupter of usa companies"
Classification and legalization is 2 different things. The attorney general does not pass laws.