Is Hillary Good Or Bad For Canna?

Bernie with Rand as a VP in 2016, it's our only chance :bigjoint: When Occupy Wall Street meets the Tea Party?


We know whom the US Attorney's Union is backing in 2016 right ...
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First off the president doesn't have the power to legalize or outlaw cannabis. Regardless of if its voted on. It has to go through the congress and senate. First. It will never get ro a legalized vote as long as Mitch McConnell is head of the senate committee.

Bernie doesnt have a chance in getting the nomination. He's an idiot when it comes to economics. Fyi his salary has been paid for by taxes. His plan to give free shit to everyone will cost 18 trillion in taxes that the same people that pay for ut now will pay for it then..

The only way hillary has a chance in winning the election is if Cruz gets the republican nomination and Trump goes independent and splits the republican vote.

No one wants another democrat in office considering what a "great" job obama did.
your arguments against sanders sound exactly like the conservative people in canada complaining about trudeau. "it will cost us trillions!" blah blah blah.

and yet trudeau and sanders will legalize cannabis. its strange you still wont vote for them. i guess cannabis is not that important to you and you'd rather have another jackboot on your neck.
"I will take marijuana out of the Federal Controlled Substance Act. I'm tired of seeing lives destroyed." - @BernieSanders

and obama saved the economy, at least michigan's auto industry.

better than "mitt destroyer of worlds, bankrupter of usa companies"
They are all losers. If you only vote for bernie or etc because of legalizing medical mj you are pretty stupid imo. The whole democrat repub parties is crap. All congress senate governemnt all need a 4 year sentence. After 4 years you must be voted in. They.also should.make it illegal for Congress senate etc to be able to give themselves raises. Theh should have a cap or something 200k a year (I don't no what they get paid so just picked a number). The whole country is becoming shit . Was is Obamas fault some say no some yes but he sure did fuck us just like every other pres. Did bush fuck us before that sure all presidenti are at fault. I hear the few idiots that cry it's not obama it's bush or repubs... it's fuckin both they both want power the control the money that's it. They don't care about you me or anyone..
I personally don't lay blame equally between democrats and republicans. Not at all
First off the president doesn't have the power to legalize or outlaw cannabis. Regardless of if its voted on. It has to go through the congress and senate. First. It will never get ro a legalized vote as long as Mitch McConnell is head of the senate committee.

Wrong. The Controlled Substance Act (aka Drug War) clearly places the onus on the US Attorney General to maintain or remove marijuana as a controlled substance. The US AG is a presidential politically appointed bureaucrat.

"What's obvious to one many not be obvious to another." Conflict of interest :confused:

The US Attorney's Union and Lobbies supported Obama and are supporting Clinton. No matter what they say, we know what they'll do: nothing/obstruct. Who in their right mind would support the leadership of yet another Lawyer in Chief? Are we not tired of hearing "I did nothing wrong and if I did it's the fault of someone else" (common legal defense).

Fuck the lawyers and find a leader, leadership is the job of the President of the United States and this country is in dire need of one ...
and obama saved the economy, at least michigan's auto industry.

You mean saved the auto unions through an unprecedented bankruptcy catering to that special interest. The people of Detroit and Michigan dealing with the economic aftermath would beg to differ with your sentiment.

He also "saved" the too big to fail banks and their special interests gaming Clinton's repeal of Glass Segal by sky rocketing our national debit to 19 TRILLION dollars. Glass Segal or the like have not been reinstated and the banks are still too big to fail. Ain't nothing been saved under this administration, just a bunch of cans kicked ...
Wrong. The Controlled Substance Act (aka Drug War) clearly places the onus on the US Attorney General to maintain or remove marijuana as a controlled substance. The US AG is a presidential politically appointed bureaucrat.

"What's obvious to one many not be obvious to another." Conflict of interest :confused:

The US Attorney's Union and Lobbies supported Obama and are supporting Clinton. No matter what they say, we know what they'll do: nothing/obstruct. Who in their right mind would support the leadership of yet another Lawyer in Chief? Are we not tired of hearing "I did nothing wrong and if I did it's the fault of someone else" (common legal defense).

Fuck the lawyers and find a leader, leadership is the job of the President of the United States and this country is in dire need of one ...

Classification and legalization is 2 different things. The attorney general does not pass laws.
your arguments against sanders sound exactly like the conservative people in canada complaining about trudeau. "it will cost us trillions!" blah blah blah.

and yet trudeau and sanders will legalize cannabis. its strange you still wont vote for them. i guess cannabis is not that important to you and you'd rather have another jackboot on your neck.
"I will take marijuana out of the Federal Controlled Substance Act. I'm tired of seeing lives destroyed." - @BernieSanders

and obama saved the economy, at least michigan's auto industry.

better than "mitt destroyer of worlds, bankrupter of usa companies"

Why dont you post some of bernies other tweets where he shows he doesnt know the difference between secured debt and unsecured debt. He's even already admitted publically that his tax plan includes the middle class paying a lot of the taxes. When he said only the rich pay taxes. That was a gimick. That will never happen
Hillary Clinton is a fucking faux liberal shrill talking head with a net worth of about $32 million (Bill has even more money). Nothing she says can be trusted. She does not represent your average working or Cannabis consuming American and may be marginally better (or worse) than Donald Trump.
Dude Bernie definitely never ever ever EVER said "yeah, so only the rich are going to pay taxes" and considering he's been a Senator and seemingly responsible adult for a loooooong time I'd be hard pressed to believe he doesn't know what secured debt is. Why don't you share those tweets with us?

Obviously if we're talking single-payer health care citizens will pay more taxes for it, but they also wont be paying a health insurance premium.
Classification and legalization is 2 different things. The attorney general does not pass laws.


The law passed by Congress in 1970 is the Controlled Substance Act and we call that the "Drug War". It has clear guidlines for how substances are classified and declassified. It starts specifically with the USAG requesting a scientific study from the Secretary of Health and Services. It's been done with other substances numerous times over the pass half century.

Marijuana's wrongful classification as a Schedule I Controlled substance is the lynch pin of criminalization in this country. "Legalization" cannot occur without correcting it ...