EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Seymour Hersch argues that bin Ladin was killed by the paki's. Has written a pretty undeniable narrative that puts Bin Ladin as Pakistans prisoner this whole time and they waited until it was politically beneficial to send a walk in to the CIA annex with the info on where the "messenger" goes.. And then seal team talks a lot shows up and boom....

Pakistan has been one of the MANY hidden hands at play here. Everyone wants to scream about 9/11 conpiracies but no one wants to actually dig into Saudi and paki 9/11 issues.. Thems dudes did it..

IMO Pakistan feels very vulnerable and are playing with the strings behind the scenes to try and keep ahead of India. Because this they knew the value of bin Ladin and having america keep their neighboring countries at war..

And to keep on topic... Bernie can suck it lol..

Interesting theory. I will look into this. Do you have any credible sources?
I don't know what you've been smoking, but the rest of us (clear thinkers) saw a country in shambles and suicide bombings transform into a vibrant country with a infrastructure (streets, wastewater systems, water and electricity) restored (thank you Halliburton and the rest of the big corporate businesses!), girls going to school, a return to normalcy with daily suicide bombings in Baghdad squashed, a multi ethnic population turning in terrorists to the authorities and basically run out of town, markets becoming very profitable and vibrant, etc. A court of peers convicted and hung Saddam Hussein and his cronies for crimes against humanity which DID include the use of weapons of mass destruction witness the gassing/murders of the hundreds of innocent Kurds.

Keep feeling guilty shit-fer-brains. You don't get it and never will. Never never land beckons.
That's the testimony of a soldier in the Army who was on the ground, it's funny your kind praises them and everything they do when they're fighting the war for corporate interests but as soon as they need something from you, it's nothing but disrespect.

Your party got us into the war and your party lost the war. George Bush couldn't even kill Osama Bin Ladin and his administration is responsible for the authorization of torture.
We can't afford how we live anyway and Bernie want to give even more stuff away for free. Lmao

Only if people knew free meant 18 trillion dollars in taxes. He has already admitted his tax plan includes the taxing the middle class.
Again bernie doesn't have a chance in getting the nomination.

To everyone
If you think bernie is going to legalize cannabis federally. Well he doesn't have the power to do so. It has to pass the Congress and the Senate. If it eve makes it to Senate. As long as Mitch McConnell is head of the Senate Committee he will never let that go to a vote.


$1.89 now..wonder when business owners who offer delivery services will be removing their delivery fee and passing this savings onto their customers (the little guy)?

I won't hold my breath.

That's why you suck mr. business owner:finger:
Only if people knew free meant 18 trillion dollars in taxes. He has already admitted his tax plan includes the taxing the middle class.
Again bernie doesn't have a chance in getting the nomination.

To everyone
If you think bernie is going to legalize cannabis federally. Well he doesn't have the power to do so. It has to pass the Congress and the Senate. If it eve makes it to Senate. As long as Mitch McConnell is head of the Senate Committee he will never let that go to a vote.

Besides Sanders, which candidate is for legalization or re-schedule?

Name one..
Besides Sanders, which candidate is for legalization or re-schedule?

Name one..

That bill he reintroduced was written by rand Paul. If you believe Bernie wants legalization then you're as gullible as the rest of the kids bernies administration is targeting. It's just a tactic.

Keep in mind obama was pro pot before he took office. There's been more pot busts and raids under obama than any other administration ever. Even after the bill he passed making it illegal for feds to use funds to go after pot. The feds decided to use asset forfeiture money to fund their raids. Then obama passing another bill saying feds can't interfere with states rights with cannabis. Feds are still kicking down doors. Even illegal raids on tribal land. They don't make any arrests. They sieze everything even property.
Obama has nothing todo with low gas prices...

You wanna thank a leader for low gas prices? Thank Putin,...

He saw what he preceived as monster demand for oil and he decided to ramp Russia's oil/natural gas production up to never before fathomed levels and he figured he'd make trillions.... Well it worked for a minute until the rest of the world said "he dickhead we still drill for oil" and next thing you know supply outweighs demand...

Go home Russia... Your drunk..
Obama has nothing todo with low gas prices...

You wanna thank a leader for low gas prices? Thank Putin,...

He saw what he preceived as monster demand for oil and he decided to ramp Russia's oil/natural gas production up to never before fathomed levels and he figured he'd make trillions.... Well it worked for a minute until the rest of the world said "he dickhead we still drill for oil" and next thing you know supply outweighs demand...

Go home Russia... Your drunk..

That's not what happened . It was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia who allowed prices to drop as a plan to hurt Putin. Prior to that it was a $100 a barrel. Putin had no choice but to follow suit. Then even Texas oilers did the same.
That's not what happened . It was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia who allowed prices to drop as a plan to hurt Putin. Prior to that it was a $100 a barrel. Putin had no choice but to follow suit. Then even Texas oilers did the same.

Saudi just did what they were expected to do. They are actually producing less then in recent years, their low hanging fruit has been drying up. Remove the monster Russian influx and then posturing to turn off the gas so the rest of the world finds a way around Russian oil and gas and the price goes down down down...
That's not what happened . It was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia who allowed prices to drop as a plan to hurt Putin. Prior to that it was a $100 a barrel. Putin had no choice but to follow suit. Then even Texas oilers did the same.

Like you say too the oilers are at blame too sorta.... Everyone kind ramped it up.. I only blame Putin for all the posturing which lead to nations seeking non Russian sources of petroleum products.
$1.89 now..wonder when business owners who offer delivery services will be removing their delivery fee and passing this savings onto their customers (the little guy)?

I won't hold my breath.

That's why you suck mr. business owner:finger:

Why should any business automatically give you anything they save? They aren't there to save you jack shit, they are there to make money, not save you money lol.

Thats why you will always punch a clock. You just don't get it.

$1.89 now..wonder when business owners who offer delivery services will be removing their delivery fee and passing this savings onto their customers (the little guy)?

I won't hold my breath.

That's why you suck mr. business owner:finger:
Yeah, cos you're too f*****g lazy to collect your own food the business owner should be forced to subsidise your laziness.

Sounds legit.