Well-Known Member
Seymour Hersch argues that bin Ladin was killed by the paki's. Has written a pretty undeniable narrative that puts Bin Ladin as Pakistans prisoner this whole time and they waited until it was politically beneficial to send a walk in to the CIA annex with the info on where the "messenger" goes.. And then seal team talks a lot shows up and boom....
Pakistan has been one of the MANY hidden hands at play here. Everyone wants to scream about 9/11 conpiracies but no one wants to actually dig into Saudi and paki 9/11 issues.. Thems dudes did it..
IMO Pakistan feels very vulnerable and are playing with the strings behind the scenes to try and keep ahead of India. Because this they knew the value of bin Ladin and having america keep their neighboring countries at war..
And to keep on topic... Bernie can suck it lol..
Interesting theory. I will look into this. Do you have any credible sources?