Trump: 'I Haven't Even Begun on Hillary..'

I can't believe fucking Trump is still around. I had predicted he would be gone by Halloween but I deeply underestimated the stupidity of US citizens. Fucking sad!!!!!!
Sheeeeet, I will do her now. You know, for shits and giggles.

I couldn't do her now. I don't know why. She's OK for an old bitch whos husband has always wanted other women instead of her. But shes nothing special now. Unless her vagina stinks to high heaven. Then I could get into her.

Nah shes disgusting. Fat ankles are a huge turnoff. And she has fat ankles.
I couldn't do her now. I don't know why. She's OK for an old bitch whos husband has always wanted other women instead of her. But shes nothing special now. Unless her vagina stinks to high heaven. Then I could get into her.

Nah shes disgusting. Fat ankles are a huge turnoff. And she has fat ankles. Just look how her PR team tries to make sure her ankles are always hidden.

new sock puppet account, same old tbonejack hatred.

what a bitter little tiny penised loser you are, tbone.
if you think a cop purposely abusing his authority because someone dislikes his support of racism and bigotry is worthy of an LOL, then you should probably not hang around.

Keep talking dude. Of course everyone will listen.

"Some men you just can't reach, which is the way they want it..."
Hilary is going to be someones bitch in federal prison in a little while
The contents of some of Hillary’s correspondence with Blumenthal, as described by Gowdy, help us understand (1) why she wanted to conduct State Department related business on a private server, (2) why she didn’t want to turn her emails over to the State Department when she left office, and (3) why the State Department withheld these particular documents from Gowdy’s committee for so long.

If Gowdy’s letter is correct, the latest batch of emails suggests that Clinton used her office to advance Blumenthal’s business interests in Libya. It also shows that she both received and sent (on her private server) an email that revealed the identity of a CIA source in Libya. Finally, it thereby confirms that, contrary to her insistence, she used the private server to send out classified information.

If this isn't Treason punishable by hanging i do not know what is ,,
If you or me were in some high office job and copied important Top secret docs and emailed them to a competitor what would that be ?? sorta like insider trading and wonder if that is a crime ??

This is similar to the Justice Department’s argument in thesentencing of Lee B. Farkas, a former mortgage company executive who received a 30-year term of imprisonment for his role in a fraud the government estimated at $2.9 billion. Insider trading is different from mortgage fraud, however, because the harm is much more difficult to measure, even if it is clear what a defendant gained from the trading.