Trump: 'It's Disgusting'!

I still vote. Of course people say my vote is worthless because I can't find a Democrat or Republican that I will vote for.

Fuck 'em.

Show up for your party's caucus next spring. Your vote is highly likely to count for hundreds of your peers, simply because you showed up and they did not. Furthermore, you'll get the chance to vote for anyone you want, not just the choices left on the ballot in November.
I don't really support the ideas trump has like building a wall or shipping all the immigrants home but I also don't agree with most of the other shit being thrown about either. A lot of people say Rand Paul is a racist or whatever but I have only seen him on stage so far (havent looked any of the candidates up). This is all a dog and pony show. I honestly feel like people making a huge deal of trump on either side of the fence are too far in the box to realize the show.
It's like watching the WWE, you know it's fake but idiots still cheer cos it's "entertaining".
Man, you really, really got to love that miscreant. He is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party, since Nixon.

There's so much here to discuss:

1 - 39% of repubs identify with the racism and bigotry that is Trump..they go nuts in the audience did you catch that comment about reporters and 'not killing them?'.

2 - Hillary does not play by the rules even during bathroom break..this was the 2nd time she took extended break during live debate..maybe she has a colostomy bag? What disturbs me is even at the lowest level she has to be special because she's a women..she cited last debate she has a few more moves to make in the bathroom..weak..if you want to run with the dogs you gotta get off the porch. To her supporters: if she makes excuses now..what will happen in the future? Bad sign. If her past performance doesn't convince you, this should.

3 - Schlonged :lol:

4 - This is the warmest Christmas on record was 90 here in Sofla yesterday.

5 - Schlonged v. Shellacking :lol: :clap:
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Strangely reminiscent of the fabulous Herbert Hoover...

A self made millionaire, never previously elected to a political office...(Hoover served as a cabinet secretary under Harding, if you want to call that a 'Washington insider')... Democrats won 5 consecutive presidential elections after Hoover's one term...

Maybe you Republicans might want to rethink your 'Trump card'...???

How about Reagan?
Show up for your party's caucus next spring. Your vote is highly likely to count for hundreds of your peers, simply because you showed up and they did not. Furthermore, you'll get the chance to vote for anyone you want, not just the choices left on the ballot in November.

Tty can you tell the audience how/where to find this?

Is there a link for each state to find caucus'?
I think those bankruptcies only protect him and fuck his investors.

They invest in Trump because he has a solid track record of pulling off lucrative business ventures, not because he was batting 1000. Sometimes even the best in business lose their asses, and repeatedly.

Many here couldn't make a lemonade stand successful.
Show up for your party's caucus next spring. Your vote is highly likely to count for hundreds of your peers, simply because you showed up and they did not. Furthermore, you'll get the chance to vote for anyone you want, not just the choices left on the ballot in November.

I am still registered Republican from supporting Ron Paul last cycle but don't see a reason to attend the Republican primary since I support none of them. Same with the Democratic party.

Looks like my only other option is Jill Stein lol.
What is at stake is a lot more important than the spectacle leads us to believe.

That spectacle is there precisely to turn off as many voters as possible, leaving the field clear for the manipulators.
Have you not noticed NOTHING has changed since pre-2000?

Obamacare was a big right wing hand-job for the insurance companies that I wouldve expected from Republicans.

You can vote and vote to your hearts content, until there's another option you're voting Republicrats because it always ends up the same, Democrats just seem to use more carrot than stick.
Have you not noticed NOTHING has changed since pre-2000?

Obamacare was a big right wing hand-job for the insurance companies that I wouldve expected from Republicans.

You can vote and vote to your hearts content, until there's another option you're voting Republicrats because it always ends up the same, Democrats just seem to use more carrot than stick.
Absolutely. The idiots are so blind they cant see the truth right in front of them. Obamacare is all about insurance companies. They are going to be making money hand over fist after all their price raising. I love my Obamacare but I am one of the people it actually helps and I know I am in the vast minority.
I am still registered Republican from supporting Ron Paul last cycle but don't see a reason to attend the Republican primary since I support none of them. Same with the Democratic party.

Looks like my only other option is Jill Stein lol.

What don't you like about Bernie Sanders?
Have you not noticed NOTHING has changed since pre-2000?

Obamacare was a big right wing hand-job for the insurance companies that I wouldve expected from Republicans.

You can vote and vote to your hearts content, until there's another option you're voting Republicrats because it always ends up the same, Democrats just seem to use more carrot than stick.

Unfortunately there was compromise to get it off the will be refined in time to come.
Absolutely. The idiots are so blind they cant see the truth right in front of them. Obamacare is all about insurance companies. They are going to be making money hand over fist after all their price raising. I love my Obamacare but I am one of the people it actually helps and I know I am in the vast minority.

They also fuck you over when an employer makes their health coverage low enough to be considered affordable then you lose your insurance and get forced to buy shitty insurance for almost the same price.
Unfortunately there was compromise to get it off the will be refined in time to come.
Gtfo, come on Sky, it's only gonna get worse when all the shit kicks in.

Shouldve gone Universal Healthcare, Obamacare was passed without a single Republican vote either way.