latest Michigan medical marijuana news.....

Exactly. And what metabolite(s) are they testing for? Active and inactive forms, both? Like they do in a random pee cup test?

And what about tolerance? Some kid in high school and I have different tolerances. Unless that kid in high school was me. Lol. I was an exceptional stoner.

Maybe I should just read the article that the good Captain was nice enough to post
Exactly. And what metabolite(s) are they testing for? Active and inactive forms, both? Like they do in a random pee cup test?

And what about tolerance? Some kid in high school and I have different tolerances. Unless that kid in high school was me. Lol. I was an exceptional stoner.

Maybe I should just read the article that the good Captain was nice enough to post

I don't see how it can be done accurately considering how long thc subsists in our blood. How do they determine "impairment" by simply finding thc in your system? Some arbitrary number doesn't cut it.
I would ask to do the full field sobriety test in front of their dash cam if they were going to arrest me for DUI because they smelled it on me and not just let them find me guilty with only a blood test.
A friend of mine got pulled over and recieved a MJ paraphernalia ticket for having a pipe. He got his card before he went to court and got off with just a civil infraction $400 fine. Pretty good considering he didn't have the card at the time of the offense.
BTW this was in Oakland County.
That's groovy but cops have better things to do crime-wise. Maybe it doesn't pay the departments as well with fines, however.

Sucks to find out that Police deploy resources that yield $$. Either in fines or the highly lucrative civil forfeiture. They are the Mob legalized. Simple.
That's cool. So is the net of this the cops can keep 65% now instead of 85%? They have to pursue at state level not fed level. State says you keep less?

But they're still taking your shit
"Robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear. At common law, robbery is defined as taking the property of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear."

Forfeiture is clearly robbery perpetuated by our judicial system. It's "legal" because only they can prosecute these crimes in this country and it is done so entirely at their discretion. The problem is they are the "law" and there is no one above them, so they are in fact above the law. One could assume RICO statutes alone could provide long overdue judicial reform in this country if there were to be an entity whom could prosecute justice system officials free from the self serving immunities the judicial system have created for themselves over the past century. We have a long way to go to get back to anything that resembles equality under the law. One could also assume with actual parity under our law (especially civilly) the inequalities of wealth in or society would not necessarily play through in our courts ...

The Bar Associations are the only privately owned and operated professional licensing organization I know of in this country and sadly this country relies upon them for integrity of our officers of the court. Change could start right there ...
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I have heard of this 3rd ballot initiative. If I'm reading this right it takes no baby steps toward legalization...none! This is a Full deletion of marijuana prohibition, no tax...a full on abrogation of all restrictions.
Just to try to itemize:
1rst is the coalition ballot grow rights to corporations
2nd is the MI on recreational
3rd is the full abrogate.

This is off the top of my head and I am hoping I have the gyst of things straight but please modify as you see fit.
That is the jist of it Jhoss.

Anyone on board with Actual Repeal needs to support Abrogate Prohibition Michigan and help us get to the Ballot.
Join us at and let us know you want to volunteer to Repeat with More Authority, what Michigan did in 1933.

Petitions are being printed right now, and will be ready to go end of the week. We need to know where you are at in the state and that you want to help collect sigs, donate money, run a fundraiser, and get this done.

All required info is on the michican web forum, including a password protected Petitioner Section to handle the day to day Campaign communications, captured signature totals, how to answer questions, learn how to correctly collect signatures, or help out with an event.

We officially Launch the 180 Day Signature Campaign on January 13th (9 days from today).
We are planning a massive Campaign Launch around the state, But we need to find locations that will allow petitioners to collect signatures throughout the Campaign, but also On Wednesday, January 13th, for the Campaign Launch.

We are seeking locations around the state for the Kick Off. We have secured a Lansing Location where the Main Signature Campaign will launch.
Everyone is welcome to come to 3001 S. Washington in Lansing, 2 miles south of the Capital Buildings.

Steve and Maria Green have been gracious enough to allow us to use their location for our Home Base in Lansing to start this shindig out at, in Our House In Lansing D.C. But for those that can not get to Lansing to the Down 2 Earth Holistic on Jan. 13th, this is where we need locations available throughout the State in every County in the State.

If you have a place, or know of a place that we can get Petitioners in for the Launch on the 13th, then people around the state will be able to join in on the Campaign kickoff, even if they can not get to Lansing... Do you know of a Location in your county you or another Petitioner would be able to collect sigs at on January 13th, and perhaps for the duration of the Campaign?

If you do, have them join the web forum, or contact me via FaceBook, or have them email me at

Ask yourself "Self, Can I Repeal Prohibition?"
Then just tell your self. "Self, Why Yes I Cannabis

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because More Legislation Creates More Criminals
Hi Tim, I hope/think your name is Tim (I could be assuming too much). I was up at Hemphill Wellness Center in Burton this past weekend chatting it up with the receptionist Emily.

I asked her about the petitions for MiLegalize and Abrogate. She had neither but thought that they should have them for patients walking in. (Cool!).

This is somewhat bothersome that a dispensary didn't have either petition to sign.. (I understand, Abrogate is new).

A quick turn and a short drive up the street is "Sweet-Leaf" dispensary. Although I did not poll them on the petition(s), I would hope/think a phone call from your side to both of these places could get us a substantial amount of signatures.

Just more bullshit from these elitist clowns propping up their for profit criminal prohibition schemes, just as they have with medibles. I'd like to see just one of those asshats try to provide adequate caregiver services to some patients without becoming a criminal. Bullshit legal theory meets reality ...