Can we transform ourselves into our own notion of greatness?


Well-Known Member
I'm awestruck at the plasticity of the human brain, and by extension, personality. Imagine if we could become the kind of person that we truly respect and admire and love to be around.

I think we can.

Ok, so follow me here. We're all actors on the stage of life, right? lol I'll toke to that! And brain and personality plasticity, if nothing else, implies that we really CAN rewrite our own inner character's script! At least, to a certain extent. And it's common human behavior to "become" different people (mold our behavior), depending on circumstance. So I think we actually can consciously determine what those conditional inner people are like, and transform them into the kinds of characters that we would like to be like. And since "me" is the superposition in memory of all my roles within context, I thereby transform "me" into me version 2.0. :-)

At a minimum, I think that the soundness and efficacy of the principle are probably proportional to the degree of effort that we exert throughout our waking life in actually practicing BEING the people that we secretly hold up as GREAT.

Any thoughts? lol


Well-Known Member
I'm awestruck at the plasticity of the human brain, and by extension, personality. Imagine if we could become the kind of person that we truly respect and admire and love to be around.

I think we can.

Ok, so follow me here. We're all actors on the stage of life, right? lol I'll toke to that! And brain and personality plasticity, if nothing else, implies that we really CAN rewrite our own inner character's script! At least, to a certain extent. And it's common human behavior to "become" different people (mold our behavior), depending on circumstance. So I think we actually can consciously determine what those conditional inner people are like, and transform them into the kinds of characters that we would like to be like. And since "me" is the superposition in memory of all my roles within context, I thereby transform "me" into me version 2.0. :-)

At a minimum, I think that the soundness and efficacy of the principle are probably proportional to the degree of effort that we exert throughout our waking life in actually practicing BEING the people that we secretly hold up as GREAT.

Any thoughts? lol
I don't know about you but I love myself very mucH I didn't before this past trip to Florida but I now realize that the answer to your question is YES ! I once asked myself that question everyday you just gotta see something other than what you always see reread a book or something learn something new everyday do things that take you out of your comfort zone have fun enjoy life, but be responsible as well


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you but I love myself very mucH I didn't before this past trip to Florida but I now realize that the answer to your question is YES ! I once asked myself that question everyday you just gotta see something other than what you always see reread a book or something learn something new everyday do things that take you out of your comfort zone have fun enjoy life, but be responsible as well
Yes indeedy! And most people that think they don't "love themselves" probably haven't been at death's door or had their bodies and lives decimated by cancer. [I haven't either - I'm just saying].

To me, discovering that we can write our own character scripts has been an eye opener. To think that we can actually paint ourselves however we fucking want, and then, over time and with dedication, feel ourselves tending toward becoming like our painting. It's cool as shit!

It's the brain re-wiring itself in order to become something that it values It's also why kids need role models to help them pick out personality traits they admire and to want to emulate. Then they can feel the empowerment when they discover that by seriously emulating those traits they CAN influence who they are.

Being able to influence who we are as individuals is breathtaking when ya think about it. It's TRUE power! It's the power to shape, at least in part, our very own personalities. And because of that, we can even influence our own personal destinies! Seizing upon such an ability to shape who we are is like being handed the keys to the kingdom!
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I'm awestruck at the plasticity of the human brain, and by extension, personality. Imagine if we could become the kind of person that we truly respect and admire and love to be around.

I think we can.

Ok, so follow me here. We're all actors on the stage of life, right? lol I'll toke to that! And brain and personality plasticity, if nothing else, implies that we really CAN rewrite our own inner character's script! At least, to a certain extent. And it's common human behavior to "become" different people (mold our behavior), depending on circumstance. So I think we actually can consciously determine what those conditional inner people are like, and transform them into the kinds of characters that we would like to be like. And since "me" is the superposition in memory of all my roles within context, I thereby transform "me" into me version 2.0. :-)

At a minimum, I think that the soundness and efficacy of the principle are probably proportional to the degree of effort that we exert throughout our waking life in actually practicing BEING the people that we secretly hold up as GREAT.

Any thoughts? lol
Is this thread about your post to like ratio?
I don't know about you but I love myself very mucH I didn't before this past trip to Florida but I now realize that the answer to your question is YES ! I once asked myself that question everyday you just gotta see something other than what you always see reread a book or something learn something new everyday do things that take you out of your comfort zone have fun enjoy life, but be responsible as well
"You once asked yourself that question everyday." Wtf Jessie , why can't you make any sense?


Well-Known Member
Is this thread about your post to like ratio?

"You once asked yourself that question everyday." Wtf Jessie , why can't you make any sense?
Nothing so mundane. This about 8 fiorcets and about 60 fucking bong hits this afternoon.

And in two hrs I gotta get my head in order and take someone to go watch stupid (maybe?) fucking star wars at the loaded with fucking people theater.


Well-Known Member
20mg of hydrocodone or a 15 of morphine, perhaps 200mg of codeine maybe 3mg of hydromorphone and 10mg of oxy, or 125mg tramadol


4mg alprazolam or 6mg clonazepam

whatever you can get your hands on.. that should like just you and the movie
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Well-Known Member
20mg of hydrocodone or a 15 of morphine, perhaps 200mg of codeine maybe 3mg of hydromorphone and 10mg of oxy, or 125mg tramadol


2.5mg alprazolam or 6mg clonazepam

whatever you can get your hands on.. that should like just you and the movie
I gotta drive and don wanna wreck my Juke. I just washed and waxed it.


Well-Known Member
well not all of that!
your not quite on my level, just pick one.

if i were you after hearing your nervousness, i would take 2mg xanax (alprazolam)
or 1 norco (10/325 hydro/apap)

both would leave you fully competent and aware, but at ease


Well-Known Member
I also wash my Juke before a hot date. I don't wax it, though (ouch!). I may ask my date to polish it, I don't want to give her the chance to say it's already shiny...
That's your dick! lol My Juke is a girl car. Sometimes she's a fucking hottie, too. She's sexy and inviting when she's shiny and her deep blue metal flake exposes itself.

Don't get me wrong, I don't really have any objection to cars cumming - as long as they don't squirt all over MY garage.

Ok, so maybe I do get a boner every now and then when my honey is looking extra sweet and inviting. I admit it. Does that make me a bad guy?


Well-Known Member
That's your dick! lol My Juke is a girl car. Sometimes she's a fucking hottie, too. She's sexy and inviting when she's shiny and her deep blue metal flake exposes itself.

Don't get me wrong, I don't really have any objection to cars cumming - as long as they don't squirt all over MY garage.

Ok, so maybe I do get a boner every now and then when my honey is looking extra sweet and inviting. I admit it. Does that make me a bad guy?



Well-Known Member
That was fk'd up. Lol
I thought it was worth posting just in case someone hadn't seen it before. It shows the damage that can be done by magical thinking, and a lack of parental supervision. Where can one scream like that for a prolonged period with no one investigating what's happening? I mean, I've never heard anything like it. Anyway, seems the kid may benefit from therapy and possibly medication. Strong medication...


Well-Known Member
and risperdal should take care of it
possily some sertraline if he dips..
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Well-Known Member
this thread is is what happens when 8 or 9 fiorocets get together with a bunch of kief in my brain!

Repeat performance But first, I'm going running.


Well-Known Member
I've met people that my friends thought I would like because they where exactly like me... They where all fucking assholes.

I'm content with who I am.. Don't like others like me.. And don't waste time trying to change myself

So in closing fuck you guys