Viking Fruit 15/16

Bc!missed ya mate hope u been well
Thanks buddy I've missed it around here too. I've been really good actually. Been busy as hell but that's good cause it keeps me out of trouble. I'm glad it's not grow season around here because I could never keep up. My days off seem to just fly by and it's time to head back. I'm thankfulI have a couple weeks off for Christmas.
Thanks buddy I've missed it around here too. I've been really good actually. Been busy as hell but that's good cause it keeps me out of trouble. I'm glad it's not grow season around here because I could never keep up. My days off seem to just fly by and it's time to head back. I'm thankfulI have a couple weeks off for Christmas.
Have a gd xmas working at xmas but at the same time im looking into getting a new job that at least makes me a bit im getting older its not about the money and the time away from family is just starting to take its toll emotionally
drove out of my yard today and thought fuck I must be letting shit get to me mentally cos my lawns and weeds are are out of control and normally im pretty fussy
Hey Rubes, I do it too but the ironic part is that I know when I'm in my gardens I am at my most peaceful and content self, even if I'm pissed off, after 10 minutes in the fresh air toiling, mixing nutes, weeding, spraying, whatever I calm down and it all just slows down and I kinda forget how bad I feel. Depression is a funny thing because it sorta makes you not do what's good for you. Anyways thats my 2 cents on that.
Hey Rubes, I do it too but the ironic part is that I know when I'm in my gardens I am at my most peaceful and content self, even if I'm pissed off, after 10 minutes in the fresh air toiling, mixing nutes, weeding, spraying, whatever I calm down and it all just slows down and I kinda forget how bad I feel. Depression is a funny thing because it sorta makes you not do what's good for you. Anyways thats my 2 cents on that.
Thats exactly what gardens do for me REF!! And that is why I spend so much time there.
Topview update things look ok got a break in weather for 24 hrs to spray for leaf eaters etc which so far seem to be the only hinderence to the plants.
WW is finally starting to bush out like it should not sure why she was a bit slow but i feel picking the indica dom it reacts a lot slower to topping unlike last yrs sativa dom which so hard to keep control height wise.
Bubblegum looks fantastic and is tallest but i feel the SR wont take long to gain height on them