Did Ronald Reagan kill the American dream?

Did Ronald Reagan kill the American dream?

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Maybe a great economy for you, but I lived through his bullshit trickle down economy his blowing up the debt worst than Obama ever has he had to raise taxes 11 fucking times because he cut taxes so deep for the rich, us working folks suffered his bullshit economic plans plus his successor had to raise taxes too and was a 1 termer, how many Billions did he sink into starwars defense and the military (which is the righties version of a jobs program) and how many Billions did he sink into the savings and loans scandal (that we're still dealing with). He was able to ruin Russia's economy by ruining ours first, he outspent Russia on defense that's why they closed up shop.

Plus the MF should've been in prison for being a traitor. That astrological BITCH of a wife came up with "just say no to drugs", not him.

In the words of Corso312 I would like to dig them both up and skull fuck them both.

The economy was good for businesses and the rich but not us 9-5'ers or in my case 7-3.

You forgot Contra
You're a pussy making up excuses.

If you're young and just starting out, then you have to start at the bottom and work your way up.


Spoken like a true Party Member.

In the area of investment, the U.S. is one of the largest sources of foreign investment. In 2011 alone, China approved 1,426 new U.S. businesses in China. By the end of 2011, the U.S. had invested in 61,000 projects in China with a total paid-in value of US$67.59 billion. Since 2005, Chinese investment in the U.S. has been growing at a rapid pace. Currently, non-financial Chinese direct investment in the U.S. has exceeded US$6 billion, covering industry, science & technology, clothing, food processing and other areas. Chinese companies have opened 1,600 businesses in the U.S., hiring 15,500 local employees.

Fuck that noise. When I graduated from high school, I could have gotten a local job from 4 different steel mills, 2 foundries, 3 different coal mines, 2 rail road companies, a half dozen local construction companies, a toilet bowl fixture company, a distillery, and there were other places that paid less as well...

3 of the 4 steel mills are now shut down, the toilet fixture place relocated to China, both foundries out of business, the distillery moved out of state, the RR companies were bought out, etc.

The fucking opportunities have dried up, many are over seas, in other states, out of business, etc,

Before you call it 'their own damn fault', shouldn't they have a good job opportunity that they lazily reject?
So your solution is to fuck the people with the capital to make jobs?

Seems logical.
Spoken like a true Party Member.

In the area of investment, the U.S. is one of the largest sources of foreign investment. In 2011 alone, China approved 1,426 new U.S. businesses in China. By the end of 2011, the U.S. had invested in 61,000 projects in China with a total paid-in value of US$67.59 billion. Since 2005, Chinese investment in the U.S. has been growing at a rapid pace. Currently, non-financial Chinese direct investment in the U.S. has exceeded US$6 billion, covering industry, science & technology, clothing, food processing and other areas. Chinese companies have opened 1,600 businesses in the U.S., hiring 15,500 local employees.


No, spoken like a guy who wanted to enrich themselves and those around him, mapped out a financial plan and then executed that plan. What's your excuse?

Besides your reply was nothing more than a deflection.. What does it have to do with personal investments, starting a biz, starting at the bottom and working yourself up the corporate ladder? Millions have and will continue to do it.
No, spoken like a guy who wanted to enrich themselves and those around him, mapped out a financial plan and then executed that plan. What's your excuse?

Besides your reply was nothing more than a deflection.. What does it have to do with personal investments, starting a biz, starting at the bottom and working yourself up the corporate ladder? Millions have and will continue to do it.

Excuse for what?

Deflection. No it required math as well as reading. (watch the years, tricky like that) and you would see where the opportunities moved to, along with the tax base.
Shove that Voodoo economics logic and see if it trickles down your balls
I don't believe in trickle down bullshit nor the lefty "take it all" bullshit either.

I believe in a lack of obstacles to enterprise and support of SME's as they're what drive economic growth and prosperity.
I don't believe in trickle down bullshit nor the lefty "take it all" bullshit either.

I believe in a lack of obstacles to enterprise and support of SME's as they're what drive economic growth and prosperity.

I believe middle class consumer spending drives the economy...and a working middle class carries the bulk tax burden...

Give the middle class more to spend and they'll spend every penny (foolishly maybe, but they still spend it).

Obstacles to some are necessary regulations to others. It can't be a do anything you want scenario or profits will be more important than health and safety. You see anybody policing themselves voluntarily? Exceedingly RARE...
I believe middle class consumer spending drives the economy...and a working middle class carries the bulk tax burden...

Give the middle class more to spend and they'll spend every penny (foolishly maybe, but they still spend it).

Obstacles to some are necessary regulations to others. It can't be a do anything you want scenario or profits will be more important than health and safety. You see anybody policing themselves voluntarily? Exceedingly RARE...
Barriers to entry to business, regulations on conduct of business are seperate altogether.
Barriers to entry to business, regulations on conduct of business are seperate altogether.

America...land of the free...to make excuses.

You aren't making excuses in the top quote are you?
I know you don't like excuses...

Everybody wants every edge they can get these days, everybody (including business) feels entitled...human nature will never change. Everybody thinks they're getting the short end.

But which side has more merit?

I think we all know where we stand...
You aren't making excuses in the top quote are you?
I know you don't like excuses...

Everybody wants every edge they can get these days, everybody (including business) feels entitled...human nature will never change. Everybody thinks they're getting the short end.

But which side has more merit?

I think we all know where we stand...
So you oppose opening up the market to sole traders and small/medium enterprises?

Instead you think you should make a run on the rich's bank accounts and then give it back to them by people spending the money in large Corporations?
So you oppose opening up the market to sole traders and small/medium enterprises?

Instead you think you should make a run on the rich's bank accounts and then give it back to them by people spending the money in large Corporations?

If 'making a run on the rich's bank accounts' means returning to a previous tax rate that was higher...Yes.

They sit on more than they invest, you heard of the Cayman Islands, right?

And ex-presidents who go to the Cayman Island bank conventions are not my kind of role models...

Every business beats the government out of taxes. Small businesses offer you a lower price for a construction job if you pay cash. I wonder why?
I believe middle class consumer spending drives the economy...and a working middle class carries the bulk tax burden...

Give the middle class more to spend and they'll spend every penny (foolishly maybe, but they still spend it).

Obstacles to some are necessary regulations to others. It can't be a do anything you want scenario or profits will be more important than health and safety. You see anybody policing themselves voluntarily? Exceedingly RARE...
what a load of shit !!
Your nose is so far up the ass of the 1% you couldn't smell fairness.

Don't lie about the ignore now. Be a man, not a puss.
You're not on real ignore, there's only one jackass on that, I'm just not gonna reply with substantive responses to your ideologically flawed horseshit.

Good day sir.