Did Ronald Reagan kill the American dream?

Did Ronald Reagan kill the American dream?

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How come you can't actually reply with any facts and simply try baffle with bull$h1t?

You have nothing but insults

That's fucking choice coming from an imbecile who can't post without insults and unprovoked name calling.
What ever happened to that ignore button threat? Lie much? Go deep throat a potato.
How come you can't actually reply with any facts and simply try baffle with bull$h1t?

You mean kinda like this? V

"Why should people support your small business if you're gonna give your money to massive corporate entities instead who pay their workers fuck all?"
You mean kinda like this? V

"Why should people support your small business if you're gonna give your money to massive corporate entities instead who pay their workers fuck all?"
Ok so replace "fuck all" (said for tone, this is text afterall) with "very little".

And the question still stands.
For the record I'm a mom/pop store or biz. I also buy from "massive corporate stores" one of my favorite being Sam's Club, which you probably don't have in Ireland.

I always felt I paid less in the long run because my little bit extra spent at the Ma and Pa turned good leads that ultimately put money in my pocket. No cashier at Wally World ever did that, so fuck the "savings."

But can't always avoid the big box, especially in business. Sometimes, you need something now and those are the only assholes in town who have it.
Who's deleting my posts as "inflammatory" (yet containing multiple verifiable facts) but leaving ones that are pure ad hom?

That's real chicken-hawk behaviour.

I choose to laugh when it happens because I know I said something that twisted their little liberal pussy in such a tight knot that they just couldn't stand it and they had to take time out of their life just to remove it.
What a silly question posed to this group of ignorant parrots. You don't really think any one of the posters in this thread are old enough to have experienced the confidence, wisdom and actions that brought back pride in America that Reagan is well known for re-instating? Day of his inauguration was the day Iran released our hostages that had been held for almost a year while Carter was in office. Iranians knew damn good and well they best not fuck with Reagan.

Not that I'd vote for him but the same holds true of Trump. I think the world would fear him.

Now we have a pussy of a prez that makes stupid ass deals with terrorists.

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Actually i think the world has not Feared America in some time, Considering USA is suppose to be so high tech in the military.
Yet have failed time after time fighting 3rd world countries rings Hollow, The days of using bullying tactics are over.. and it appears other countries had enough Russia ring a bell , China ???
Its funny when you say we have a pussy prez that makes stupid deals with terrorists ,,
First of all the days of making money out of thin air are long gone.. any presidents hands and yes the NEW one will also be tied .. USA is bankrupt in order to be a super power one has to have money,, Do you ?? i mean USA now needs other countries to support them .
If every country that borrows USA money was to demand and pull out , not giving you a dime any more Do you think life in USA will be the same ?????

So USA will use things like well if we crash , same thing will apply to you, So you have to keep lending us money lol ..
Truth is Yes it may hurt us, but again. We will prosper you on the other hand will not ..

Then you go on about Obama making deals with terrorists ,, this is the best one and thank you for the laugh
One only as to go back in history and see where and how ISIS was made and who is funded them ,,
Lets see who the true horror is USA is like a cancer no matter what country they have invaded and most of time illegally .. By the time they leave the country they invaded is in worst shape then when they invaded ????
Interesting huh i mean who really made ISIS and al Qaeda ??? and where did it form ??? and why and most importantly funded by who ???
Sad truth is USA Doesn't even know who is the good guys and who is the bad guys ,, i mean you flip sides faster then a chef flips eggs
Ironic isn't it ??? one second USA insists that they are trying to minimize civilian casualties in Iraq but the real truth is USA is afraid that bombing al queda ( Sunni's ) in there sectarian war will infact up set USA 's Sunni allies in the gulf ,, aaha how fucked up is that ,, Again playing both sides... Typical
Remember there was no al Queda in Iraq when USA invaded