Donald Trump

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I`n still looking for people than like Hillary or Sanders and Ma is Dem. I see and hear Trump all the time, nobody talks Hillary or Democrat,...Is that why they secured a win ? The one everyone is talking about,....loses ?
The media has covered Trump more than the entire Democrat field combined. You may be onto something
First she`s really annoying to Trump, his first big press dealing.

She was the celebrity example of how same sex married with adopted children that have every need provided plus some, can succeed and prove once and for all that this can be done and tolerated. Didn`t go that way for her. Second, the Nations first and most publicized gay wedding in Boston which was all that fighting rewarded, failed due to one partner eventually falling in love with a man and started a family. The examples that should prove success, failed on que.

Why do they want to turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah ? It`s bad enough that some straight families fail, Why add assurances their will be more?
Again...this is one persons example...not empirical evidence. As you pointed out yourself, 40 to 50 percent of straight married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
Again...this is one persons example...not empirical evidence. As you pointed out yourself, 40 to 50 percent of straight married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
shut up. This is not one of a thousand " gay threads " It's the DJ Trump thread.
Again...this is one persons example...not empirical evidence. As you pointed out yourself, 40 to 50 percent of straight married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.

Now look it, I gave two of the most backed and supported prime examples of how it was supposed to be done, the thanks to them type, the it happened because of the great love for one another type, the you don`t need to be straight look at us type, the winning fucking team,....that talked about fight type, the now you`ll see what the Gay mean type,...the one, the only kind that says ,...see ?? Even with all those hand painted signs on TV daily.

And they failed.

I put a boat in the water and it sank,...I realized, don`t float.
Polls show that Donald Trump won the debate... again

Unless you watch h the bias Fox News channel. They will tell you Rubio won

I had it up to here with studies from this one and that one, more accurate to observe and see for yourself.

Gay marriage has been legal for what ? a decade and already it `s progress report is out and miraculously it`s doing better than traditional Family ?

Straight family devorces share the family gene pool even when separated.

No more studies funded by............

Vote Trump.

I hate to say it bud, but I dont think your "rosie o'donnell" study more credible for some reason. Also where im from there ARE examples of gay married couples raising children well.

As far as the contribution to the gene pool argument....well rape contributes too....and we all know some assholes that have no business being parents yet punt out a half dozen of the little guys(its a vagina, not a clown car!)...Also the incest folk for instance we mentioned earlier...So personally I take a gay couple raising a child well on an already overpopulated planet as a good thing. (i know, i know... you dont for personal reasons cause being gay disqualifies them) But personally it sounds better then a whole lot of other options for the kids already here and i need of a good home.

I`n still looking for people than like Hillary or Sanders and Ma is Dem. I see and hear Trump all the time, nobody talks Hillary or Democrat,...Is that why they secured a win ? The one everyone is talking about,....loses ?
Well I again wonder where your from. Im sure that has a large roll to play. Every other person here has a Bernie bumper sticker.
I hate to say it bud, but I dont think your "rosie o'donnell" study more credible for some reason. Also where im from there ARE examples of gay married couples raising children well.

As far as the contribution to the gene pool argument....well rape contributes too....and we all know some assholes that have no business being parents yet punt out a half dozen of the little guys(its a vagina, not a clown car!)...Also the incest folk for instance we mentioned earlier...So personally I take a gay couple raising a child well on an already overpopulated planet as a good thing. (i know, i know... you dont for personal reasons cause being gay disqualifies them) But personally it sounds better then a whole lot of other options for the kids already here and i need of a good home.

Well I again wonder where your from. Im sure that has a large roll to play. Every other person here has a Bernie bumper sticker.

I`m in Boston. Boston Ma. The boat floats on the frozen pond only,.....
RINOs in the House really sold their party down the river this time. I can guarantee you. Mark my words.

Opposing the base by bringing in Tens of thousands of impossible to vet Syrian refugees into the country, will significantly increase Trump's already large lead. I don't think it's about to happen. I know it
I hate to say it bud, but I dont think your "rosie o'donnell" study more credible for some reason. Also where im from there ARE examples of gay married couples raising children well.

As far as the contribution to the gene pool argument....well rape contributes too....and we all know some assholes that have no business being parents yet punt out a half dozen of the little guys(its a vagina, not a clown car!)...Also the incest folk for instance we mentioned earlier...So personally I take a gay couple raising a child well on an already overpopulated planet as a good thing. (i know, i know... you dont for personal reasons cause being gay disqualifies them) But personally it sounds better then a whole lot of other options for the kids already here and i need of a good home.

Well I again wonder where your from. Im sure that has a large roll to play. Every other person here has a Bernie bumper sticker.

Do you suppose a Gay family is better and acceptable for the adopted kid with no family at all ? Going through school being teased for something the kid had no idea was in for ? All that kid has to call family is a Gay couple,

Thanks for the shot at life.
RINOs in the House really sold their party down the river this time. I can guarantee you. Mark my words.

Opposing the base by bringing in Tens of thousands of impossible to vet Syrian refugees into the country, will significantly increase Trump's already large lead. I don't think it's about to happen. I know it

No they didn`t, they had a plan, ..they got trumped, literally. They were out smarted. Leverage.
Trump has so much support because he's saying what the republican base wants to hear - it's as simple as that.

You guys raised em to be afraid of everything different, Trump is playing into that to the tee. Don't get mad at the baker when you're the one who wrote the fuckin' recipe, dipshit.
You remember when Trump ran before and tried to appeal to Dems with a bunch of shit like this? But we called him out on his obvious lies out the gate?

Now he's all...

(I agree about the Hillery part no need to flood that point guys) So why do people think hes...

I know you guys like what he says. I just dont understand why you think he means it.
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Do you suppose a Gay family is better and acceptable for the adopted kid with no family at all ? Going through school being teased for something the kid had no idea was in for ? All that kid has to call family is a Gay couple,

Thanks for the shot at life. you have any idea as to the percentage of abuse and molestation that occurs in the foster child system? I think most any of those kids would handle some teasing over going through that shit. But I can see how being raised in a that kind of family setting in a community like yours WOULD be a huge problem (no judgment, just hearing what you're saying). That's not a big issue here.
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