Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Reality calls again, @Rob Roy, I checked Bernie's record and as usual, you are wrong about Bernie as a war hawk in Congress. I'm sure you can find a few times where he sided with the Hawks, such as authorizing military spending in Kosovo and Somalia. But that's it isn't it? He voted to authorize funds to attack your Libertarian Never-Never Land, Somalia.
We agree on one thing, judge a politician not by what they say, rather judge them by their actions. Bernie is no war hawk.
Summary of his record on military spending:
Like It or Not: Bernie Sanders’ Congressional Voting Record.
08/29/2015 by mc.murphy 0 Comments
Depending on our individual political proclivities we reserve to ourselves the right to have strong opinions regarding the respective presidential candidates’ merits or demerits. This, of course, is as it ought to be.
Out of self respect and respect for our adversaries, however, and no matter how strongly we may feel about any candidate, we should categorically eschew buttressing our opinions with propaganda as opposed to facts.
It is a sorry testament to our political culture – and I’m speaking from the left – that our own trusted sources are not above using trumped up charges in order to discredit, and to score points, against candidates who don’t meet with our approval. We should denounce such underhanded practices and the authors who make use of them, forcefully, because distortions of truths – which we then trustingly and faithfully repeat – art part and parcel of the political sleaze in which we then become inadvertently inured.
I, for one, irrespective of my differences with Bernie, resent that.
So here is Bernie’s salient voting record, like it or not, hat tip direction of danny j who compiled it.
Bernie Sanders voted AGAINST:
Oct. 24, 2001, HR 3162
(and every expansion and reauthorization afterwards)
Nov. 20, 2003, HR 2417
July 21, 2005: HR 3199
Dec. 14, 2005: HR 3199
March 7, 2006: S 2271
May 23, 2011: S 1038
May 26, 2011: S 990
Relatedly, voted against:
* Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004
* Creation of Department of Homeland Security
July 26, 2002, HR 5005
* Invasion of Iraq (and all later bills to fund it “off the records”)
Oct. 10, 2002, H J Res 114
Iraq War Funding:
You may remember that Bush II kept Iraq War funding out of the regular “defense” budget, and so it was funded with “emergency funding” bills. Sanders voted AGAINST every single bill to fund the Iraq War, with one possible exception. In 2006, Iraq War funding may have been bundled with Hurricane Katrina relief and other necessary emergency funding which he did vote for.
* Global War on Terror
June 16, 2006, H Res 861
* No Child Left Behind
Dec. 13, 2001, HR 1
* All “Free Trade Acts”
* NAFTA, Nov. 17, 1993, HR 345
* GATT (Free Trade Act that created the WTO and World Bank).
June 22, 1993, HR 1876
*He later sponsored his first bill to withdraw from the WTO.
*July 27, 2002, HR 3009
* July 24, 2003, HR 2738, U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
* July 24, 2003, HR 2739, U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
* March 2, 2005, H J Res 27,
* July 20, 2006, HR 5684, U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation
Additionally, Dec. 6, 2001, voted against
* HR 3005, Fast Track Trade Authority bill
* Deepwater Oil Drilling
June 29, 2006, HR 4761
* 1994 Bill Clinton’s “Tough On Crime” package
* Omnibus Crime Bill
Aug. 21, 1994, HR 3355
* Anti-Crime bill,
Feb. 14, 1995, HR 728
* 1996, Bill Clinton’s Anti-Terrorsm and Effective Death Penalty Act…
* Juvenile Crime bill,
May 8, 1997, HR 3
* Telecommunications Bill,
Feb. 1, 1996, S 652
* Both versions of Clinton’s Comprehensive Terrorism Prevention Act (Precursor to USA PATRIOT Act)
April 18, 1996, S 735
Antiterrorism bill,
March 14, 1996, HR 2703
* Bill Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act
July 12, 1996, HR 3396
* Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Act
July 18, 1996, HR 3734
* Bill Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Sept. 29, 1993, H Amdt 318
Oh my. it looks like you've intentionally omitted a few of his votes where he voted to continue to fund the Empire and Empire related death and destruction abroad.
Did you know he voted to bomb Kosovo and for a time people in Vermont referred to him as "Bernie the Bomber" ?
National Defense Authorization Act (200

Inclusion of Iraq and Afghanistan Military Operations Funding with the Consolidated Appropriations – Key Vote : YES
Iraq and Afghanistan War Funding- Key Vote YES
2009-2010 Defense Appropriations – Key Vote YES
Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Supplemental Appropriations – Key Vote YES
2010-2011 Defense Authorizations – Key Vote YES
Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations Bill YES
Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2004 YES
Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 – Key Vote YES
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 – Key Vote YES
PATRIOT Act Reauthorization YES
Defense Department FY2007 Appropriations Bill YES
Defense Department FY2006 Authorization Bill YES
Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations Bill YES
Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2003 YES
Foreign Operations FY 2006 Appropriations Bill YES
Authorization for Use of Military Force (September 14, 2001) YES