EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Oh my. it looks like you've intentionally omitted a few of his votes where he voted to continue to fund the Empire and Empire related death and destruction abroad.

Did you know he voted to bomb Kosovo and for a time people in Vermont referred to him as "Bernie the Bomber" ?

National Defense Authorization Act (2008) YES

Inclusion of Iraq and Afghanistan Military Operations Funding with the Consolidated Appropriations – Key Vote : YES

Iraq and Afghanistan War Funding- Key Vote YES

2009-2010 Defense Appropriations – Key Vote YES

Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Supplemental Appropriations – Key Vote YES

2010-2011 Defense Authorizations – Key Vote YES

Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations Bill YES

Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2004 YES

Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 – Key Vote YES

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 – Key Vote YES

PATRIOT Act Reauthorization YES

Defense Department FY2007 Appropriations Bill YES

Defense Department FY2006 Authorization Bill YES

Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations Bill YES

Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2003 YES

Foreign Operations FY 2006 Appropriations Bill YES

Authorization for Use of Military Force (September 14, 2001) YES
You are just angry because he voted to authorize military action on your libertarian shit hole, Somalia. If you had actually read my posting instead of blathering on, you would have seen that I did know he voted to bomb Kosovo. And of course, he has a record of voting to maintain our military. duh.

So, I'm not saying that Bernie is a pacifist. Just saying that he has a good record when it comes to choosing when to authorize and fund military force -- a better record than any of the Republican candidates currently in office.
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You are just angry because he voted to authorize military action on your libertarian shit hole, Somalia. If you had actually read my posting instead of blathering on, you would have seen that I did know he voted to bomb Kosovo. And of course, he has a record of voting to maintain our military. duh.

So, I'm not saying that Bernie is a pacifist. Just saying that he has a good record when it comes to choosing when to authorize and fund military force -- a better record than any of the Republican candidates currently in office.

Your ahem "logic" escapes me.

If somebody votes to fund death every day of the week, are you saying that the guy who votes to fund it on tuesday, thursday and all weekend has a "good record" because he's not as big a douche as those who vote to fund it every day of the week?

Okay then, rather than me stomping on your head until your brains come out, how about I only kick you in the balls until your nose bleeds? That'd be "good" right?
Your ahem "logic" escapes me.

If somebody votes to fund death every day of the week, are you saying that the guy who votes to fund it on tuesday, thursday and all weekend has a "good record" because he's not as big a douche as those who vote to fund it every day of the week?

Okay then, rather than me stomping on your head until your brains come out, how about I only kick you in the balls until your nose bleeds? That'd be "good" right?
You are, again, being an idealistic extremist. Bernie is actually a moderate, you should try it. I don't like war, would you like to explain that to ISIL for me? They give no fucks and would murder you, sometimes war is becessary, for now. Bernie has a better record than most, by far. It is easy to be against things, what are you for? Who do you support? What policies do you support, specifically? Nobody thinks Sanders is perfect, just better than everyone else. And possibly actually good. I am not perfect, either. I think you are holding humans to too high of a standard. We basically suck at stuff.
Its simply a myth that Democrats are spendthrifts while Republicans are fiscally responsible.
The great wall of debt was built in the first term of this guy's Presidency:

Republicans love cutting taxes, they love increasing spending and they party when doing both. Yes indeed they do! Of course there was this hangover called the Great Recession after the last party. They are making ready for another party but Bernie is going to take away the punch bowl when he gets into office.
When the hangover lasts longer than the party, it's time to slow the fuck down.

Despite your cries of "Bush, BUSH, BOOOOOOSH" this has been the worst recovery in history...
Don't be so hard on Mr Miyagi. He is only regurgitating what his masters tell him. I am sure he means well just not very bright.
Would you care the answer the question for the benefit of the obviously at least partially autistic people here?

Who ends up holding the money that was confiscated and then spent by the "beneficiaries"?
Your ahem "logic" escapes me.

If somebody votes to fund death every day of the week, are you saying that the guy who votes to fund it on tuesday, thursday and all weekend has a "good record" because he's not as big a douche as those who vote to fund it every day of the week?

Okay then, rather than me stomping on your head until your brains come out, how about I only kick you in the balls until your nose bleeds? That'd be "good" right?
Dude, you are so light in the logic that I thought you were just passing gas, not stomping or kicking. And what's with your violent fantasies? Violence is what people resort to after they have lost the argument. Hmmmm.

Bernie has been a Congressman for decades and all we can say is what he voted on, not why. Sometimes things a Congressman is actively pursuing get bundled into less savory package. This explains some of his votes, not excusing but explaining. His overall record is great compared to others. By the way, we will eventually choose one candidate over another when we choose a president. So, yes, Bernie looks pretty good compared to the competition, including Clinton. I guess that the only person you'd consider qualified is yourself. After all, you aren't bothered by reality or other nonsense such as that.
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When the hangover lasts longer than the party, it's time to slow the fuck down.

Despite your cries of "Bush, BUSH, BOOOOOOSH" this has been the worst recovery in history...
oh no, this has not been the worst. By some metrics we hadn't fully recovered from The Great Depression until after WW2. But I agree, its time to put the party-ers in a holding area until the sober up. US private debt is going up after several years of flat or decreasing debt. Banks are probably a little too loose with the loans.
oh no, this has not been the worst. By some metrics we hadn't fully recovered from The Great Depression until after WW2. But I agree, its time to put the party-ers in a holding area until the sober up. US private debt is going up after several years of flat or decreasing debt. Banks are probably a little too loose with the loans.

True but that was a depression and this was/is a "recession".
True but that was a depression and this was/is a "recession".
Harrekin said this is the worst recovery in history. I have to include the GD in that. After 10 years the US and the world for that matter, was digging out of that one. Can you tell me what the difference is between a recession and a depression? Perhaps there is none, except to a politician.

Other than the Great Depression, the Great Recession has few other comps. Maybe the one in the '70s but that one was inflation-driven and not a debt crisis, so it's not a great comparison.
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Riddle me this Captain Genius...

When you confiscate this money from the rich, and the now less-poor spend it...who gets it in the end?

I'll answer; Given a long enough timeline the banks end up owning literally everything. It is an inevitability, until we change the system we're living under back to the constitutionally-mandated nationalized currency issued by congress. So occasionally they engineer a crisis like our current super-recession to keep everyone on their toes and not thinking about that fundamental fact.

You are victimizing yourself, unless you're already a billionaire @Harrekin - the beliefs you hold will not benefit you the way you think they will. A little socialism is a good thing. You don't understand that because you're afraid. You're afraid you won't have a chance to become one of the mega-rich and look down on the poor with pity and what passes for compassion in our sick society. Real compassion takes risk, self-sacrifice and understanding that you are not a man apart, but a small part of a whole. As soon as a good number of you true believers who unknowingly work for this broken system on behalf of the overlords who benefit from it start to realize you've been taught to be happy under what is nothing short of financial tyranny then we can start to move forward to a better way, until then you're part of the problem. They tell us this is freedom while they rob us blind and keep us bound to our debt until we are dead. Just because you've been told things work a certain way and you've lived under that set of rules your whole life, and so have your parents, and your parents parents does not mean it is the best or only viable set of rules under which to live. If you don't know what's possible how can you make an informed choice? I keep seeing people say "confiscate" or "steal" money from the rich, but that's something fed to you by the banker-media-trolls over and over and over until you believed it. Our system is out of balance, and our taxes our low. We need a bit less military waste, more transparency from the federal govt. (and less surveillance), more social programs and higher taxes. You would benefit as an individual and we would all benefit as a country. Again, there are many examples around the world, especially northern Europe, where this is working. This country used to be great for most of us, now it is only great if you have a 9-figure net worth. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave has never been less true than right now.

P.S. I love when people throw insults like "Mr. Miyagi" and "Captain Genius" - around. It provides proof to me that you're anti-intellectual and probably part of the thug culture, which in turn makes it very easy for me to disregard your opinions. Pro-tip: If you want to be taken seriously don't say shit like that, it makes you look dumb.
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I'll answer; Given a long enough timeline the banks end up owning literally everything. It is an inevitability, until we change the system we're living under back to the constitutionally-mandated nationalized currency issued by congress. So occasionally they engineer a crisis like our current super-recession to keep everyone on their toes and not thinking about that fundamental fact.

You are victimizing yourself, unless you're already a billionaire @Harrekin - the beliefs you hold will not benefit you the way you think they will. A little socialism is a good thing. You don't understand that because you're afraid. You're afraid you won't have a chance to become one of the mega-rich and look down on the poor with pity and what passes for compassion in our sick society. Real compassion takes risk, self-sacrifice and understanding that you are not a man apart, but a small part of a whole. As soon as a good number of you true believers who unknowingly work for this broken system on behalf of the overlords who benefit from it start to realize you've been taught to be happy under what is nothing short of financial tyranny then we can start to move forward to a better way, until then you're part of the problem. They tell us this is freedom while they rob us blind and keep us bound to our debt until we are dead. Just because you've been told things work a certain way and you've lived under that set of rules your whole life, and so have your parents, and your parents parents does not mean it is the best or only viable set of rules under which to live. If you don't know what's possible how can you make an informed choice? I keep seeing people say "confiscate" or "steal" money from the rich, but that's something fed to you by the banker-media-trolls over and over and over until you believed it. Our system is out of balance, and our taxes our low. We need a bit less military waste, more transparency from the federal govt. (and less surveillance), more social programs and higher taxes. You would benefit as an individual and we would all benefit as a country. Again, there are many examples around the world, especially northern Europe, where this is working. This country used to be great for most of us, now it is only great if you have a 9-figure net worth. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave has never been less true than right now.

Nice post.