fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
lmfao i feel like a idiot and yes i am baked nyc deisle is killer my friend and funny fdd so how them bitchs smelling and what strains u got going this year still got that santa berry going


Well-Known Member
Ahh the Seeeee Doooooooo......... I was just on one today and what fun:-) Glad to see your having fun this summer Fdd.



Well-Known Member
I haven't skimmed this thread since it started.
My fucking jaw almost broke it hit the table so hard.
Never in my life have I seen anything like that!
Fantastic FDD!!!!
Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
that's so freaking gorgeous. Looks like it will be a lot of work trimming those soon to be massive buds this season.


Well-Known Member
I'd be starting to hang around the yard pretty much 24 / 7 I dont know what kind of neighborhood you live in but I'd be out there with a shotgun and some trip alarms