fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
ur gonna need a trailer for all the mexicans ur gonna be employing to help u trim lol........nice problem to have


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, that everyone thinks their plants are monsters...You'll see sad, real sad stick plants and their owners are as proud as can be..God love them...
but looking at fdd's bushland ..is kind of deflating..... I still love my plants (not sticks, but not those) and everyone should..... but.............


Well-Known Member
the bible says we reap as we sew........
u need to remember how much work fdd has put into those and how many years and the trial and error that went into it
ive been growing for 10 total months and know someday i can get results like that (if i was in cali or another legal state) so enjoy and strive for the best
at the end of the day ull have plenty of bud for u and ur friends........


Well-Known Member
in ne ohio.........we have been having more than 6 inches per month since april.....good thing the greenhouse is going decent and i havent had to water my garden all year........

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Welcome back. The pics are amazing, unbelievable. I thought they, in most part was Warlock, or something like that. Also, next year, will you space them further apart? In case anyone's wondering, Fdd has rented out a roller skating rink to have enough room to manicure his plants. This dude uses hedge clippers instead of scissors to trim. Paul Bunyan antics. Johnny Ink-Slinger has leased a trucker's weigh scale... This production is better than prime time. $200 bucks, just for zip-locks? LOL


Well-Known Member
from day one ALL the old members knew this MOFO was serious, his first outdoor picture blew everyone away.

nearly 2 years later he is still raising the BAR!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Serious???, Let's try Demon Possessed!!! Throw some Holy Water on his green ass..., but not Mad Dog 20/20, Jesss, that would be a nightmare.