Terpenes enhancement and manipulation

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Also you can look up the werc shop out of Colorado they are using these oils in their concentrates so I'm pretty sure they cant harm you.
You still misunderstand me...im not saying it doesnt work.But you come in here like you found the secret and you and you alone have come up with these concepts.Im just saying..show some proof.You make claims...you provide proof to back those claims,thats how it works.
SIR no disrespect but if you read the post it says theory. A theory has no documented evidence. thus the word theory being key. I said you wont find any info accept from me because there are no other articles regarding essential oils and cannabis growing. Not that I alone figured this out. this is all a result of different research put together like a puzzle after three years of trial and error.
im not saying it doesnt work.
,pouring crap on your plant probably isnt the answer.Genetic manipulation through selective breeding is the answer.

show some proof.You make claims...you provide proof to back those claims,thats how it works.Thats called science.
Im sorry but there is a big difference between altering the NPK values of the soil and what the op is suggesting.
Well then go test your "theory" and come back here with your verifiable,repeatable data or you dont get any credit for your groundbreaking theory.I wont be testing your theory by dousing my medicine with volatile substances just because...joe blow from the interwebs has a theory.
I wonder......now high in elevation one could go and still have there plants FLOURISH.....like the ande's mtns or Himalayan ranges
Well then go test your "theory" and come back here with your verifiable,repeatable data or you dont get any credit for your groundbreaking theory.I wont be testing your theory by dousing my medicine with volatile substances just because...joe blow from the interwebs has a theory.

You truly need to go back to icmag. I don't need to prove anything my medicine kills my pain no matter what strain I grow I ensure that by providing the necessary terps for pain relief. I was just trying to share. You just like arguing on the interwebz hiding behind a false name. Like I said I have nothing to hide use the info or don't.

I prefer to make sure my medicine works for me instead of playing Russian roulette with a number of strains. Its more cost affective to my pocket.
Lol ok dude...ill go back to icmag now...I thought I could stalk you here,but I guess I was wrong...you caught me.Lol you have delusions of grandeur,but whatever...lol paranoia
SIR no disrespect but if you read the post it says theory. A theory has no documented evidence. thus the word theory being key. I said you wont find any info accept from me because there are no other articles regarding essential oils and cannabis growing. Not that I alone figured this out. this is all a result of different research put together like a puzzle after three years of trial and error.
There's a huge difference between a theory and scientific theory....

Scientific theory - something that can be observed or tested

Eg evolution Is a theory because we can observe it via bones. No guessing work or pulling shit out of ones own ass at play.
If you are a MMJ patient with serious problems and are interested in my findings I will help free of charge don't need recognition.
I have a lot of family that have died due to modern pharma and I want to see them stop claiming our citizens with their medication designed to claim the week with their population control. I want nothing but to see people get better. If I am wrong for that then so be it. All life contains an endocannabinoid system.

plural the·o·ries

  1. 1 : the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another

  2. 2 : abstract thought : speculation

  3. 3 : the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>

  4. 4a : a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn>b : an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory <in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all>

  5. 5 : a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>
  6. 6a : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b : an unproved assumption : conjecture c : a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations>

No guessing work or pulling shit out of ones own ass at play.
Like I said just here to help not argue. If you don't like my thread then don't read it. If you don't like my theory then don't use it. If you think you can't match the terpene profile of a strain with essential oils then don't do it. If you are seriously needing your medicine I have it on very high authority from a terpene expert that this method can not hurt you or your medicine. So if it can't hurt you and terpenes are useful against certain ailments and afflictions from prostate cancer to Alzheimers then what would it hurt to give it a shot.