Terpenes enhancement and manipulation

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This just in!! Someone came up with a groundbreaking concept! Pouring all manner of stuff on a cannabis plant to try to make it more potent!..people have been doing this for thousands of years,pouring crap on your plant probably isnt the answer.Genetic manipulation through selective breeding is the answer.

Another icmag member you need to get new stuff I got a pretty good memory
i didnt say that it didnt have medicinal benefit

In general secondary metabolites are toxic and must be held in a storage cavity and indeed thca and cbga cause 100% cell death in 10 day old suspension cultured cannabis sativa cells at 50um(through apoptosis)

your idea of adding essential oils is a little off. they need to be formed in the trichome. and yes these oils are good insecticides as well..because of these same properties.

i just said it isnt the best idea
This is true science though it is much more than most can understand with the hype wagon everyone falls for in this generation. You have to be scientific with it its a lot of back crossing references from genetic profiles of terps and flavors of plants with terps found naturally in nature and their medicinal aspects.
Also its the combination of terps that make the smell. so just one oil won't give you a premium product and adding too much to your water can choke out your plant. Also if you add the terps not in the genetic makeup you then come up with medicine which will kill the natural flavor of your plant. Look up terpene profiles of certain strains and you will see whats in your palnts to a point because it changes between growers and sampels.
Scientific? You mean like all the repeatable,verifiable data you have to prove your groundbreaking theory?

another icmag member why do you guys lurk never using your real names or atleast the same name on every forum. I have nothing to hide this is real. And needs to be shared in hopes it could help someone I am no genius I stumbled across this info researching the medical aspect of cannabis. I just have a very analytical mind and very good at putting to work to see outside the box the powers that be want to keep us in. So adding the oils after to concentrates is ok. but providing your plant with natural influences isn't. And it is natural you smell these plants in nature when you are around them or they blow in on the wind but omg if someone has a different idea than you you rather cast them down than research it for yourself.
another icmag member why do you guys lurk never using your real names or atleast the same name on every forum. I have nothing to hide this is real. And needs to be shared in hopes it could help someone I am no genius I stumbled across this info researching the medical aspect of cannabis. I just have a very analytical mind and very good at putting to work to see outside the box the powers that be want to keep us in. So adding the oils after to concentrates is ok. but providing your plant with natural influences isn't. And it is natural you smell these plants in nature when you are around them or they blow in on the wind but omg if someone has a different idea that you you rather cast them down than research it for yourself.

Lol im not an icmag member stalking you,im merely skeptic of your groundbreaking concepts...if you cant deal with that,I suggest you consult a psychiatrist or get some actual scientific data for proof.

Im sorry but there is a big difference between altering the NPK values of the soil and what the op is suggesting.
Like I said I am not here to argue you can not find references to this anywhere. But you can find correlation between terps and where they are found naturally in other plants and the medical benefits of these terps. Also there are plenty of graphs out on the webz that will help show you the smell and flavor of terps in nature. Pinene= pine, myrcene= lemongrass and ylang ylang linalool =orange. A lot of terps have more than one equal in nature usually leaning to different aspects say sweet versus sour. citrus versus floral so on and so forth. You can pm me if you would like me to work up a strain for you but i am done stating my point I don't care to argue. Just trying to share what I have found to work and try to get some feedback on the medical aspect. If you had cancer wouldn't you want your medicine to contain cancer fighting terps in your oil along with the CBD and THC so you can cause your medicine to be a triple threat to your cancer? Also adding them after the fact is not the same as getting the plant to process them itself.
You still misunderstand me...im not saying it doesnt work.But you come in here like you found the secret and you and you alone have come up with these concepts.Im just saying..show some proof.You make claims...you provide proof to back those claims,thats how it works.Thats called science.