Donald Trump

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#1. "I thought you were saying this...

By this logic shouldn't straight married couples with no kids NOT be entitles to tax deduction? They have no children or "family" to contribute to the gene-pool or further a bloodline.

Or that infertile married woman should NOT have the right to adopt? She is not built by nature to procreate....So should she not be allowed to marry in the first place?

#2. Being straight is a "behavior". It just happens to be one that leads to offspring. If your issue is with the incentives being given that you feel is only deserved by those with offspring it sounds like many you have a whole different battle to wage. Cause as I pointed out there are plenty of straight folk who are afforded that "incentive". Hell...I get it as my wife and I have no kids and I didn't even ask for it.

#3. Again im not commenting on the laws inception. Just that Christianity has been pandered too by the government long enough that I dont think the gays can really be held accountable anymore to christian morality as upheld by a government which is meant to have a separation between church and state. I think we can agree that none of us are completely happy with the way the government performs. We ALL have grievances about this policy or that...But if we were to keep a tally I would still say gays are on the bottom shelf when it comes to getting their way in government.

I don`t even wanna know.

to answer

No, as they are not same sex marriage and have both gun and bullets. Man married to man has two guns or two bullets.

She is not built by nature to procreate is a sad thing and neither am I. Man married to man is a choice made.

Being straight is not a behavior, it is assurance of the survival of the species. Being Gay leads to extinction.

Being Gay is mentioned in Christianity as something not to do. The Government wont make me do it. I really don`t wanna prove to you that should all of mankind be married to the same sex, mankind is doomed to the youngest one. Gay is different than mankind. While sharing legal Rights is no problem, I think incentives to be for mankind or against mankind should not be the same.
I don`t even wanna know.

to answer

No, as they are not same sex marriage and have both gun and bullets. Man married to man has two guns or two bullets.

She is not built by nature to procreate is a sad thing and neither am I. Man married to man is a choice made.

Being straight is not a behavior, it is assurance of the survival of the species. Being Gay leads to extinction.

Being Gay is mentioned in Christianity as something not to do. The Government wont make me do it. I really don`t wanna prove to you that should all of mankind be married to the same sex, mankind is doomed to the youngest one. Gay is different than mankind. While sharing legal Rights is no problem, I think incentives to be for mankind or against mankind should not be the same.
Here's a very easy way to handle that problem...

I don`t even wanna know.
No, as they are not same sex marriage and have both gun and bullets. Man married to man has two guns or two bullets.
She is not built by nature to procreate is a sad thing and neither am I. Man married to man is a choice made
Infertile woman are still not physically capable of having children. A man cant have one at all...but is capable of raising a child with a woman or divorced as a single dad? no woman at all? But gay men somehow lose the ability to parent despite (by your opinion) being gay being "behavior" thus making it a choice and inferring without the choice gay men would be "normal"? Thus not really having anything to do with ability to parent.

So would it be fair to say that to you this is primarily an ethical issue?

And being straight IS behavior by the very definition of the word. You can feel however you want about it (this ones for you Lord Kanti) but it doesn't stop the thing itself from being, regardless of your interpretation of what it means or represents (as per LK's Quran verse). It still IS. It just happens to be behavior that leads to procreation. In the instances that people dont use protection anyway. Which adds a whole other layer to the argument.

I don`t even wanna know.
Being straight is not a behavior, it is assurance of the survival of the species. Being Gay leads to extinction.

Being Gay is mentioned in Christianity as something not to do. The Government wont make me do it. I really don`t wanna prove to you that should all of mankind be married to the same sex, mankind is doomed to the youngest one. Gay is different than mankind. While sharing legal Rights is no problem, I think incentives to be for mankind or against mankind should not be the same.

Dude....we literally have all of human history to prove being gay is NO threat whatsoever to mankind going extinct. People have been gay since day one...dogs do it for god sake...seems pretty common.....and somehow...we have not only survived but some numbers im told :mrgreen:

If you have some grievance with unfair incentivization I for 1 would be interested in exploring that thinking. But only for both gay and straight where it applies. If its unfair to get a write-off without kids across the board so be it, If it solved the problem.
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Then continue to be manipulated by your delusional belief in a deity and obey your master. Where in your holy book does it give you the authority to judge others sexual preference?
If you went to a Muslim country and said that, they would throw you off the roof or decapitate your head for spiritual cleansing.
If you went to a Muslim country and said that, they would throw you off the roof or decapitate your head for spiritual cleansing.

I have. In Jordon mostly. Ive said exactly slightly more polite tones of course. It prompted more then 1 religious discussion which was more insightful and respectful then most of the conversations here.

Im trying to picture what would happen if a Syrian refugee somehow had the bad luck to ask you for directions to the supermarket. Hopefully it wouldn't be near a roof.

So if there are 1.6- 2 Billion Muslims and around 100,000 - 325,000 Muslims estimated to comprise "radical Islam" why are we so afraid that all Muslims are scary again? Yes these atrocious things happen...yes they happen disproportionately more there then many nice happy 1st world places. Saying its just "these people" or just "their religion" is a lazy answer to a complicated problem, its uneducated and not going to stop anything.
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Maybe you could get some Islamic State therapy and have somebody throw you off a roof. Only people who read the Quran make a tradition out of raping young girls until they bleed to death... Just two things nobody has ever been known to do in the name of Christianity.

Are you kidding me? You have to be kidding me. We, the Western World, have a word for throwing someone out of a high window: Defenestration. The word originated during the Hussite Wars, which were fought between the Hussites - a sect of Christianity - and Catholics, when seven town officials were thrown out of the windows of Prague's town hall which resulted in their deaths. Rape has long been a tradition of warfare in Europe.
I don`t even wanna know.

to answer

No, as they are not same sex marriage and have both gun and bullets. Man married to man has two guns or two bullets.

She is not built by nature to procreate is a sad thing and neither am I. Man married to man is a choice made.

Being straight is not a behavior, it is assurance of the survival of the species. Being Gay leads to extinction.

Being Gay is mentioned in Christianity as something not to do. The Government wont make me do it. I really don`t wanna prove to you that should all of mankind be married to the same sex, mankind is doomed to the youngest one. Gay is different than mankind. While sharing legal Rights is no problem, I think incentives to be for mankind or against mankind should not be the same.

You do realize that homosexual behavior is found in other species right? About 500 different non-human species exhibit same-sex behavior: Courtship, mounting, and full anal penetration between bulls has been noted to occur among American bison. Bonobos which are great apes (like us) also have a matriarchal society and exhibit heterosexual and homosexual behavior.
Also during the Salem witch trials we had the lovely tradition of putting someone in a ditch with a board over them and piling stones onto it until they either confessed or died. I mean, in all reality, Islam could learn a thing or two from all the inventive ways Europeans used to torture each other over religion.
You do realize that homosexual behavior is found in other species right? About 500 different non-human species exhibit same-sex behavior: Courtship, mounting, and full anal penetration between bulls has been noted to occur among American bison. Bonobos which are great apes (like us) also have a matriarchal society and exhibit heterosexual and homosexual behavior.

Yes. Has Nature ever given them a reward for it ? The bull eventually figures out he had the wrong one and the wrong appears, this is evident because their are many baby bulls and the righteous appears.

But yup,...I knew some of that.
Yes. Has Nature ever given them a reward for it ? The bull eventually figures out he had the wrong one and the wrong appears, this is evident because their are many baby bulls and the righteous appears.

But yup,...I knew some of that.

So how is it unnatural then? Sometimes the bull might not figure that out though, it doesn't produce offspring so it's not genetic if it happens again.
I did that part too. Still do. The SCOTUS said they are my equal I was like,...whoa,..Really ?
Well from what the last 30 years have shown, acceptance will continue regardless of how any of us feel. In a few generations I doubt people will care at all, at least in the 1st world.
Infertile woman are still not physically capable of having children. A man cant have one at all...but is capable of raising a child with a woman or divorced as a single dad? no woman at all? But gay men somehow lose the ability to parent despite (by your opinion) being gay being "behavior" thus making it a choice and inferring without the choice gay men would be "normal"? Thus not really having anything to do with ability to parent.

So would it be fair to say that to you this is primarily an ethical issue?

And being straight IS behavior by the very definition of the word. You can feel however you want about it (this ones for you Lord Kanti) but it doesn't stop the thing itself from being, regardless of your interpretation of what it means or represents (as per LK's Quran verse). It still IS. It just happens to be behavior that leads to procreation. In the instances that people dont use protection anyway. Which adds a whole other layer to the argument.

Dude....we literally have all of human history to prove being gay is NO threat whatsoever to mankind going extinct. People have been gay since day one...dogs do it for god sake...seems pretty common.....and somehow...we have not only survived but some numbers im told :mrgreen:

If you have some grievance with unfair incentivization I for 1 would be interested in exploring that thinking. But only for both gay and straight where it applies. If its unfair to get a write-off without kids across the board so be it, If it solved the problem.

Did I ever tell you the story of paddy and buck in the cave ?

Being straight is a necessity first and foremost as in the only way.

So am I to understand that Gay being my equal, is a financial matter ? To me, if you`re Gay, shut up, nobody will care, works.
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