Donald Trump

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Christianity is a perversion of worshipping the god of the bible. Never does the bible say become a christian and you will be saved. It says "believers" will be saved. A christian is one who tries to be "like" christ. The bible teaches christ was an EXAMPLE, not one who we are supposed to be. Otherwise, why would we need christ if we had millions of "little jesus's" running around?
Jesus had a job in the bible, and he fulfilled it perfectly. But so did samson, gideon, david, paul, nathan, ezra, ehud, lot, job, and many others. They were not trying to be like jesus, but rather did the job appointed to them.

So to say "christians" are following what the bible says is a contradiction in itself. REad the fucking book
TAUTOLOGY: (a sub-category of circular argument) defining terms or qualifying an argument in such a way that it would be impossible to disprove the argument. Often, the rationale for the argument is merely a restatement of the conclusion in different words.

My intent was to point out that these teachings are different and since not a single person can prove me wrong by quoting Jesus Christ ordering an assassination or ordering followers to kill non-believers, I stand correct.
Little slow on the uptake.

A member claims both religions teach the same thing, yet clearly they do not.
Pretty sure NO ONE said that. EVERYONE is pointing our that your point is a non-sequitur since it has no bearing on if either group is violent. Thus erroneous.

Here's where we're loosing you...THIS may be true...
on multiple occasions Mohammad utilized deceit, murder, and taught Muslims that it is acceptable to lie.

Here's the part where you loose the credibility...
That is a key difference between the two teachings and your personal beliefs are once again irrelevant to the facts.

You saying you believe this is key is YOUR belief. Which is no more valid. It is not a fact. If it is a fact that this or any other teaching is responsible for extremism prove it. SHOW the impact of these verses on the Muslim population. In other words prove that Islamic extremism is based on Islamic teaching and not a slew of socio-economic/political issues.

But regardless of how many times we show our work you've undoubtedly glazed over already and resorted back to...

TAUTOLOGY: (a sub-category of circular argument) defining terms or qualifying an argument in such a way that it would be impossible to disprove the argument. Often, the rationale for the argument is merely a restatement of the conclusion in different words.

No I'm trying to learn something at this point. Dinosaurs? Do you not have a real answer?
So far no he does not. He wont give a straight answer. Its a good way not to be proven wrong.
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Christianity is a perversion of worshipping the god of the bible. Never does the bible say become a christian and you will be saved. It says "believers" will be saved. A christian is one who tries to be "like" christ. The bible teaches christ was an EXAMPLE, not one who we are supposed to be. Otherwise, why would we need christ if we had millions of "little jesus's" running around?
Jesus had a job in the bible, and he fulfilled it perfectly. But so did samson, gideon, david, paul, nathan, ezra, ehud, lot, job, and many others. They were not trying to be like jesus, but rather did the job appointed to them.

So to say "christians" are following what the bible says is a contradiction in itself. REad the fucking book
I've tried. Maybe I need to read it more like a fairy tale instead of a work of fact. Every time I start reading I just get mad
Yes I'm serious we have a bc and an ad so wat was in the bc
uum...Jesus was a self proclaimed Jew. He identified as such. The religion known as Christianity didn't come about until around 300A.D. which would be about 250 years (obviously) after Jesus or any of the apostles (attributed for having written the gospels) would have lived. Until then it was a collection of Judaic Cults not unlike kabbalah. There were a number of Gnostic groups, some worshiping John, Luke, Mary and even Judas.
It's easier to be close-minded and not give something a chance than it is to be open-minded enough to try to see if maybe oneself is wrong.
Even tho I haven't read the book. I know there is absolutely nothing in it that proves anyone right or wrong when it comes to their beliefs in God and the afterlife and all that. I am open minded I question the existence of god. I don't blindly belive it exist but also have no reason to belive it dosent. I do know 8f I ever found out God was what people said it was I would despise it. There is way to much preventable evil that goes on for me to worship a God if it does exist.
uum...Jesus was a self proclaimed Jew. He identified as such. The religion known as Christianity didn't come about until around 300A.D. Which would be about 300 years after Jesus or any of the apostles would have lived.
Ok so now I belive in it even less. Thank you for giving an answer instead of talking to me like I'm an idiot.
If knives are used as eating utensils, then why have they been used as tools for people to stab one another with?

Cool fallacy game, Ahmed.
Then you don't get to blame all Muslims for their interpretation of Islam

Why can't you accept that organized religion - especially in government - and in any form - is dangerous? Doesn't matter if it's Sharia Law in Pakistan or a Christian theocracy in America. It's dangerous because it's unverifiable, that means that anything can be justified based on anyone's interpretation since none of it can be proven one way or the other. That's how you end up with Southern Baptist Christians using the bible to justify integration while the Ku Klux Klan uses the exact same book to justify segregation. That's why you end up with radical jihadist Muslims who blow themselves up in a crowded market and Muslims who condemn them - both beliefs, exact same book.

You starting to catch on here? They're not dangerous for what they say, they're dangerous because they're used to justify atrocities.
Even tho I haven't read the book. I know there is absolutely nothing in it that proves anyone right or wrong when it comes to their beliefs in God and the afterlife and all that. I am open minded I question the existence of god. I don't blindly belive it exist but also have no reason to belive it dosent. I do know 8f I ever found out God was what people said it was I would despise it. There is way to much preventable evil that goes on for me to worship a God if it does exist.
Should have just stopped at "EVEN THO I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK".

You are standing on an opinion you have based on what? Your own opinion?

Open-minded people study both sides of the subject extensively. They can be wrong, and often are, but aren't opposed to finding out the truth - no matter how much it may go against what they believed to be true.

You are a believer in something other than absolute truth, a truth that each individual determines based on their own experiences. I believe in absolute truth - there are things that are true whether one believes it or not. That way, when I die, my truth doesn't just die with me. Truth lives on, only my beliefs die with me.
Should have just stopped at "EVEN THO I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK".
You are standing on an opinion you have based on what? Your own opinion?
Open-minded people study both sides of the subject extensively. They can be wrong, and often are, but aren't opposed to finding out the truth - no matter how much it may go against what they believed to be true.
Hold on there......if he can trust his own opinion which is based on his own experience that's fine. As long as the person has the desire to continue learning and exploring, which he seems to be doing right now. I think hes doing ok.

Just because you hear both sides of something doesn't mean you choose "right". It just means your making a more well rounded decision. But even then It can still be subjective sometimes. In which case his "gut" is all hes got, so he better trust it.
Should have just stopped at "EVEN THO I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK".

You are standing on an opinion you have based on what? Your own opinion?

Open-minded people study both sides of the subject extensively. They can be wrong, and often are, but aren't opposed to finding out the truth - no matter how much it may go against what they believed to be true.

You are a believer in something other than absolute truth, a truth that each individual determines based on their own experiences. I believe in absolute truth - there are things that are true whether one believes it or not. That way, when I die, my truth doesn't just die with me. Truth lives on, only my beliefs die with me.
But no one can say what is true and not true in a book that is thousands of years old and filled with tales that defy all logic.
Little slow on the uptake.

Pretty sure NO ONE said that. EVERYONE is pointing our that your point is a non-sequitur since it has no bearing on if either group is violent. Thus erroneous.

Here's where we're loosing you...THIS may be true...

Here's the part where you loose the credibility...

You saying you believe this is key is YOUR belief. Which is no more valid. It is not a fact. If it is a fact that this or any other teaching is responsible for extremism prove it. SHOW the impact of these verses on the Muslim population. In other words prove that Islamic extremism is based on Islamic teaching and not a slew of socio-economic/political issues.

But regardless of how many times we show our work you've undoubtedly glazed over already and resorted back to...

TAUTOLOGY: (a sub-category of circular argument) defining terms or qualifying an argument in such a way that it would be impossible to disprove the argument. Often, the rationale for the argument is merely a restatement of the conclusion in different words.

So far no he does not. He wont give a straight answer. Its a good way not to be proven wrong.

It doesn't matter what I believe, the word "YES" is not open to interpretation.
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