Donald Trump

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Cos he's a sexy, silver tongued devil.

Plus we can laugh at him while yous suffer under him.

If you cared about an honest international opinion, youd know that while people might like Obama as a personality, they also bitch non stop about the bad things "America" does.

Yeah... well the Guinness Brewery only gives you one little glass of Guinness in their tasting room when it's fresh out before being put in kegs. How do you like dem apples, boo Ireland. Also I can't get Magners easily, that's another strike.
Yeah... well the Guinness Brewery only gives you one little glass of Guinness in their tasting room when it's fresh out before being put in kegs. How do you like dem apples, boo Ireland. Also I can't get Magners easily, that's another strike.
It's Bulmers in Ireland, and that stuff is piss anyways ;)
It's Bulmers in Ireland, and that stuff is piss anyways ;)

Ah yeah lol I completely forgot that its sold under a different name abroad (Magners over here; it's been 6 years since I've been to Ireland). What's your recommendation? Red Breast is also great.
Ah yeah lol I completely forgot that its sold under a different name abroad (Magners over here; it's been 6 years since I've been to Ireland). What's your recommendation? Red Breast is also great.
Bushmills Single.

Not technically "Irish" but Northern Irish, delicious all the same for a non-premium priced whiskey.
The Trump effect:

So I take it you have issues with putting the brakes on a religion you can prove is out to kill you until we figure out what they are going to do about their own, it a bad idea ?

Is letting trial and error worth the next atrocity so some Muslim can live as is while we deal with the one`s that they say they aint ?
So I take it you have issues with putting the brakes on a religion you can prove is out to kill you until we figure out what they are going to do about their own, it a bad idea ?

Is letting trial and error worth the next atrocity so some Muslim can live as is while we deal with the one`s that they say they aint ?
You could say the exact same thing about Christianity.

Zealotry is zealotry, it isn't creed specific.
You could say the exact same thing about Christianity.

Zealotry is zealotry, it isn't creed specific.

I mean...there's this guy who just moved into my neighborhood from Missouri he's clearly extremely religious. since he doesn't fit in well here in the Bay Area of California and is a complete bible thumper should I assume he's planning on shooting up the local planned Parenthood?

P.S. For those of you whom aren't thinking I should not. A TRUE Muslim AND a TRUE Christian would not do these things. A Zealot would.

I have lived and traveled in the middle east back when the borders were all still open. My first hand experience (as opposed to uneducated fear and conjecture) has shown me your average Jordanian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian and even Iraqi wants the same things you do. A decent job, a nice home and a healthy happy family.
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Given that "Christians" are going on black church shooting rampages I would say your argument is crap.

A zealot is a zealot....doesn't matter the denomination. Most Muslims would argue that extremists aren't true Muslims.

So you are saying that christians are attacking christian churches? Might it be more of a racial and not religious thing?
You could say the exact same thing about Christianity.

Zealotry is zealotry, it isn't creed specific.

Are you gonna go back to the Romans on me or something. I would have said a totally different statement about Christians, Nowhere in their beliefs does it say, Be one or we can kill you. This Muslim one seems to have one, and the good Muslims run and will respect them.

I personally think that Good Muslims (see I gotta categorize) if they had enough strength or numbers, they would have this situation well under control,.. Do you know how long a Christian Radical Army that takes countries and Murders to expand would last in 2016 ? Christians would do what you claim is zealotry and fix their own situation rather quickly because their are so few bad Christians today.
Are you gonna go back to the Romans on me or something. I would have said a totally different statement about Christians, Nowhere in their beliefs does it say, Be one or we can kill you. This Muslim one seems to have one, and the good Muslims run and will respect them.

I personally think that Good Muslims (see I gotta categorize) if they had enough strength or numbers, they would have this situation well under control... Do you know how long a Christian Radical Army that takes countries and Murders to expand would last in 2016 ? Christians would do what you claim is zealotry and fix their own situation rather quickly because their are so few bad Christians today.

Bull....shit...... if america were half as bad off economically as Syria we would have gone all crusades on Canada and mexico years ago. Comparing America to any number of middle east countries in that regard is like comparing apples to zebra's.... Its such an oversimplification its not even funny.

It sounds like you actually believe that "Extremism" is purely a product of religion as opposed to religion, economic strife, lack of education, 1st world exploitation and a slew of other issues.

Christians are not "more civilized" because of belief's come from a world power country. You can make a living, buy a home...hell...YOU can grow some herb and relax with a video game or whatever else floats your boat...The fact that our general thinking on this issue for a large section of the U.S. population is the same as the minority of violent extremists in the middle east (i.e. violent conflict) despite our opportunity for education is appaling
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So I take it you have issues with putting the brakes on a religion you can prove is out to kill you until we figure out what they are going to do about their own, it a bad idea ?

Is letting trial and error worth the next atrocity so some Muslim can live as is while we deal with the one`s that they say they aint ?
Don't over think this. I have issues with slapping someone who's simply working behind a cash register. I have a very low tolerance level for intolerance, and I don't like bullies. I would have probably intervened in some way if I'm in that store when this went down.
Bull....shit...... if america were half as bad off economically as Syria we would have gone all crusades on Canada and mexico years ago. Comparing America to any number of middle east countries in that regard is like comparing apples to zebra's.... Its such an oversimplification its not even funny.

It sounds like you actually believe that "Extremism" is purely a product of religion as opposed to religion, economic strife, lack of education, 1st world exploitation and a slew of other issues.

I stopped at the first sentence. Syria is that way because bad Muslims are fighting bad Muslims, and good Muslims are fleeing, For the US to take a side is foolish because the one that wins get`s to kill you. The second part of that sentence is incorrect and I don`t expect you to believe that. America had that time, Canada is still there.

Trump sees three deals in that like I do, One weak good party, two or more bad parties that want to disguise and infiltrate, You can`t tell one from the other because the good are so weak and you can`t see belief.

Stopping that religion from entering will make the best play until this is at least identified and addressed like Donald said.

He did not say we will never allow Muslim into the USA it is forever forbidden.

But they need help and it get`s complicated because nobody can differentiate between truth and lie within.
I don`t see much problem with the US joining forces with one of the two bad parties fighting to kill them, being bombed by someone else. I see ridiculous when the US complains about it.
Don't over think this. I have issues with slapping someone who's simply working behind a cash register. I have a very low tolerance level for intolerance, and I don't like bullies. I would have probably intervened in some way if I'm in that store when this went down.

I don`t play the how many selective quotes and videos I can find game. You lost your buoyancy playing it.

I`m not gonna match you with video and headline over and over of Black crime to convince you Black lives Don`t Matter.

Wrong strategy, doesn`t work anytime, and why I don`t play it.
I stopped at the first sentence. Syria is that way because bad Muslims are fighting bad Muslims, and good Muslims are fleeing, For the US to take a side is foolish because the one that wins get`s to kill you. The second part of that sentence is incorrect and I don`t expect you to believe that. America had that time, Canada is still there.

Trump sees three deals in that like I do, One weak good party, two or more bad parties that want to disguise and infiltrate, You can`t tell one from the other because the good are so weak and you can`t see belief.

Stopping that religion from entering will make the best play until this is at least identified and addressed like Donald said.

He did not say we will never allow Muslim into the USA it is forever forbidden.

But they need help and it get`s complicated because nobody can differentiate between truth and lie within.
Jesus...Obviously no ones invading Canada....what is this?.... "American Bacon"? Ok there John Candy. But sure we can ignore the underlying reasons for these issues if you like.

I love these right wing racist "true americans"...they claim to be true americans but havn't joined the military ( i did btw) and expect others to die and fight for their rights(like voting). christians but they cant help suffering people cause their too afraid of the few violent wingnuts.

Since 9/11 more Americans have been killed by christian zealots then muslim ones.

So maybe do the Christian and American thing and show some balls and compassion.
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