Well-Known Member
lol damn they're still workin on that kelp meal??? how'd the animal cookies turn out mo?
How long can veggies/fruits sit in bags in the deep freeze? Its extra cold in there, could they last a month or is that rediculous. It seems long nust curious.
Whats your guys favoirite bedding
Thanks for the reply. I was going to build my first worm bin out of these 15 gallon totes that are really thick and sturdy.
Whered you initially order your worms?
Can the parasites transfer to humans?"As a feeder species, BSFL are not known to be intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that infect poultry, while redworms are host to many.[16]"
Good to know! 10Q
Does this help? It is the #16 footnote off of wikipedia. I just skimmed briefly and it may have the info you are looking for if you use your worms for chicken feed.'ve done much reading on vermicomposting in addition to doing it. Not questioning the red wiggler's potential to host a parasite. Let's not confuse that with red wigglers automatically have anything parasitic, however Just like you have the potential for a parasite, but you probably don't
I'm not recalling any paper or case study that even describe a parasitic problem with composting red wigglers. I would therefore say it's an unlikely event statistically
Would love references to this being an issue when doing common vermicomposting
Unless you are eating them then I do not think you have to worry. If you are eating them then just be sure to cook them. Lots of meats contain parasites and that is why we cook them. Once cooked then the parasites are just added protein.That article lists quite a few hosts to parasites. Cockroaches, flies, moths.
I guess regardless of what you're feeding to an animal, you would want to make sure it wasn't contaminated. That's true for anything, not just a red wiggler
Again, it would be a shame if the take away from this thread was that red wigglers host parasites