San Bernardino

Anyway, ive
How would you suggest monitoring what citizens do with their guns?

Remember that until a person commits a crime or is flagged by a psychiatrist, they can purchase a gun legally.

A gun owners can always be killed and have their gun stolen too. The sandy hook killer killed his own mother to gain access to the guns he used.

Crazy/radicalized/hateful people will always find a way to do harm.

Im not smart to have the answers. I just think what weve been doing is not what we need to keep doing. To get different results, we have do something different.
Of course. Did you see my link? http://www.conservativeoutfitters.c...hat-were-stopped-by-a-few-good-guys-with-guns

Every monthly NRA mag has a section called "Armed Citizen" which details where a "defenseless" person is violently attacked, house broke into, and some old lady or young girl unloads with a gun killing or wounding the attacker (s). The stories' source are given too.
Do they have a section about legally purchased guns used in murders and domestic violence?
Oh they don't have enough ink for that?
Stories like this make me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Dec. 9, 2007
2 parishioners were killed and 3 wounded when a gunman toting a Bushmaster AR-15 opened fire at New Hope Church. Hearing the rifle fire, Jeanne Assam grabbed her personal concealed carry firearm and confronted the gunman from a distance of 20 yards. According to 5280 Magazine:
She fires five quick shots. Murray falls backward. Assam moves to the middle of the corridor and rushes forward. She’s a few dozen feet from Murray now, exposed in the middle of the hallway. “Drop your weapon, or I will kill you!” she yells. Murray sits up to face her. He’s still holding the rifle. Boom-boom-boom. Bullets rip past her and pepper a wall. While Murray shoots, Assam fires three times.

Through the haze of gun smoke, Assam sees the man struggling on the floor. He props his head against a wall. Her weapon is up, trained on the man. She sees his hands moving near his shoulder. He’s trying to pull the pin on a grenade. He’s going to kill everyone around here, Assam thinks. She instinctively steps back and fires two more shots.

Anyway, ive

Im not smart to have the answers. I just think what weve been doing is not what we need to keep doing. To get different results, we have do something different.
Prevention and awareness are the most effective solutions. Imo.

I wish there was something easier and more complete but there just isn't.

Every individual has a choice. Some choose to do harm through thievery, lying, cheating, abusing or killing.
I know a guy who shot someone who was a criminal immediateIy after a robbery. Robber sued, now gets money every month from shooter.

These things don't always turn out like one would think...Everybody has rights.
I know a guy who shot someone who was a criminal immediateIy after a robbery. Robber sued, now gets money every month from shooter.

These things don't always turn out like one would think...Everybody has rights.

So you're saying people shouldn't have the right to protect themselves?

Glad I live in a state that has the castle doctrine.

Attempt to rob someone here and you can legally be shot dead, dead men can't sue.

Lol, get the fuck out of here.

About 1.5 million deer-vehicle collisions happen each year in the United States, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Those accidents cause about 150 deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage annually, according to NHTSA.

130 people killed across the U.S. by deer, almost exclusively because drivers hit the deers with their cars. That saying "a deer in the headlights" came about for a reason.

It'd be a lot more if there were no hunters.
About 1.5 million deer-vehicle collisions happen each year in the United States, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Those accidents cause about 150 deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage annually, according to NHTSA.

130 people killed across the U.S. by deer, almost exclusively because drivers hit the deers with their cars. That saying "a deer in the headlights" came about for a reason.

It be a lot more if there were no hunters.
Guns will kill roughly 30,000 people tho year but hey, we saved 150. Good trade off.