San Bernardino

You cannot purchase those in the us. Unless you are military or a criminal.

Do some research. Machine guns are not available to the public.

All rifles are semi auto meaning you have to pull the trigger for each bullet.

I know machine guns are not on sale to citizens. I was just replying to a guy who I thought was sticking up for all the assault weapons the public already has. He mentioned machine guns.
For every kooky planned Parenthood style gunman, There are thousands of law abiding citizens that responsibly own guns.

Of course. Did you see my link? http://www.conservativeoutfitters.c...hat-were-stopped-by-a-few-good-guys-with-guns

Every monthly NRA mag has a section called "Armed Citizen" which details where a "defenseless" person is violently attacked, house broke into, and some old lady or young girl unloads with a gun killing or wounding the attacker (s). The stories' source are given too.
U.S. officials tell CBS News that 28-year-old Farook started searching for a wife using an online dating website. He met Tashfeen Malik and they became engaged in 2013 after he traveled to Saudi Arabia during the annual pilgrimage know as the Hajj. Farook returned to Saudi Arabia in July 2014 to bring her to the U.S. She passed a Homeland Security counterterrorism screening as part of the vetting process, and officials tell CBS News Farook was not on any U.S. terror watch lists
I know machine guns are not on sale to citizens. I was just replying to a guy who I thought was sticking up for all the assault weapons the public already has. He mentioned machine guns.

Go look up how many guns there are in the US. We have more guns in the hands of citizens than any other country.

How many gun owners kill people?
Go look up how many guns there are in the US. We have more guns in the hands of citizens than any other country.

How many gun owners kill people?

im not an expert on gun laws or statistics. I'm just like most other people in being amazed at how easy it seems to be for a person to kill a bunch of people so quick and easy in america with a gun.
im not an expert on gun laws or statistics. I'm just like most other people in being amazed at how easy it seems to be for a person to kill a bunch of people so quick and easy in america with a gun.
Can do more damage with a well placed bomb.

Egypt just had 14 killed from a molotov cocktail at a night club. Literally alcohol in a bottle with some cloth and a flame.
Can do more damage with a well placed bomb.

Egypt just had 14 killed from a molotov cocktail at a night club. Literally alcohol in a bottle with some cloth and a flame.
You don't even need a bomb if you are deranged and just want to kill. A car driven into a crowded area would do the trick.
I don't know what the answers are. But the answer is something different than what we've been trying.
Things are just going to get worse. Not because of guns.

Mental health, economy, reduced police budgets, radicalized individuals, breakdown of the family (negligent or absent parents), international tension...

People who want to do harm will find a way. That is just the way the world works.
I think the gun loving people (no offense) should be as worried about these shootings as everyone else. And support better checks and not allow just anyone to sell a used gun to just anybody else.

Because if the same shit keeps happening, bloody bodies and kids laying around dead, the people through government may undo the 2nd ammendment. My dad (a gun owner) is worried about that.
I think the gun loving people (no offense) should be as worried about these shootings as everyone else. And support better checks and not allow just anyone to sell a used gun to just anybody else.

Because if the same shit keeps happening, bloody bodies and kids laying around dead, the people may go way overboard and undo the 2nd ammendment. My dad (a gun owner) is worried about that.
How would you suggest monitoring what citizens do with their guns?

Remember that until a person commits a crime or is flagged by a psychiatrist, they can purchase a gun legally.

A gun owners can always be killed and have their gun stolen too. The sandy hook killer killed his own mother to gain access to the guns he used.

Crazy/radicalized/hateful people will always find a way to do harm.