EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Its a pipe dream man, can't be done. You would have mass flight from every urban area in the Country.

I disagree. Most people in better off areas are already making more, much more, than minimum wage and thus have no incentive to up stakes and bail.

On the other hand, it would sure slow down the flight FROM those economically depressed areas to the already overcrowded big cities. That's an outcome that works for everyone.
I'm probably not explaining it correctly... Try this ...

Who is going to work the hundreds of thousands of minimum wage jobs in Chicago or N.Y. or S.F. ? Nobody in their right mind would stay there to work for 15$ an hour ...while having to pay 30% increase in Fuel, Food, Utility Bills, Insurance, cigarettes,booze, rent-Mortgage etc. If you could make the same wage-job an hour or 2 away.
I'm probably not explaining it correctly... Try this ...

Who is going to work the hundreds of thousands of minimum wage jobs in Chicago or N.Y. or S.F. ? Nobody in their right mind would stay there to work for 15$ an hour ...while having to pay 30% increase in Fuel, Food, Utility Bills, Insurance, cigarettes,booze, rent-Mortgage etc. If you could make the same wage-job an hour or 2 away.

I get your point. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
I'm probably not explaining it correctly... Try this ...

Who is going to work the hundreds of thousands of minimum wage jobs in Chicago or N.Y. or S.F. ? Nobody in their right mind would stay there to work for 15$ an hour ...while having to pay 30% increase in Fuel, Food, Utility Bills, Insurance, cigarettes,booze, rent-Mortgage etc. If you could make the same wage-job an hour or 2 away.

Hmm, little to no traffic, less stress, more family time.
Nah, It's not good for China, Oil, Pharma or the Prison Industries.

Corp. Board Members aren't required to be "American", but can funnel millions into Lobbying.

Why is Washington continuing to build China's middle class would be a better question.
No, I am a little dog who had to shell out over 13,000 dollars in taxes last year.

Decide whether you are for the average man or against him. You are declaring that I am the average man yet miss the fact that not only the rich have to pay a shitload in taxes to support all your 'free' shit.


Average man = Scorp

Unless you are a billionaire, it's not you we have targeted..have you heard of small business Saturday? We are defending you..How many of your friends participate?

I spoke to yet another concerned citizen at the dog park yesterday who doesn't vote..a dem no less..asked her what she thought about Bernie.. man..did she perk up. .3 bullet points is all it takes.

My schuylaar senses have noticed a definitive shift in the general public opinion from Bernie who? To Bernie! Let's do! In the last 30 days.

That $13k was a portion of what some Fortune 500's -45% NETR that you paid for..right church; wrong pew.
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Nope, you are incorrect.
Ronnie was 69 years and 349 days old...He was still 69

We look first at the ages of our Presidents, from oldest-to-youngest, on the day that they assumed office. The oldest President, Ronald Reagan, was inaugurated just 17 days short of his 70th birthday and was nearly 78 years old when he left office in 1989. He fared much better than the second oldest, William Henry Harrison, who was 68 on Inauguration Day 1841 and dead one month later. The youngest President ever was Theodore Roosevelt, who assumed office upon President McKinley’s assassination and wasn’t elected in his own right until 1904. The youngest person to be ELECTED President was John F. Kennedy.
Age | President | (Term as President)
69 years, 349 days:
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)


I knew I get get you fuckers to finally google something.

I'm not surprised that you like him. You have a lot in common. Especially in his later days.

The best understatement describing the Reign of the Joker:
The overwhelming praise for a president who plunged the nation into its worst deficit ever, ignored and cut public money for the poor, while also ignoring the AIDS crisis, is a bit tough to take.

Just say no to drugs - Mommy Reagan
You keep saying 'they have the game rigged' when it was the government who legally rigged the game. Why are you not mad at the government again? Oh yeah, dont bite the hand that feeds ya ;]

Lemme explain something to you..1) laws are made because of negative actions or conditions..pick a law..any law and I will clearly show you it is the disgusting human condition of exploitation and bad behaviors, which got us said law..there is no one to blame but ourselves..2) Define lobbyist.

I seriously can't believe you're this thick..you only paint half of your selective picture.
I didn't bring up 2010, he did. At least a year, in which he had majorities in both the House and the Senate. He did plenty? Let's see, my sister's Obamacare wouldn't pay a single one of her medical bills, not a single one or any portion of one. Iraq has fallen into the hands of ISIS, Russia has begun a new campaign of global dominance, radical Islam has grown more powerful and acquired a homeland, too many to list here. Just because you can get a free PAP smear now doesn't imply good leadership.

I don't believe you about your sisters ACA..ala' @nitro harley..
You're going to have to cite.

GOP math is different from that which is universal language of 1+1=2.

Average man = Scorp

Unless you are a billionaire, it's not you we have targeted..have you heard of small business Saturday? We are defending you..How many of your friends participate?

I spoke to yet another concerned citizen at the dog park yesterday who doesn't vote..a dem no less..asked her what she thought about Bernie.. man..did she perk up. .3 bullet points is all it takes.

My schuylaar senses have noticed a definitive shift in the general public opinion from Bernie who? To Bernie! Let's do! In the last 30 days.

That $13k was a portion of what some Fortune 500's -45% NETR that you paid for..right church; wrong pew.
Is that why in aggregate polling Bernie is 20+ points behind Clinton?
Depends how much a greedy tax evading Cayman Island creep makes...

You obviovsly have no problem with massive redistribution of wealth UPWARD...

Then cry like a typical rich ass fucktard about redistribution of wealth to help the people technically in poverty...

Don't worry about people below you unless you're willing to trade places with them...the 1% control your ass. Own it.
And keep that cash going up, up, UP!

Election reform, lobby reform, tax reform, is the best option...

You can go back to ejaculating to Fox news now...And make sure the rich pay LESS while you pay MORE.

Bravo! + rep :clap:
Yeah, spending your paycheck is "redistribution"
When the people refuse to support themselves and demand I support them, I'm in favor of them getting hungry enough to go out and earn their keep, not feeding them, housing them, and giving them a free education they intend to waste.
"Don't worry about people below you unless you're willing to trade places with them." So, unless I'm willing to be poor, I shouldn't give a damn about them? Strange philosophy.
Your "reforms" only seem to apply to those who disagree with you, let's not pretend otherwise.
The rich already pay more. You just think you have the right to unlimited confiscation of those you deem better off than you. Or even those worse off.

You know Red, you should be mad..you're right, you shouldn't have to support us..but you're upset with the wrong group..

1-1% doesnt want to pay taxes and shift more of the burden to you, Single-0 taxpayer and Scorp.
2-1% doesn't wish increase in wages or to hire the American worker, a total double whammy on the economy..exactly who do they think buys their products?
3-money is hidden offshore on top of that -45% ETR that they don't pay..so there's not even a clear picture.

Until we truly attempt to change this, nothing will.

Bernie Sanders is our best bet to attempt the above.

Remember T-mobile says: Now you can leave your phone at home..:lol:
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For forty years, this country has been getting more and more conservative. Inequalities have gotten worse. Our human rights record inside and outside the country is terrible. The country isn't working for anyone but the one percent, and ignoring the needs of 99% of anything is a recipe for disaster.

Coincidence? That's the best that right wingers can come up with?